Source code for pySPACE.environments.backends.mpi_backend
""" Distribute the processes on a High Performance Cluster
Very simple Implementation.
.. todo:: Documentation
:Author: Yohannes Kassahun (
:Created: 2011/01/11
import os
import sys
import logging
import logging.handlers
import cPickle
import shutil
import time
import subprocess
import pySPACE
from pySPACE.environments.backends.base import Backend
from import ProgressBar, Percentage, ETA, Bar
[docs]class MpiBackend(Backend):
A message passing interface (mpi) backend to pySPACE
In order to use this backend, you need a working MPI distribution and mpi4py.
You can download mpi4py from mpi4py is
compatible with a python 2.3 to 2.7 or 3.0 to 3.1 distribution.
This backend assumes a global file system that is seen by all nodes running
the processes.
:pool_size: Define how many MPI processes should be started in parallel.
This should not exceed the amount of available processors.
(or the number of mpi slots defined in the hostsfile)
(*recommended, default: 156*)
[docs] def __init__(self, pool_size = 156):
super(MpiBackend, self).__init__()
#self.COMMAND_MPI = '/usr/lib64/openmpi/bin/mpirun'
self.COMMAND_MPI = 'mpirun'
self.COMMAND_PYTHON = sys.executable
self.runner_script = os.sep.join([pySPACE.configuration.root_dir,
# start as many processes as the total number of processors
# available
self.NumberOfProcessesToRunAtBeginning = pool_size
self.NumberOfProcessesToRunLater = pool_size #39
[docs] def __del__(self):
[docs] def stage_in(self, operation):
Stage the current operation
super(MpiBackend, self).stage_in(operation)
# init of process lists, because backend is only initialized once
self.process_args_list = []
self.IndexCopyStart = 0
self.ProcessingSuccessful = True
self.TotalProcessesFinished = 0
self.CrashedProcesses = []
# Set up progress bar
widgets = ['Operation progress: ', Percentage(), ' ', Bar(), ' ', ETA()]
self.progress_bar = ProgressBar(widgets = widgets,
maxval = self.current_operation.number_processes)
# The handler that is used remotely for logging
handler_class = logging.handlers.SocketHandler
handler_args = {"host" :, "port" : self.port}
# Set up stage in directory
stagein_dir = os.sep.join([self.current_operation.result_directory,
# Check if hosts file is created in the right directoy
HostfileCreated = pySPACE.configuration.root_dir+ "/" +'hostsfile'
if (not os.path.isfile(HostfileCreated)):
print "***************************************************************************************************"
print "hostsfile not created !"
print "Please create the hosts file with a filename 'hostsfile' under ", pySPACE.configuration.root_dir
print "***************************************************************************************************"
raise UserWarning('Missing hostsfile.')
if not os.path.exists(stagein_dir):
process = self.current_operation.processes.get()
print "Preparing processes. This might take a few minutes...."
# Until not all Processes have been created prepare all processes
# from the queue for remote execution and execute them
i = 0
while process != False:
process.prepare(pySPACE.configuration, handler_class, handler_args)
# since preparing the process might be quite faster than executing
# it we need another queue where processes get out when they have
# finished execution
# Execute all functions in the process pool but return immediately
#self.pool.apply_async(process, callback=self.dequeue_process)
proc_file_name = os.sep.join([stagein_dir,
"process_%d.pickle" % i])
proc_file = open(proc_file_name, "w")
cPickle.dump(process, proc_file)
# Add task to job specification
# Get the next process
process = self.current_operation.processes.get()
self._log("Operation - staged")
self.state = "staged"
[docs] def execute(self, timeout=1e6):
Executes all processes specified in the currently staged
assert(self.state == "staged")
[docs] def check_status(self):
Returns a description of the current state of the operations
#return float(["percentDone"]) / 100.0
#return float(self.current_process) / self.current_operation.number_processes
return 1.0
[docs] def not_xor(self, a, b):
return not((a or b) and not (a and b))
[docs] def retrieve(self, timeout=1e6):
Returns the result of the operation.
self.state = "executing"
self._log("Operation - executing")
if (self.NumberOfProcessesToRunAtBeginning > len(self.process_args_list)):
args = ([self.COMMAND_MPI] +
['--hostfile'] +
[pySPACE.configuration.root_dir+ "/" +'hostsfile'] +
['-n', str(len(self.process_args_list))] +
[self.runner_script] +
# Start the processes.
self._log("mpi-parameters: %s" % args, level=logging.DEBUG);
self._log("mpi-parameters-joined: %s" % os.path.join(args), level=logging.DEBUG);
p =subprocess.Popen(args)
self.IndexCopyStart += self.NumberOfProcessesToRunAtBeginning
#print args
#copy the arguments of the processes to run
sub_process_args_list = (self.process_args_list[self.IndexCopyStart:
args = ([self.COMMAND_MPI] +
['--hostfile'] +
[pySPACE.configuration.root_dir+ "/" +'hostsfile'] +
['-n', str(len(sub_process_args_list))] +
[self.runner_script] +
# Start the processes.
p = subprocess.Popen(args)
#self.pids.append(p) # TODO: call p.poll() for p in self.pids after all processes have exited
self.IndexCopyStart += self.NumberOfProcessesToRunAtBeginning
#print args
# Create a list of boolean for processes which are finished.
# First we assume that all processes are not started, so we set
# every element of the list to false
FinishedProcesses=[False for i in range(len(self.process_args_list))]
# Wait until all processes finish and start new processes
# when old ones finish
print "Waiting for the processes to finish...."
# Counter for the processes which are finished. It will be reset
# after 'NumberOfProcessesToRunLater' processes are finished
CounterProcessesFinished = 0
processes_Finished = False
while not processes_Finished:
processes_Finished = True
for LoopCounter, process_args in enumerate(self.process_args_list):
if (self.not_xor (os.path.isfile(process_args+"_Finished"),
processes_Finished = False
if (FinishedProcesses[LoopCounter] == False):
# Record that the process is finished
FinishedProcesses[LoopCounter] = True
# If the process is crashed take note of that
if (os.path.isfile(process_args+"_Crashed")):
# Increment the counter for the number of processes finished
# by one
CounterProcessesFinished += 1
self.TotalProcessesFinished += 1
# update the progress bar
if (CounterProcessesFinished == self.NumberOfProcessesToRunLater):
# Define a variable for a subset of processes to run
sub_process_args_list = []
if (self.IndexCopyStart==len(self.process_args_list)):
elif ((self.IndexCopyStart+self.NumberOfProcessesToRunLater)< len(self.process_args_list)):
sub_process_args_list = (self.process_args_list[self.IndexCopyStart:
self.IndexCopyStart +self.NumberOfProcessesToRunLater])
sub_process_args_list = self.process_args_list[self.IndexCopyStart:len(self.process_args_list)]
args = ([self.COMMAND_MPI] +
['--hostfile'] +
[pySPACE.configuration.root_dir+ "/" +'hostsfile'] +
['-n', str(len(sub_process_args_list))] +
[self.runner_script] +
# Start the processes
if (len(sub_process_args_list) > 0):
p = subprocess.Popen(args)
#print args
# Adjust the start index
self.IndexCopyStart += self.NumberOfProcessesToRunLater
# Reset the counter for processes finished
CounterProcessesFinished = 0
# sleep for one second
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): # if processes hang forever
self.ProcessingSuccessful = False
print "*********************************************************************************************************"
print "pySPACE forced to stop ..."
print "Please wait until mpi_backend is finished with consolidating the results generated and with clean up ..."
print "**********************************************************************************************************"
import pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.performance_result.PerformanceResultSummary as PerformanceResultSummary
# merge the remaining files
print "***************************************************************************************************"
print "Starting merging . . ."
print "Merging complete . . ."
print "***************************************************************************************************"
break #The while loop will break
self._log("Operation - processing finished")
# Change the state to retrieved
self.state = "retrieved"
return None
[docs] def consolidate(self):
Consolidates the results of the single processes into a consistent result of the whole
assert(self.state == "retrieved")
if ((self.ProcessingSuccessful ==True) and (len(self.CrashedProcesses) == 0)):
if ((self.ProcessingSuccessful ==True) and (len(self.CrashedProcesses) != 0)):
import pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.performance_result.PerformanceResultSummary as PerformanceResultSummary
# merge the remaining files
print "***************************************************************************************************"
print "Starting merging . . ."
print "Merging complete . . ."
print "***************************************************************************************************"
self._log("Operation - consolidated")
self.state = "consolidated"
[docs] def cleanup(self):
Remove the current operation and all potential results that
have been stored in this object
self.state = "idling"
# Cleaning up...
stagein_dir = os.sep.join([self.current_operation.result_directory,
if ((self.ProcessingSuccessful == True) and (len(self.CrashedProcesses) == 0)):
deleted = False
while not deleted:
deleted = True
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == 66:
self._log("Could not remove .stagein dir "
", waiting for NFS lock",
self._log("Operation - cleaned up")
# Remove the file logger for this operation
# close listener socket
self.current_operation = None