""" The module that trains pyspace flows.
import os
import glob
import multiprocessing
import time
import shutil
import logging
import yaml
import datetime
import re
from pySPACE.environments.chains.node_chain import NodeChain, NodeChainFactory
from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.base import BaseDataset
from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.time_series import TimeSeriesDataset
from pySPACE.environments.live import eeg_stream_manager
online_logger = logging.getLogger("OnlineLogger")
[docs]class LiveTrainer(object):
""" The class is responsible to perform all tasks in pyspace live that
are related to the training process of pyspace The trained
flows are stored in the flow_storage directory.
[docs] def __init__(self, flow_storage = "flow_storage",
prewindowed_data_directory = "prewindowed_data_storage"):
self.training_active_potential = {}
# : path to storage location for node_chain defs and pickles
self.flow_storage = flow_storage
# : path to storage location for prewindowed data
self.prewindowed_data_directory = prewindowed_data_directory
# : stores node_chain definition as dictionary
self.node_chain_definitions = {}
# : stores executable node_chains
self.node_chains = {}
self.train_process = {}
self.prewindowed_data = {}
self.queue = {}
self.data_stream_process = {}
self.window_stream = {}
self.target_shown = {}
self.last_target_data = {}
self.marker_windower = {}
self.training_paused_potential = multiprocessing.Value('b',False)
self.nullmarker_stride_ms = None
[docs] def set_controller(self,controller):
""" Set reference to the calling controller """
self.controller = controller
[docs] def set_eeg_stream_manager(self, stream_manager):
""" Set the stream manager that provides the training data """
self.stream_manager = stream_manager
[docs] def prepare_training(self, training_files, potentials, operation, nullmarker_stride_ms = None):
""" Prepares pyspace live for training.
Prepares everything for training of pyspace live,
i.e. creates flows based on the dataflow specs
and configures them.
online_logger.info( "Preparing Training")
self.potentials = potentials
self.operation = operation
self.nullmarker_stride_ms = nullmarker_stride_ms
if self.nullmarker_stride_ms == None:
online_logger.warn( 'Nullmarker stride interval is %s. You can specify it in your parameter file.' % self.nullmarker_stride_ms)
online_logger.info( 'Nullmarker stride interval is set to %s ms ' % self.nullmarker_stride_ms)
online_logger.info( "Creating flows..")
for key in self.potentials.keys():
spec_base = self.potentials[key]["configuration"].spec_dir
if self.operation == "train":
self.potentials[key]["node_chain"] = os.path.join(spec_base, self.potentials[key]["node_chain"])
online_logger.info( "node_chain_spec:" + self.potentials[key]["node_chain"])
elif self.operation in ("prewindowing", "prewindowing_offline"):
self.potentials[key]["prewindowing_flow"] = os.path.join(spec_base, self.potentials[key]["prewindowing_flow"])
online_logger.info( "prewindowing_dataflow_spec: " + self.potentials[key]["prewindowing_flow"])
elif self.operation == "prewindowed_train":
self.potentials[key]["postprocess_flow"] = os.path.join(spec_base, self.potentials[key]["postprocess_flow"])
online_logger.info( "postprocessing_dataflow_spec: " + self.potentials[key]["postprocess_flow"])
self.training_active_potential[key] = multiprocessing.Value("b",False)
online_logger.info("Path variables set for NodeChains")
# check if multiple potentials are given for training
if isinstance(training_files, list):
self.training_data = training_files
self.training_data = [training_files]
# Training is done in separate processes, we send the time series
# windows to these threads via two queues
online_logger.info( "Initializing Queues")
for key in self.potentials.keys():
self.queue[key] = multiprocessing.Queue()
def flow_generator(key):
"""create a generator to yield all the abri flow windows"""
# Yield all windows until a None item is found in the queue
while True:
window = self.queue[key].get(block = True, timeout = None)
if window == None: break
yield window
# Create the actual data flows
for key in self.potentials.keys():
if self.operation == "train":
self.node_chains[key] = NodeChainFactory.flow_from_yaml(Flow_Class = NodeChain,
flow_spec = file(self.potentials[key]["node_chain"]))
flow = open(self.potentials[key]["node_chain"])
elif self.operation in ("prewindowing", "prewindowing_offline"):
online_logger.info("loading prewindowing flow..")
online_logger.info("file: " + str(self.potentials[key]["prewindowing_flow"]))
self.node_chains[key] = NodeChainFactory.flow_from_yaml(Flow_Class = NodeChain,
flow_spec = file(self.potentials[key]["prewindowing_flow"]))
flow = open(self.potentials[key]["prewindowing_flow"])
elif self.operation == "prewindowed_train":
self.node_chains[key] = NodeChainFactory.flow_from_yaml(Flow_Class = NodeChain, flow_spec = file(self.potentials[key]["postprocess_flow"]))
replace_start_and_end_markers = False
final_collection = TimeSeriesDataset()
final_collection_path = os.path.join(self.prewindowed_data_directory, key, "all_train_data")
# delete previous training collection
if os.path.exists(final_collection_path):
online_logger.info("deleting old training data collection for " + key)
# load all prewindowed collections and
# append data to the final collection
prewindowed_sets = \
glob.glob(os.path.join(self.prewindowed_data_directory, key, "*"))
if len(prewindowed_sets) == 0:
online_logger.error("Couldn't find data, please do prewindowing first!")
raise Exception
online_logger.info("concatenating prewindowed data from " + str(prewindowed_sets))
for s,d in enumerate(prewindowed_sets):
collection = BaseDataset.load(d)
data = collection.get_data(0, 0, "train")
for d,(sample,label) in enumerate(data):
if replace_start_and_end_markers:
# in case we concatenate multiple 'Window' labeled
# sets we have to remove every start- and endmarker
for k in sample.marker_name.keys():
# find '{S,s} 8' or '{S,s} 9'
m = re.match("^s\s{0,2}[8,9]{1}$", k, re.IGNORECASE)
if m is not None:
online_logger.info(str("remove %s from %d %d" % (m.group(), s, d)))
if s == len(prewindowed_sets)-1 and \
d == len(data)-1:
# insert endmarker
sample.marker_name["S 9"] = [0.0]
online_logger.info("added endmarker" + str(s) + " " + str(d))
if s == 0 and d == 0:
# insert startmarker
sample.marker_name["S 8"] = [0.0]
online_logger.info("added startmarker" + str(s) + " " + str(d))
final_collection.add_sample(sample, label, True)
# save final collection (just for debugging)
online_logger.info("stored final collection at " + final_collection_path)
# load final collection again for training
online_logger.info("loading data from " + final_collection_path)
self.prewindowed_data[key] = BaseDataset.load(final_collection_path)
flow = open(self.potentials[key]["postprocess_flow"])
# create window_stream for every potential
if self.operation in ("prewindowing"):
window_spec_file = os.path.join(spec_base,"node_chains","windower",
self.window_stream[key] = \
nullmarker_stride_ms = self.nullmarker_stride_ms)
elif self.operation in ("prewindowing_offline"):
elif self.operation in ("train"):
self.node_chain_definitions[key] = yaml.load(flow)
# TODO: check if the prewindowing flow is still needed when using the stream mode!
if self.operation in ("train"):
online_logger.info( "Removing old flows...")
online_logger.info("Could not delete flow storage directory")
elif self.operation in ("prewindowing", "prewindowing_offline"):
# follow this policy:
# - delete prewindowed data older than 12 hours
# - always delete trained/stored flows
now = datetime.datetime.now()
then = now - datetime.timedelta(hours=12)
if not os.path.exists(self.prewindowed_data_directory):
if not os.path.exists(self.flow_storage):
for key in self.potentials.keys():
found = self.find_files_older_than(then, \
os.path.join(self.prewindowed_data_directory, key))
if found is not None:
for f in found:
online_logger.info(str("recursively deleting files in \'%s\'" % f))
except Exception as e:
# TODO: find a smart solution for this!
pass # dir was probably already deleted..
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.prewindowed_data_directory, key, "all_train_data")):
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(self.prewindowed_data_directory, key, "all_train_data"))
online_logger.info("deleted concatenated training data for " + key)
online_logger.info( "Training preparations finished")
return 0
[docs] def find_files_older_than(self, then, dir):
# recursively find files in 'dir' which are older
# then 'date' and add their basepath to 'found'
found = None
for r,d,f in os.walk(dir):
for file in f:
if file.startswith("."):
abs_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(r, file))
if os.path.getmtime(abs_file) < time.mktime(then.timetuple()):
if found is None:
found = list()
print f, " -> adding -> ", r
online_logger.info(str("pathes to delete: %s" % found))
return found
[docs] def training_fct(self, key):
""" Function that performs the real training """
self.training_active_potential[key].value= True
online_logger.info( key + " " + self.operation + " started")
if self.operation in ("train", "prewindowed_train"):
elif self.operation in ("prewindowing", "prewindowing_offline"):
result_collection = {}
result_collection[key] = self.node_chains[key][-1].get_result_dataset()
save_dir = os.path.abspath(self.prewindowed_data_directory + os.path.sep + key)
if not os.path.exists(save_dir):
os.mkdir(os.path.abspath(self.prewindowed_data_directory + os.path.sep + key))
if result_collection[key] != None:
online_logger.info("storing result collection for " + key)
now = datetime.datetime.now()
now_folder = str("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d" % \
(now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second))
p = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.prewindowed_data_directory, \
key, now_folder))
if not os.path.exists(p):
online_logger.info( key + " Prewindowed data stored!")
online_logger.warn(str("result-collection for %s was None - nothing stored.." % key))
online_logger.info( key + " " + self.operation + " finished")
online_logger.info( "Storing " + key +" flow model...")
self.node_chains[key].save("%s/%s.pickle" % (self.flow_storage, self.operation + "_flow_"+ key))
f = open('%s/%s.yaml' % (self.flow_storage, self.operation +"_flow_"+ key),"w")
yaml.dump(self.node_chain_definitions[key], f, default_flow_style=False)
online_logger.info( key + " Flow Model stored!")
self.training_active_potential[key].value = False
[docs] def triggered_queue_filler_training(self,data,label, key):
if label in self.potentials[key]['positive_event']:
self.target_shown[key] = True
self.last_target_data[key] = data
elif label in self.potentials[key]['trigger_event']:
if self.target_shown[key] == True:
self.queue[key].put((self.last_target_data[key], self.potentials[key]['positive_event']))
self.target_shown[key] = False
elif label in self.potentials[key]['negative_event']:
self.queue[key].put((data, label))
[docs] def classification_thread(self, key):
""" Thread that processes external training commands """
window_counter = 0
active = False
for data, label in self.window_stream[key]:
if self.training_paused_potential.value == True:
online_logger.info("Got instance number "+ str(window_counter) + " with class %s" % label)
window_counter += 1
# Skip the first few training examples since there might be no
# clear distinction between standards and targets
if "ignore_num_first_examples" in self.potentials[key]:
if window_counter < int(self.potentials[key]["ignore_num_first_examples"]):
online_logger.info("Ignoring first " + str(window_counter) + " " + key + " training samples")
if self.potentials[key].has_key("trigger_event"):
self.triggered_queue_filler_training(data, label, key)
# distribution is performed only if it is activated beforehand
elif self.potentials[key].has_key("activation_label"):
if label in self.potentials[key]["activation_label"]:
online_logger.warn("Detection of " + key + "started")
active = True
if label in self.potentials[key]["positive_event"] and active:
self.queue[key].put((data, label))
if label in self.potentials[key]["deactivation_label"]:
online_logger.warn("Detection of " + key + "stopped")
active = False
if label in self.potentials[key]["positive_event"]:
self.queue[key].put((data, label))
elif label in self.potentials[key]["negative_event"]:
self.queue[key].put((data, label))
online_logger.info( "Streaming data finished")
online_logger.debug("Submit stream end data item...")
online_logger.debug("Stream end data item submitted")
[docs] def stream_data(self, key):
""" A function that forwards the data to the worker threads """
spec_base = self.potentials[key]["configuration"].spec_dir
window_spec_file = {}
if self.operation in ("prewindowing"):
online_logger.info(str("streaming data for %s started" % key))
# all done!
online_logger.info(str("%s for %s finished" % (self.operation, key)))
elif self.operation in ("prewindowing_offline"):
data_set_count = 0
# create local stream manager
local_streaming = eeg_stream_manager.LiveEegStreamManager(online_logger)
for train_dataset in self.training_data:
# continue if we are not supposed to train any further
if self.training_paused_potential.value == True:
# stream local file
# create window stream
window_spec_file[key] = os.path.join(spec_base,
self.window_stream[key] = local_streaming.request_window_stream(window_spec_file[key], \
# process the data
online_logger.info(str("streaming data for %s started" % key))
data_set_count += 1
online_logger.info(str("dataset %d completely streamed for %s" % (data_set_count, key)))
# all done!
online_logger.info(str("training for %s finished" % key))
elif self.operation in ("train"):
data_set_count = 0
local_streaming = eeg_stream_manager.LiveEegStreamManager(online_logger)
for train_dataset in self.training_data:
if self.training_paused_potential.value == True:
online_logger.info("Start streaming training dataset " + train_dataset)
# Start EEG client
# create windower
print 'window specs: ' , self.potentials[key]["windower_spec_path_train"]
window_spec_file[key] = \
self.window_stream[key] = \
local_streaming.request_window_stream(window_spec_file[key], \
online_logger.info(key + " windower: " + str(self.window_stream[key]))
data_set_count += 1
online_logger.info(str("dataset %d completely streamed for %s" % (data_set_count, key)))
[docs] def start_training(self, operation, profiling=False):
""" Trains flows on the streamed data """
for key in self.potentials.keys():
assert(not self.training_active_potential[key].value == True)
# Stream the data
if self.operation in ("train", "prewindowing", "prewindowing_offline"):
self.data_stream_process[key] = multiprocessing.Process(target = self.stream_data, args = (key,))
if not key in self.train_process.keys():
# Start multiple threads for training
self.train_process[key] = multiprocessing.Process(target = self.training_fct, args = (key,))
#start all processes
self.training_paused_potential.value = False
# wait until training processes are set up and running
# they should run after 30s
setup_timer = 0
while not self.is_training_active():
if setup_timer > 30:
online_logger.error("Training processes not started")
raise RuntimeError("Training processes not started")
if self.operation in ("train", "prewindowing", "prewindowing_offline", "prewindowed_train"):
for key in self.train_process.iterkeys():
while self.train_process[key].is_alive():
[docs] def is_training_active(self):
""" Returns whether training is finished or still running """
active = False
alive = False
for key in self.potentials.keys():
active |= self.training_active_potential[key].value
for key in self.train_process.iterkeys():
alive |= self.train_process[key].is_alive()
if not alive:
active = False
return active
[docs] def process_external_command(self, command):
""" Process external stop command """
if command == "STOP":
for key in self.data_stream_process.keys():
[docs] def pause_training(self):
""" Pause the training phase """
self.training_paused_potential.value = True
[docs] def stop_training(self):
""" Force the end of the training """
# We stop the training by disconnecting the data stream from it
def read(**kwargs):
online_logger.info( "Canceling EEG transfer")
return 0
online_logger.info( "Stopping training ...")
# Wait until training has finished
for key in self.potentials.keys():
online_logger.info("Check if training is still active ...")
while self.is_training_active():
online_logger.info("Training is still active ...")
online_logger.info("Training finished")
return 0