Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.data_selection.filter_windows

""" Filtering of windows based on the label

import itertools
import logging

from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
from import MemoizeGeneratorNotRefreshableException

[docs]class FilterGenerator(object): """ Generator object that performs the actual filtering of the windows. """
[docs] def __init__(self, generator, caching=False, trigger_event = None, activation_label = None, positive_event = None, negative_event = None, deactivation_label = None): """ Stores the generator and creates an empty cache .. note:: Since the output of the generator is ordered, the cache is an ordered sequence of variable length like a list """ self.generator = generator self.caching = caching self.refreshable = True if self.caching: self.cache = [] self.trigger_event = trigger_event self.activation_label = activation_label self.positive_event = positive_event self.negative_event = negative_event self.deactivation_label = deactivation_label self.target_shown = False
[docs] def _fetch_from_generator(self): """ Fetches one fresh value from the generator, store it in the cache and yield it """ while True: x = #decide if window should be filtered out = throw it away nextValue = self.filter_windows(x) if nextValue: if self.caching: self.cache.append(nextValue) else: self.refreshable = False yield nextValue else: continue
[docs] def fresh(self): """ Return one generator that yields the same values like the internal one that was passed to __init__. .. note:: It does not recompute values that have already been requested before but just uses these from the internal cache. .. note:: Calling fresh invalidates all existing generators that have been created before using this method, i.e. there can only be one generator at a time """ if self.caching: return itertools.chain(self.cache, self._fetch_from_generator()) else: if not self.refreshable: raise MemoizeGeneratorNotRefreshableException( "This MemoizeGenerator does not cache elements from the generator and can thus not be reset") return self._fetch_from_generator()
[docs] def filter_windows(self, value): """ Method that is called for the filtering process. """ (data,label) = value result = [] # check for trigger event if self.trigger_event is not None: if label in self.positive_event: self.target_shown = True self.last_target_data = (data, label) elif label in self.trigger_event: if self.target_shown: result.append(self.last_target_data) self.target_shown = False else: pass elif label in self.negative_event: result.append((data, label)) else: print "##### nothing forwarded ##### (label=%s, trigger_event=%s)" % (label, self.trigger_event) # check for activation_label elif self.activation_label is not None: if label in self.activation_label: print "Detection started" active = True elif label in self.deactivation_label: print "Detection stopped" active = False if label in self.positive_event and active: result.append((data, label)) # classification for every other case else: result.append((data, label)) if result != []: for (x,y) in result: return (x,y) else: return 0
[docs]class FilterWindowsNode(BaseNode): """Filter out the windows depending on their label. The node inspects the label of the window and decides, based on the specified criteria and past events, if the window should be forwarded or ignored. It is possible to use a simple switch on / switch off mechanism or more complex state-machine like filtering with triggers. **Parameters** :activation_label: Start streaming windows after a window with this label. (*optional, default: None*) :deactivation_label: Stop streaming windows after a window with this label. (*optional, default: None*) :positive_event: Positive event for the state machine. (*optional, default: None*) :negative_event: Negative event for the state machine. (*optional, default: None*) **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : FilterWindows parameters : deactivation_label : "Stop" activation_label : "Start" :Authors: Hendrik Woehrle ( :Created: 2013/04/04 """
[docs] def __init__(self, trigger_event = None, activation_label = None, deactivation_label = None, positive_event = None, negative_event = None, use_test_data = True, **kwargs): super(FilterWindowsNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.set_permanent_attributes(trigger_event = trigger_event, activation_label = activation_label, positive_event = positive_event, negative_event = negative_event, deactivation_label = deactivation_label, use_test_data = use_test_data)
[docs] def request_data_for_training(self, use_test_data): """ Returns the filtered data for training of subsequent nodes """ self._log("Data for training is requested.", level = logging.DEBUG) if self.data_for_training == None: self._log("Producing data for training.", level = logging.DEBUG) # Train this node self.train_sweep(use_test_data) train_data_generator = \ itertools.imap(lambda (data, label) : (data, label), self.input_node.request_data_for_training(use_test_data)) self.data_for_training = FilterGenerator(train_data_generator, caching=self.caching, trigger_event = self.trigger_event, activation_label = self.activation_label, positive_event = self.positive_event, negative_event = self.negative_event, deactivation_label = self.deactivation_label) self._log("Data for training finished", level = logging.DEBUG) return self.data_for_training.fresh()
[docs] def request_data_for_testing(self): """ Returns the data for testing of subsequent nodes """ self._log("Data for testing is requested.", level = logging.DEBUG) self._log("Returning iterator over empty sequence.", level = logging.DEBUG) return (x for x in [].__iter__())
_NODE_MAPPING = {"Filter_Windows": FilterWindowsNode}