Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.feature_generation.frequency_features

""" Extract frequency properties like band powers

:Known issues:
    No unit tests!

import numpy
from matplotlib import mlab

from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.feature_vector import FeatureVector

[docs]class STFTFeaturesNode(BaseNode): """ Extract features based on the Short-term Fourier Transform This node converts the signal into the frequency domain using the Short-term Fourier transform. The power of certain cells of the STFT (i.e. the power in a frequency band in a certain time interval) are returned as features. **Parameters** :frequency_band: The frequency band which is used to extract features from the spectrogram. If this parameter is not specified (None), the complete frequency range (-inf,+inf) is used. (*optional, default: None*) :frequency_resolution: The desired frequency resolution of the spectrogram, i.e. the smallest distance between two frequencies being distinguishable. Increasing the frequency resolution decreases the time resolution. .. note:: *frequency_resolution* << sampling_frequency **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : STFT_Features parameters : frequency_band : [0.4,3.5] frequency_resolution : 1.0 :Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen ( :Created: 2009/03/09 """
[docs] def __init__(self, frequency_band = None, frequency_resolution = None, *args, **kwargs): super(STFTFeaturesNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if frequency_band != None: min_frequency, max_frequency = frequency_band else: min_frequency, max_frequency = (-numpy.inf, numpy.inf) self.set_permanent_attributes(min_frequency = min_frequency, max_frequency = max_frequency, frequency_resolution = frequency_resolution) assert (frequency_resolution != None), \ "*frequency_resolution* is a required parameter! It can't " \ "be None."
[docs] def _execute(self, x): """ Extract the Fourier features from the given data x """ # Lazy computation of NFFT (mlab documentation: The number of data # points used in each block for the FFT. Must be even; a power 2 is # most efficient. The default value is 256.) and noverlap if not hasattr(self, "NFFT"): # Compute NFFT to obtain the desired frequency resolution # (if possible) # self.NFFT has to be even self.NFFT = int(round(0.5 * x.sampling_frequency / \ self.frequency_resolution) * 2) self.noverlap = 0 # Number of points of overlap between blocks. # For each channel, we compute the STFT features = [] feature_names = [] for channel_name in x.channel_names: channel_index = x.channel_names.index(channel_name) (Pxx, freqs, bins) = mlab.specgram(x[:, channel_index], Fs = x.sampling_frequency, NFFT = self.NFFT, noverlap = self.noverlap) # TODO: This would be more efficient without the explicit loop for index1, freq in enumerate(freqs): if not (self.min_frequency <= freq <= self.max_frequency): continue for index2, bin in enumerate(bins): # Convert to decibels and append as feature features.append(10 * numpy.log10(Pxx[index1, index2])) feature_names.append("STFT_%s_%.2fHz_%.3fsec" % (channel_name, freq, bin)) feature_vector = \ FeatureVector(numpy.atleast_2d(features).astype(numpy.float64), feature_names) return feature_vector
[docs]class FrequencyBandFeatureNode(BaseNode): """ Extract features based on the Frequency-band power This node computes the power contained in certain frequency bands. For this, the STFT is used to compute a spectrogram and the power of the cells within the specified frequency band are summed to obtain the power of the frequency band in the respective time bin. Different criteria can be given to specify how features are derived from the change of band power over time. **Parameters** :frequency_bands: A list of tuple. The frequency bands whose band power is used as feature. :criterion: An criterion that specifies how the change of band power over time is used to create a feature: One of the following Strings is valid: * "max" - returns the maximum power in the band over time * "min" - returns the minimum power in the band over time * "median" - returns the median power in the band over time * "max_change" - returns the maximum minus the minimum power in the band over time * "all" - returns all powers in the band over time as single features (*Optional, default: "max"*) **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : Frequency_Band_Features parameters : frequency_bands: '[(7.0, 10.0), (13.0,26.0)]' criterion : "all" :Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen ( :Created: 2009/03/09 """
[docs] def __init__(self, frequency_bands, criterion = "max", *args, **kwargs): super(FrequencyBandFeatureNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) allowed_criteria = ["max", "min", "median", "max_change", "all"] if not criterion in allowed_criteria: raise Exception("Invalid criterion %s. Please use one of %s" \ % (criterion, allowed_criteria)) self.set_permanent_attributes(frequency_bands = eval(frequency_bands), criterion = criterion)
[docs] def _execute(self, x): """ Extract the Fourier features from the given data x """ # Lazily set NFFT and noverlap if not hasattr(self, "NFFT"): self.NFFT = (x.shape[0] // 4) * 2 self.noverlap = self.NFFT * 9 // 10 # For each channel, we compute the band power in the specified # frequency bands features = [] feature_names = [] for channel_name in x.channel_names: channel_index = x.channel_names.index(channel_name) # Compute spectrogram (Pxx, freqs, bins) = mlab.specgram(x[:, channel_index], Fs = x.sampling_frequency, NFFT = self.NFFT, noverlap = self.noverlap) for min_frequency, max_frequency in self.frequency_bands: # Just to make sure.... min_frequency = float(min_frequency) max_frequency = float(max_frequency) # Compute band powers in the specified frequency range for all # bins selected_freqs = Pxx[numpy.where((freqs >= min_frequency) & (freqs <= max_frequency))] band_powers = numpy.sum(selected_freqs, 0) # Compute the corresponding feature based on the criterion # that was specified if self.criterion == "max": channel_features = [10 * numpy.log10(max(band_powers))] elif self.criterion == "min": channel_features = [10 * numpy.log10(min(band_powers))] elif self.criterion == "median": channel_features = \ [10 * numpy.log10(numpy.median(band_powers))] elif self.criterion == "max_change": channel_features = [10*numpy.log10((max(band_powers)- \ min(band_powers)))] elif self.criterion == "all": channel_features = 10 * numpy.log10(band_powers) # Append the feature features.extend(channel_features) # Determine feature names if self.criterion != "all": feature_names.append("BP_%s_%.2fHz_%.2fHz_%s" % (channel_name, min_frequency, max_frequency, self.criterion)) else: feature_names.extend("BP_%s_%.2fHz_%.2fHz_%s_%.2fsec" % (channel_name, min_frequency, max_frequency, self.criterion, bin) for bin in bins) feature_vector = \ FeatureVector(numpy.atleast_2d(features).astype(numpy.float64), feature_names) return feature_vector
_NODE_MAPPING = {"STFT_Features": STFTFeaturesNode, "Frequency_Band_Features":FrequencyBandFeatureNode}