Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.feature_selection.mlpy_wrapper_nodes

""" Use feature selection methods implemented in MLPY """

import os
import cPickle

import numpy

from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.feature_vector import FeatureVector

from import  create_directory

[docs]class MLPYFeatureSelectionWrapper(BaseNode): """ Wrapper node that allows to use MLPY algorithms This module contains a node that wraps the feature selection algorithms contained in the MLPY package ( MLPY provides several feature weighting methods that are wrappers around classifier, e.g.: * Support Vector Machines (SVMs) * Spectral Regression Discriminant Analysis (SRDA) * Fisher Discriminant Analysis (FDA) * Penalized Discriminant Analysis (PDA) * Diagonal Linear Discriminant Analysis (DLDA) Furthermore, MLPY has also some filter-like feature weighting methods: * Iterative Relief (I-RELIEF) * Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) Based on these feature weighting algorithms, the ranking method contained in MLPY can be used to create a ranking of the utility of different features. The following ranking algorithms can be used by MLPY: * Recursive Feature Elimination (rfe, onerfe, erfe, bisrfe, sqrtrfe) * Recursive Forward Selection (rfs) The wrapper node expects as argument * how many of the features it should retain * which feature weighting method it should use * which feature ranking method it should use **Parameters** :num_retained_features: The number of features that should be retained by the node. This information must be specified if selected_features_path is not specified. (*optional, default: None*) :ranking_method: A string that specifies the feature elimination method used internally by MLPY's feature ranking method. Can be 'rfe', 'onerfe', 'erfe', 'bisrfe', 'sqrtrfe', or 'rfs' (*optional, default: None*) :weighting_method: An object instance that provides an weights(x,y) method that takes as input: * x : training data (#sample x #feature) 2D numpy array float * y : classes (two classes, -1 and 1) and returns a float in [0,1]. This float is the weight of the respective feature. A set of classes that can be used are contained in MLPY, for instance mlpy.svm. (*optional, default: None*) :selected_features_path: An absolute path from which the selected features are loaded. If not specified, these features are learned from the training data. In this case, num_retained_features must be specified. (*optional, default: None*) **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : RandomFeatureSelection parameters : num_retained_features : 100 ranking_method : "bisrfe" weighting_method: "eval(__import__('mlpy').svm)" :Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen ( :Created: 2009/02/03 """
[docs] def __init__(self, num_retained_features=None, ranking_method=None, weighting_method=None, selected_features_path = None, **kwargs): # Must be set before constructor of superclass is set self.trainable = (selected_features_path == None) super(MLPYFeatureSelectionWrapper, self).__init__(**kwargs) retained_feature_indices = None # Load patterns from file if requested if selected_features_path != None: features_file = open(selected_features_path, 'r') retained_feature_indices = cPickle.load(features_file) if num_retained_features is not None: if len(retained_feature_indices) > num_retained_features: retained_feature_indices = retained_feature_indices[0:num_retained_features] elif len(retained_feature_indices) < num_retained_features: import warnings warnings.warn("Only %s features available, cannot retain " "%s features!" % (len(retained_feature_indices), num_retained_features)) features_file.close() self.set_permanent_attributes( retained_feature_indices = retained_feature_indices, ranking_method = ranking_method, weighting_method = weighting_method, num_retained_features = num_retained_features, training_data = [], training_labels = [], feature_names = None)
[docs] def is_trainable(self): """ Returns whether this node is trainable """ return self.trainable
[docs] def is_supervised(self): """ Returns whether this node requires supervised training """ return True
[docs] def _train(self, data, label): """ Add the given data point along with its class label to the training set """ assert(isinstance(data, FeatureVector)) # Gather feature vectors and labels in two lists self.training_data.append(data[0]) self.training_labels.append(label) if self.feature_names == None: self.feature_names = data.feature_names
[docs] def _stop_training(self, debug=False): """ Called automatically at the end of training Computes a ranking of features and stores a list of the indices of those feature that should be retained """ # Lazy import of mlpy (not available on all platforms/machines ? import mlpy # Check that we have exactly two different classes occuring_labels = set(self.training_labels) assert(len(occuring_labels) == 2) # Randomly map the class labels to -1 and 1 # MLPY cannot deal with other kind of labels label_enumeration = dict(zip(occuring_labels, [-1,1])) # Create two dimensional array containing the # respective feature vectors data = numpy.array(self.training_data) # Create an one dimensional array containing the class labels labels = numpy.array([label_enumeration[label] for label in self.training_labels]) # Instantiate feature weighter and ranker feature_weighter = self.weighting_method() feature_ranking = mlpy.ranking(method=self.ranking_method) # Compute the ranks of features # For instance, rank = [2,3,1,0] would mean that the feature with # index 2 is the most distinctive while the feature with index 0 is # the worst. ranks = feature_ranking.compute(data, labels, feature_weighter) # The indices of the features that sill be retained self.retained_feature_indices = ranks[0:self.num_retained_features]
[docs] def _execute(self, feature_vector): """ Projects the feature vector *features* onto the subspace of features that should be retained """ # Project the features onto the selected subspace proj_features = feature_vector[:,self.retained_feature_indices] # Update the feature_names list feature_names = [feature_vector.feature_names[index] for index in self.retained_feature_indices] # Create feature vector instance projected_feature_vector = FeatureVector(proj_features, feature_names) return projected_feature_vector
[docs] def store_state(self, result_dir, index=None): """ Stores this node in the given directory *result_dir* """ if node_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, self.__class__.__name__) create_directory(node_dir) # This node only stores the order of the selected features' indices name = "%s_sp%s.pickle" % ("selected_features", self.current_split) result_file = open(os.path.join(node_dir, name), "wb") # TODO: Use HDF format? result_file.write(cPickle.dumps(self.retained_feature_indices, protocol=2)) result_file.close() # Store feature names name = "feature_names_sp%s.txt" % self.current_split result_file = open(os.path.join(node_dir, name), "w") result_file.write("%s" % self.feature_names) result_file.close()
_NODE_MAPPING = {"MLPY_FS_Wrapper": MLPYFeatureSelectionWrapper} # script to test and compare the performance speed of different feature selection methods if __name__ == "__main__": import timeit s = """ import numpy import random import mlpy num_features = %s num_observations = %s x = numpy.random.normal(size = (num_observations, num_features)) y = numpy.array([random.choice([-1,1]) for i in range(num_observations)]) # class labels myrank = mlpy.Ranking(method=%s) # initialize ranking class # Feature Ranking w = mlpy.%s() # initialize irelief class myrank.compute(x, y, w) # compute feature ranking """ num_features = 100 num_observations = 100 elim_method = "rfe" weight_method = "pda" for weight_method in ["Svm", "Srda", "Fda", "Pda", "Dwt", "Dlda", "Irelief"]: #for elim_method in ["onerfe", "rfe", "bisrfe", "sqrtrfe", "erfe", "rfs"]: #for num_features in [10, 30,50,70,100, 1000]: #for num_observations in [10, 30,50,70,100, 1000]: s_inst = s % (num_features, num_observations, elim_method, weight_method) print "%s -> %s " % ((num_features, num_observations, elim_method, weight_method), timeit.Timer(s_inst).timeit(25))