Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.meta.classifier_wrapper

""" Operate on classifiers """

import copy
import numpy

from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
# the output is a set of predictions
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.prediction_vector import PredictionVector

[docs]class SplitClassifierLayerNode(BaseNode): """ Split the overrepresented class in the training set for multiple training. The node trains several classifiers with this splits such that both classes are nearly equally distributed. Output is a set of predictions in a prediction vector. An ensemble node should follow to combine these classifications. **Parameter** :classifier: Classifier to be split. Notation is as usual as in the YAML file. Maybe this will be changed later on. **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : Split_Classifier parameters : classifier: - node : LibSVM_Classifier parameters : complexity : 1 weight : [1,3] debug : False store : False class_labels : ['Standard', 'Target'] :Author: Mari Krell ( """ input_types=["FeatureVector"]
[docs] def __init__(self, classifier, store = False, *args, **kwargs): super(SplitClassifierLayerNode, self).__init__(store, *args, **kwargs) self.caching = False #Why? self.classifier = classifier[0] # self.weight=self.classifier['parameters']['weight'] #addon # self.classifier['parameters']['weight']=[1,1] #addon ############################################# self.permanent_state = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__) self.set_permanent_attributes(samples=None, labels=None, classes=[])
[docs] def is_trainable(self): """ Returns whether this node is trainable. """ return True
[docs] def is_supervised(self): """ Returns whether this node requires supervised training """ return True
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the state to the clean state it had after its initialization """ nodes = self.nodes for node in nodes: node.reset() self.samples=None self.labels=None self.nodes = [] # resetting of Meta node is important for different splits super(SplitClassifierLayerNode, self).reset()
[docs] def _execute(self, data): """Process the data through the internal nodes.""" feature_names = [] result_array = None label = [] prediction = [] predictor = [] for node_index, node in enumerate(self.nodes): node_result = node.execute(data) label.append(node_result.label) prediction.append(node_result.prediction) predictor.append(node_result.predictor) return PredictionVector(label = label, prediction = prediction, predictor = predictor)
[docs] def _train(self, data, class_label): """ collects the data for training It is assumed that the class_label parameter contains information about the true class the data belongs to """ self._train_phase_started = True if self.samples == None: self.samples = [] if self.labels == None: self.labels = [] self.num_retained_features = len(data[0,:]) if class_label not in self.classes: self.classes.append(class_label) # Collect the data self.samples.append(data) self.labels.append(class_label)
[docs] def _stop_training(self, debug=False): n0=self.labels.count(self.classes[0]) n1=self.labels.count(self.classes[1]) if n0>n1: # n[0] is divided in packages of size n[1] num = n0 / n1 self.nodes=[] # initialization of the necessary classifier nodes for j in range(num): self.nodes.append(BaseNode.node_from_yaml(self.classifier)) # self.classifier[0]['parameters']['weight']=self.weight#addon # self.nodes.append(BaseNode.node_from_yaml(self.classifier[0]))#addon k = 0 for i in range(len(self.samples)): if self.labels[i] == self.classes[1]: # underrepresented class is sent to all classifiers for classifier in self.nodes: classifier.train(self.samples[i],self.labels[i]) else: # feed into k-th classifier self.nodes[k].train(self.samples[i],self.labels[i]) k = (k+1)%num # self.nodes[num].train(self.samples[i],self.labels[i])#addon else: # n[1] is divided in packages of size n[0] num = n1 / n0 self.nodes=[] # initialization of the necessary classifier nodes for j in range(num): self.nodes.append(BaseNode.node_from_yaml(self.classifier)) k = 0 for i in range(len(self.samples)): if self.labels[i] == self.classes[0]: # underrepresented class is sent to all classifiers for classifier in self.nodes: classifier.train(self.samples[i],self.labels[i]) else: # feed into k-th classifier self.nodes[k].train(self.samples[i],self.labels[i]) k = (k+1)%num for classifier in self.nodes: classifier.stop_training(debug) self.num_retained_features = "differs maybe" # self.nodes[0].num_retained_features # This should be calculated more exactly. self.complexity = "differs" #self.nodes[0].complexity
[docs] def get_output_type(self, input_type, as_string=True): """ overwritten method from BaseNode returns PredictionVector(as string or class) since this is the only possible output of the current node """ if as_string: return "PredictionVector" else: return PredictionVector
[docs]class SVMComplexityLayerNode(SplitClassifierLayerNode): """ Calculate the minimal complexity, where the soft margin is inactive This node uses nested intervals and a tolerance variable is used to define when the accuracy is high enough and the slack variables are small enough. This was necessary because the libsvm classifier gives no exact solution and the slack variables may be never zero. Output is the prediction of the given classifier with the given complexity multiplied by the found complexity. Wrapper around a classifier. The result should be analyzed with the classification performance sink node. **Parameter** :classifier: SVM Classifier to be analysed. Notation is as usual as in the YAML file. Maybe this will be changed later on. **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : Get_Complexity parameters : classifier: - node : LibSVM_Classifier parameters : complexity : 1 weight : [1,3] debug : False store : False class_labels : ['Standard', 'Target'] :Author: Mario Krell ( """
[docs] def __init__(self, classifier, store = False,eps=0.001,*args, **kwargs): self.trainable=True super(SVMComplexityLayerNode, self).__init__(classifier,store, *args, **kwargs) self.set_permanent_attributes(complexity=1,eps=eps,old_C=self.classifier["parameters"]["complexity"],nodes=None)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the state to the clean state it had after its initialization """ nodes = self.nodes for node in nodes: node.reset() self.nodes = nodes # resetting of Meta node is important for different splits super(SVMComplexityLayerNode, self).reset()
[docs] def _execute(self, data): """Process the data through the internal nodes.""" result = self.nodes[0].execute(data) return result
[docs] def _train(self, data, class_label): """ It is assumed that the class_label parameter contains information about the true class the data belongs to """ self._train_phase_started = True # init of node if self.nodes==None: self.nodes=[BaseNode.node_from_yaml(self.classifier)] self.nodes[0].complexity=self.complexity self.nodes[0].train(data,class_label)
[docs] def _stop_training(self, debug=False): # init self.nodes[0].stop_training(debug) if ((numpy.array(self.nodes[0].t) <= self.eps).all()): Cmax=self.complexity while ((numpy.array(self.nodes[0].t) <= self.eps).all()): Cmax = Cmax / 10.0 self.nodes[0].complexity = Cmax self.nodes[0]._stop_training(debug) Cmin = Cmax Cmax = Cmax * 10.0 else: Cmin=self.complexity while not((numpy.array(self.nodes[0].t) <= self.eps).all()): Cmin = Cmin * 10.0 self.nodes[0].complexity = Cmin * 10.0 self.nodes[0]._stop_training(debug) Cmax = Cmin Cmin = Cmax / 10.0 # Nested intervals principle while (Cmax-Cmin)>self.eps: self.nodes[0].complexity = 0.5 * (Cmax + Cmin) self.nodes[0]._stop_training(debug) if ((numpy.array(self.nodes[0].t) <= self.eps).all()): Cmax = 0.5 * (Cmax + Cmin) else: Cmin = 0.5 * (Cmax + Cmin) self.complexity = Cmax self.max_C = Cmax self.nodes[0].complexity = self.old_C * self.complexity if not self.old_C == 1: self.nodes[0]._stop_training(debug) self.num_retained_features = self.nodes[0].num_retained_features self.nodes[0].classifier_information["__Num_Retained_Features__"] = \ self.num_retained_features self.nodes[0].classifier_information["__Max_Complexity__"] = Cmax
_NODE_MAPPING = {"Split_Classifier": SplitClassifierLayerNode, "Get_Complexity":SVMComplexityLayerNode}