Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.meta.consume_training_data

""" Splits training data for internal usage and usage of successor nodes 

.. todo:: Documentation: node-name should not be module name: Generalization?

import random
import logging
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import repeat

from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
from import MemoizeGenerator

[docs]class ConsumeTrainingDataNode(BaseNode): """ Split training data for internal usage and usage of successor nodes This node allows to handle situations where some model needs to be trained and later on evaluated on the given training data (using test data may not be allowed for certain reasons). Simply training and evaluating the model on the same data is not an option, since the evaluation would have a strong optimistic bias (model is well adapted to the data it was trained on). One example of such a situation is when a node chain is trained on the data that should be combined later on with an ensemble of node chains trained on historic data. The ensemble training should not happen on the same data as training. This node therefore splits the training data into two parts: one for internal use (training the model) and one for usage of successor nodes (model evaluation). The ratio of training data that should be used internally can be controlled with the argument *consumption_rate* (a value between 0.0 and 1.0). .. note:: When defining this node in the pySPACE YAML syntax, "wrapped_node" can be the definition of a node in YAML syntax (see below). The node object is then created automatically based on this definition. **Parameters** :wrapped_node: The node that is trained with the internally used training data. :consumption_rate: The rate of training data that is used internally for training *wrapped_node*. The remaining data is supplied for the successor nodes. :random_seed: The seed of the random generator. Defaults to 0. **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node: ConsumeTrainingData parameters : consumption_rate : 0.8 wrapped_node : node : Flow_Node parameters : input_dim : 64 output_dim : 1 nodes : ...... :Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen ( :Created: 2010/08/06 """
[docs] def __init__(self, wrapped_node, consumption_rate, random_seed=0, *args, **kwargs): self.wrapped_node = wrapped_node # Necessary to determine whether trainable. super(ConsumeTrainingDataNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) ############################################# self.set_permanent_attributes(wrapped_node = wrapped_node, consumption_rate = consumption_rate, internal_training_set = [], external_training_set = [], r = random.Random(random_seed))
[docs] def node_from_yaml(node_spec): """ Creates a node based on the node_spec to overwrite default """ # This node requires one parameters, namely a list of nodes assert("parameters" in node_spec and "wrapped_node" in node_spec["parameters"]),\ "ConsumeTrainingDataNode requires specification of a wrapped node!" # Create all nodes that are packed together in this layer wrapped_node = BaseNode.node_from_yaml(node_spec["parameters"]["wrapped_node"]) node_spec["parameters"].pop("wrapped_node") # Create the node object node_obj = ConsumeTrainingDataNode(wrapped_node = wrapped_node, **node_spec["parameters"]) return node_obj
[docs] def is_trainable(self): """ Returns whether this node is trainable. """ return self.wrapped_node.is_trainable()
[docs] def is_supervised(self): """ Returns whether this node requires supervised training """ return self.wrapped_node.is_supervised()
[docs] def _get_train_set(self, use_test_data = False): """ Returns the data that can be used for training """ # We take data that is provided by the input node for training # NOTE: This might involve training of the preceding nodes train_set = list(self.input_node.request_data_for_training(use_test_data)) # Divide available instances according to label all_instances = defaultdict(list) for instance, label in train_set: all_instances[label].append(instance) # Split into training data used internally and training data that is # available for successor nodes self.internal_training_set = [] self.external_training_set = [] for label, instances in all_instances.iteritems(): self.r.shuffle(instances) split_index = int(round(len(instances) * self.consumption_rate)) self.internal_training_set.extend(zip(instances[:split_index], repeat(label))) self.external_training_set.extend(zip(instances[split_index:], repeat(label))) return self.internal_training_set
[docs] def request_data_for_training(self, use_test_data): """ Returns data for training of subsequent nodes .. todo:: to document """ assert(self.input_node != None) self._log("Data for training is requested.", level = logging.DEBUG) # If we haven't computed the data for training yet if self.data_for_training == None: self._log("Producing data for training.", level = logging.DEBUG) # Train this node self.train_sweep(use_test_data) # Compute a generator the yields the train data and # encapsulate it in an object that memoizes its outputs and # provides a "fresh" method that returns a new generator that'll # yield the same sequence train_data_generator = \ itertools.imap(lambda (data, label) : (self.execute(data), label), self.external_training_set) self.data_for_training = MemoizeGenerator(train_data_generator, caching=self.caching) self._log("Data for training finished", level = logging.DEBUG) # Return a fresh copy of the generator return self.data_for_training.fresh()
[docs] def _train(self, data, label): """ Trains the wrapped nodes on the given data vector *data* """ self.wrapped_node.train(data, label)
[docs] def _stop_training(self): """ Finish the training of the node.""" self.wrapped_node.stop_training()
[docs] def _execute(self, data): """ Executes the node on the given data vector *data* """ return self.wrapped_node.execute(data)
[docs] def store_state(self, result_dir, index=None): """ Stores this node in the given directory *result_dir* """ self.wrapped_node.store_state(result_dir, index=None)
[docs] def get_output_type(self, input_type, as_string=True): """ Return the output type The method calls the corresponding method in the wrapped node """ return self.wrapped_node.get_output_type(input_type, as_string)