Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.postprocessing.score_transformation

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*
""" Transform the classification score (especially the one of the SVM) """
import numpy

from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.prediction_vector import PredictionVector

[docs]class EmptyBinException(Exception): pass
[docs]class PlattsSigmoidFitNode(BaseNode): """ Map prediction scores to probability estimates with a sigmoid fit This node uses a sigmoid fit to map a prediction score to a class probability estimate, i.e. a value between 0 and 1, where e.g. 0.5 means 50% probability of the positive class which must not necessarily correspond to a SVM score of 0. For more information see 'Probabilistic Outputs for Support Vector Machines and Comparisons to Regularized Likelihood Methods' (Platt) 1999. The parametric form of the sigmoid function is: .. math:: P(c|x) =\\text{appr } P_{A,B}(s(x)) = \\frac{1}{1+e^{As(x)+B}} where c is the actual class, x the data, s(x) the prediction score and A and B are calculated through the training examples. .. note:: Learning this transformation on the same training data than the classifier was trained is not recommended for non-linear kernels (due to over-fitting). The best parameter setting z*=(A*,B*) is determined by solving the following regularized maximum likelihood problem: .. math:: \\min F(z)= - \\sum_{i=1}^l{(t_i \\log(p_i) + (1-t_i) \\log(1-p_i))}, for :math:`p_i=P_{A,B}(s(x_i))` and :math:`t_i` are target probabilities defined according to *priors* and :math:`c_i`. The implementation is improved to ensure convergence and to avoid numerical difficulties (see 'A Note on Platt's Probabilistic Outputs for Support Vector Machines' (HT Lin, RC Weng) 2007). **Parameters** :priors: A tuple that consists the number of examples expected for each class (first element negative class, second element positive class). If the parameter is not specified, the numbers in the training set are used. (*optional, default: None*) :class_labels: Determines the order of classes, i.e. the mapping of class labels onto integers. The first element of the list should be the negative class, the second should be the positive class. If this parameter is not specified, the order is determined based on the order of occurrence in the training data (which is more or less arbitrary). (*optional, default: []*) :oversampling: If True different class distributions are balanced by oversampling and random drawing where appropriate (if the overrepresented class is not divisible by the underrepresented class). (*optional, default: False*) :store_plots: If True 'reliable diagrams' of the training and test data are stored. A discretization of the scores is made to calculate empirical probabilities. The number of scores per bin is displayed on every data point in the figure and shows how accurate the estimate is (the higher the number the better). If the fit is reliable the empirical probabilities should scatter around the diagonal in the right plots. Although the store variable is set to True if this variable is set. :store_probabilities: If True the calculated probability and the corresponding label for each prediction is pickeled and saved in the results directory. Although the store variable is set to True if this variable is set. (*optional, default: False*) :store: If True store_plots and store_probabilities are set to True. This is the "simple" way to store both the plots and the probabilities. **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : PSF parameters : class_labels : ['Target','Standard'] """
[docs] def __init__(self, priors = None, class_labels = [], oversampling = False, store_plots = False, store_probabilities = False, **kwargs): super(PlattsSigmoidFitNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) if ( store_plots or store_probabilities ): = True elif( store_plots = True store_probabilities = True self.set_permanent_attributes(priors = priors, class_labels = class_labels, oversampling = oversampling, scores = [], labels = [], probabilities = [], store_plots = store_plots, store_probabilities = store_probabilities)
[docs] def is_trainable(self): return True
[docs] def is_supervised(self): return True
[docs] def _train(self, data, class_label): """ Collect SVM output and true labels. """ self._train_phase_started = True self.scores.append(data.prediction) if class_label not in self.class_labels: self.class_labels.append(class_label) self.labels.append(self.class_labels.index(class_label))
[docs] def _stop_training(self): """ Compute parameter A and B for sigmoid fit.""" def func_value(s,t,a,b): """ Compute the function value avoiding 'catastrophic cancellation'. -(t_i log(p_i) + (1-t_i)log(1- p_i)) = t_i log(1+exp(as_i+b)) + (t_i-1)((as_i+b)-log(1+exp(as_i+b))) = t_i log(1+exp(as_i+b)) + (t_i-1)(as_i+b) - t_i log(1+exp(as_i+b)) + log(1+exp(as_i+b)) = (t_i-1)(as_i+b) + log(1+exp(as_i+b)) * = t_i(as_i+b) + log(exp(-as_i-b)) + log(1+exp(as_i+b)) = t_i(as_i+b) + log((1+exp(as_i+b))/exp(as_i+b)) = t_i(as_i+b) + log(1+exp(-as_i-b)) ** """ fapb = s*a+b # * is used if fapb[i]<0, ** otherwise f = sum([(t[i]-1)*fapb[i] + numpy.log1p(numpy.exp(fapb[i])) if fapb[i]<0 \ else t[i]*fapb[i] + numpy.log1p(numpy.exp(-fapb[i])) \ for i in range(len(fapb))]) return f self._log("Performing training of sigmoid mapping.") if self.oversampling: # first assume that the negative class is the overrepresented class overrepresented_inst = [score for score,label in \ zip(self.scores,self.labels) if label==0] underrepresented_inst = [score for score,label in \ zip(self.scores,self.labels) if label==1] if len(overrepresented_inst) != len(underrepresented_inst): # check if assumption was correct if len(overrepresented_inst) < len(underrepresented_inst): tmp = overrepresented_inst overrepresented_inst = underrepresented_inst underrepresented_inst = tmp oversampling_factor = len(overrepresented_inst) / \ len(underrepresented_inst) self.scores.extend((oversampling_factor-1)*underrepresented_inst) self.labels.extend((oversampling_factor-1) * \ len(underrepresented_inst) * range(1,2)) if len(overrepresented_inst) % len(underrepresented_inst) != 0: num_draw_random = len(overrepresented_inst) - \ oversampling_factor * len(underrepresented_inst) # Randomizer has to be fixed for reproducibility import random randomizer = random.Random(self.run_number) for i in range(num_draw_random): selected_score=randomizer.choice(underrepresented_inst) self.scores.append(selected_score) underrepresented_inst.remove(selected_score) self.labels.extend(num_draw_random * range(1,2)) if self.priors == None: self.priors = (self.labels.count(0),self.labels.count(1)) self.scores = numpy.array(self.scores) # Parameter settings maxiter = 100 # Maximum number of iterations minstep = 1.0e-10 # Minimum step taken in line search sigma = 1.0e-12 # Set to any value > 0 # Construct initial value: target support in array targets, hiTarget = (self.priors[1]+1.0)/(self.priors[1]+2.0) loTarget = 1/(self.priors[0]+2.0) h = (loTarget,hiTarget) targets = numpy.array([h[index] for index in self.labels]) # initial function value in fval self.A = 0 self.B = numpy.log((self.priors[0]+1.0)/(self.priors[1]+1.0)) fval = func_value(self.scores,targets,self.A,self.B) for it in range(maxiter): # update gradient and Hessian (use H' = H + sigma I) h11 = h22 = sigma h21 = g1 = g2 = 0.0 fApB = self.scores*self.A+self.B pq= numpy.array([[1/(1.0+numpy.exp(fApB[i])), numpy.exp(fApB[i])/(1.0+numpy.exp(fApB[i]))] if fApB[i]<0 \ else [numpy.exp(-fApB[i])/(1.0+numpy.exp(-fApB[i])), 1/(1.0+numpy.exp(-fApB[i]))] \ for i in range(len(fApB))]) d1 = targets - pq[:,0] d2 = pq[:,0] * pq[:,1] h11 = sum(self.scores**2*d2) h21 = sum(self.scores*d2) h22 = sum(d2) g1 = sum(self.scores*d1) g2 = sum(d1) # stopping criteria: if gradient is really tiny, stop if (abs(g1) < 1.0e-5) and (abs(g2) < 1.0e-5): break # finding Newton direction: -inv(H')*g det = h11*h22-h21**2 dA = -(h22*g1-h21*g2)/det dB = -(-h21*g1+h11*g2)/det gd = g1*dA+g2*dB # line search stepsize = 1 while stepsize >= minstep: newA = self.A+stepsize*dA newB = self.B+stepsize*dB newf = func_value(self.scores,targets,newA,newB) # check sufficient decrease if (newf < fval+0.0001*stepsize*gd): self.A = newA self.B = newB fval = newf break else: stepsize /= 2.0 if stepsize < minstep: import logging self._log("Line search fails. A= "+str(self.A)+" B= " \ +str(self.B)+" g1= "+str(g1)+" g2= "+str(g2) \ +" dA= "+str(dA)+" dB= "+str(dB)+" gd= "+str(gd), level = logging.WARNING) break if it>=maxiter-1: import logging self._log("Reaching maximal iterations. g1= "+str(g1)+" g2= " \ +str(g2), level=logging.WARNING) self._log("Finished training of sigmoid mapping in %d iterations." % it) # Clean up of not needed variables self.scores = [] self.labels = []
[docs] def _execute(self, x): """ Evaluate each prediction with the sigmoid mapping learned.""" fApB = x.prediction * self.A + self.B if fApB<0: new_prediction=1/(1.0+numpy.exp(fApB)) else: new_prediction=numpy.exp(-fApB)/(numpy.exp(-fApB)+1.0) # enforce mapping to interval [0,1] new_prediction = max(0,min(1,new_prediction)) new_label = self.class_labels[0] if new_prediction <= 0.5 \ else self.class_labels[1] # Safe the new calculated probabilities if self.store_probabilities: self.probabilities.append( [new_prediction , new_label] ) return PredictionVector(label=new_label, prediction=new_prediction, predictor=x.predictor)
[docs] def _discretize(self, predictions, labels, bins=12): """ Discretize predictions into bins. Return bin scores and 2d list of discretized labels. """ while(True): try: cut = (abs(predictions[0])+ abs(predictions[-1]))/bins current_bin=0 l_discrete={0:[]} bin_scores = [predictions[0]+cut/2.0] for p,l in zip(predictions,labels): if p > predictions[0]+cut*(current_bin+2): raise EmptyBinException("One bin without any examples!") if p > predictions[0]+cut*(current_bin+1): current_bin += 1 bin_scores.append(bin_scores[-1]+cut) l_discrete[current_bin]=[l] else: l_discrete[current_bin].append(l) if len(l_discrete)==bins+1: l_discrete[bins-1].extend(l_discrete[bins]) del l_discrete[bins] del bin_scores[-1] bin_scores[-1]= bin_scores[-1]-cut/2.0 + \ (predictions[-1]-(bin_scores[-1]-cut/2.0))/2.0 except EmptyBinException: if bins>1: bins-=1 else: raise Exception("Could not discretize data!") else: return bin_scores, l_discrete
[docs] def _empirical_probability(self, l_discrete): """ Return dictionary of empirical class probabilities for discretized label list.""" plot_emp_prob = {} len_list = {} for label in range(len(self.class_labels)): plot_emp_prob[label]=[] len_list[label]=[] for score_list in l_discrete.values(): len_list[label].append(len(score_list)) plot_emp_prob[label].append(score_list.count(label)/ \ float(len(score_list))) return len_list, plot_emp_prob
[docs] def store_state(self, result_dir, index=None): """ Stores plots of score distribution and sigmoid fit or/and the calculated probabilities with the corresponding label. .. todo:: change plot calculations to upper if else syntax .. todo:: add the corresponding data point to the saved probabilities """ if : # Create the directory for the stored results from import create_directory import os node_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, self.__class__.__name__) create_directory(node_dir) # Safe the probabilities in a pickle file if( self.store_probabilities ): import pickle f_name=node_dir + "/probabilities_%d.pickle" % self.current_split pickle.dump(self.probabilities, open(f_name,'w')) if self.store_plots: # reliable plot of training (before sigmoid fit) sort_index = numpy.argsort(self.scores) labels = numpy.array(self.labels)[sort_index] predictions = numpy.array(self.scores)[sort_index] plot_scores_train,l_discrete_train=self._discretize(predictions, labels) len_list_train, plot_emp_prob_train = self._empirical_probability(l_discrete_train) # training data after sigmoid fit fApB = predictions * self.A + self.B new_predictions = [(int(fApB[i]<0)+int(fApB[i]>=0)*numpy.exp(-fApB[i]))/ \ (1.0+numpy.exp((-1)**int(fApB[i]>=0)*fApB[i])) \ for i in range(len(fApB))] plot_scores_train_fit, l_discrete_train_fit = \ self._discretize(new_predictions,labels) len_list_train_fit, plot_emp_prob_train_fit = \ self._empirical_probability(l_discrete_train_fit) # test data before sigmoid fit test_scores = [] test_labels = [] for data, label in self.input_node.request_data_for_testing(): test_scores.append(data.prediction) test_labels.append(self.class_labels.index(label)) sort_index = numpy.argsort(test_scores) labels = numpy.array(test_labels)[sort_index] predictions = numpy.array(test_scores)[sort_index] plot_scores_test,l_discrete_test = self._discretize(predictions, labels) len_list_test, plot_emp_prob_test = self._empirical_probability(l_discrete_test) # test data after sigmoid fit fApB = predictions * self.A + self.B new_predictions = [(int(fApB[i]<0)+int(fApB[i]>=0)*numpy.exp(-fApB[i]))/ \ (1.0+numpy.exp((-1)**int(fApB[i]>=0)*fApB[i])) \ for i in range(len(fApB))] plot_scores_test_fit, l_discrete_test_fit = \ self._discretize(new_predictions,labels) len_list_test_fit, plot_emp_prob_test_fit = \ self._empirical_probability(l_discrete_test_fit) import pylab from matplotlib.transforms import offset_copy pylab.close() fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,1) transOffset=offset_copy(ax.transData,fig=fig,x=0.05,y=0.1,units='inches') for x,y,s in zip(plot_scores_train,plot_emp_prob_train[1],len_list_train[1]): pylab.plot((x,),(y,),'ro') pylab.text(x,y,'%d' % s, transform=transOffset) pylab.plot((plot_scores_train[0],plot_scores_train[-1]),(0,1),'-') x = numpy.arange(plot_scores_train[0],plot_scores_train[-1],.02) y = 1/(1+numpy.exp(self.A*x+self.B)) pylab.plot(x,y,'-') pylab.xlim(plot_scores_train[0],plot_scores_train[-1]) pylab.ylim(0,1) pylab.xlabel("SVM prediction Score (training data)") pylab.ylabel("Empirical Probability") ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,2) transOffset=offset_copy(ax.transData,fig=fig,x=0.05,y=0.1,units='inches') for x, y, s in zip(plot_scores_train_fit, plot_emp_prob_train_fit[1], len_list_train_fit[1]): pylab.plot((x,),(y,),'ro') pylab.text(x,y,'%d' % s, transform=transOffset) pylab.plot((plot_scores_train_fit[0],plot_scores_train_fit[-1]),(0,1),'-') pylab.xlim(plot_scores_train_fit[0],plot_scores_train_fit[-1]) pylab.ylim(0,1) pylab.xlabel("SVM Probability (training data)") pylab.ylabel("Empirical Probability") ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,3) transOffset=offset_copy(ax.transData,fig=fig,x=0.05,y=0.1,units='inches') for x,y,s in zip(plot_scores_test,plot_emp_prob_test[1],len_list_test[1]): pylab.plot((x,),(y,),'ro') pylab.text(x,y,'%d' % s, transform=transOffset) pylab.plot((plot_scores_test[0],plot_scores_test[-1]),(0,1),'-') x = numpy.arange(plot_scores_test[0],plot_scores_test[-1],.02) y = 1/(1+numpy.exp(self.A*x+self.B)) pylab.plot(x,y,'-') pylab.xlim(plot_scores_test[0],plot_scores_test[-1]) pylab.ylim(0,1) pylab.xlabel("SVM prediction Scores (test data)") pylab.ylabel("Empirical Probability") ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,4) transOffset=offset_copy(ax.transData,fig=fig,x=0.05,y=0.1,units='inches') for x, y, s in zip(plot_scores_test_fit, plot_emp_prob_test_fit[1], len_list_test_fit[1]): pylab.plot((x,),(y,),'ro') pylab.text(x,y,'%d' % s, transform=transOffset) pylab.plot((plot_scores_test_fit[0],plot_scores_test_fit[-1]),(0,1),'-') pylab.xlim(plot_scores_test_fit[0],plot_scores_test_fit[-1]) pylab.ylim(0,1) pylab.xlabel("SVM Probability (test data)") pylab.ylabel("Empirical Probability") pylab.savefig(node_dir + "/reliable_diagrams_%d.png" % self.current_split)
[docs]class SigmoidTransformationNode(BaseNode): """ Transform score to interval [0,1] with a sigmoid function The new decision border will be at 0.5. .. warning:: This is NOT a probability mapping and parameters should be set for the function. This node is intended to be externally optimized, such that it generalizes the threshold optimization for soft metrics. The used sigmoid fit function is :math:`\\frac{1}{1+e^{Ax+B}}`. It is 0.5 at :math:`x = -\\frac{B}{A}`. **Parameters** :A: Scaling of prediction value. See above. (*optional, default: -1*) :B: Shifting of scaled prediction. See above. (*optional, default: 0*) :offset: Has the meaning of :math:`-\\frac{B}{A}` and replaces the parameter B if used. (*optional, default: None*) :class_labels: Determines the order of classes, i.e. the mapping of class labels onto integers. The first element of the list should be the negative class, the second should be the positive class. In the context positive should be the class mapped greater than 0.5 and the other class should be the negative one. If the original prediction value had the same orientation, *A* should be chosen negative. (*optional, default: ['Standard','Target']*) **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : SigTrans parameters : class_labels : ['Standard','Target'] """ input_types=["PredictionVector"]
[docs] def __init__(self, class_labels = ['Standard','Target'], A = -1, B = 0, offset = None, **kwargs): super(SigmoidTransformationNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) if not(offset is None): B = -A *offset self.set_permanent_attributes(class_labels = class_labels, A = A, B = B)
[docs] def is_trainable(self): return False
[docs] def is_supervised(self): return False
[docs] def _execute(self, data): """ Evaluate each prediction with the sigmoid mapping learned. """ # code simply copied from PlattsSigmoidFitNode fur eventual future changes fApB = data.prediction * self.A + self.B if fApB<0: new_prediction=1/(1.0+numpy.exp(fApB)) else: new_prediction=numpy.exp(-fApB)/(numpy.exp(-fApB)+1.0) # enforce mapping to interval [0,1] new_prediction = max(0,min(1,new_prediction)) new_label = self.class_labels[0] if new_prediction <= 0.5 \ else self.class_labels[1] return PredictionVector(label=new_label, prediction=new_prediction, predictor=data.predictor)
[docs]class LinearTransformationNode(BaseNode): """ Scaling and offset shift, and relabeling due to new decision boundary Having a prediction value x it is mapped to (x+*offset*)*scaling*. If the result is lower than the *decision boundary* it is mapped to the first class label for the negative class and otherwise to the second positive class. **Parameters** :class labels: This mandatory parameter defines the ordering of class labels for the mapping after the transformation. If this parameter is not specified, the label remains unchanged. This is for example feasible for regression mappings. .. note:: This parameter could be also used to change class label strings, but this would probably cause problems in the evaluation step. (*recommended, default: None*) :offset: Shift of the prediction value. (*optional, default: 0*) :scaling: Scaling factor applied after offset shift. (*optional, default: 1*) :decision_boundary: Everything lower this value is classified as class one and everything else as class two. By default no labels are changed. **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : LinearTransformation parameters : class_labels : ['Standard', 'Target'] offset : 1 scaling : 42 decision_boundary : 3 """
[docs] def __init__(self, class_labels=None, offset=0, scaling=1, decision_boundary=None, **kwargs): super(LinearTransformationNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) if class_labels is None or decision_boundary is None: decision_boundary = None class_labels = None self.set_permanent_attributes(class_labels=class_labels, scaling=scaling, offset=offset, decision_boundary=decision_boundary, )
[docs] def _execute(self, x): """ (x+o)*s < d """ p = x.prediction prediction = (p+self.offset)*self.scaling if self.decision_boundary is None: label = x.label elif self.decision_boundary < prediction: label = self.class_labels[0] else: label = self.class_labels[1] return PredictionVector(prediction=prediction, label=label, predictor=x.predictor)
[docs]class LinearFitNode(BaseNode): """ Linear mapping between score and [0,1] This node maps the unbounded SVM score linear to bound it between [0,1]. If the result can be interpreted as probability can be seen in the reliable diagrams. **Parameters** :class_labels: Determines the order of classes, i.e. the mapping of class labels onto integers. The first element of the list should be the negative class, the second should be the positive class. If this parameter is not specified, the order is determined based on the order of occurrence in the training data (which is more or less arbitrary). (*optional, default: []*) :store: If True 'reliable diagrams' of the training and test data are stored. A discretization of the scores is made to calculate empirical probabilities. The number of scores per bin is displayed on every data point in the figure and shows how accurate the estimate is (the higher the number the better). If the fit is reliable the empirical probabilities should scatter around the diagonal in the right plots. **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : LinearFit parameters : class_labels : ['Standard','Target'] """
[docs] def __init__(self, class_labels = [], **kwargs): super(LinearFitNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.set_permanent_attributes(class_labels = class_labels, scores = [], labels = [])
[docs] def is_trainable(self): return True
[docs] def is_supervised(self): return True
[docs] def _train(self, data, class_label): """ Collect SVM output and true labels. """ self._train_phase_started = True self.scores.append(data.prediction) if class_label not in self.class_labels: self.class_labels.append(class_label) self.labels.append(self.class_labels.index(class_label))
[docs] def _stop_training(self): """ Compute max range of the score according to the class.""" positive_inst = [score for score,label in \ zip(self.scores,self.labels) if label==1] negative_inst = [score for score,label in \ zip(self.scores,self.labels) if label==0] self.max_range = (abs(min(negative_inst)),max(positive_inst))
[docs] def _execute(self, x): """ Evaluate each prediction with the linear mapping learned.""" if x.prediction < -1.0*self.max_range[0]: new_prediction = 0.0 elif x.prediction < self.max_range[1]: new_prediction = (x.prediction + \ self.max_range[self.class_labels.index(x.label)]) / \ (2.0 * self.max_range[self.class_labels.index(x.label)]) else: new_prediction = 1.0 return PredictionVector(label=x.label, prediction=new_prediction, predictor=x.predictor)
[docs] def _discretize(self, predictions, labels, bins=12): """ Discretize predictions into bins. Return bin scores and 2d list of discretized labels. """ while(True): try: cut = (abs(predictions[0])+ abs(predictions[-1]))/bins current_bin=0 l_discrete={0:[]} bin_scores = [predictions[0]+cut/2.0] for p,l in zip(predictions,labels): if p > predictions[0]+cut*(current_bin+2): raise EmptyBinException("One bin without any examples!") if p > predictions[0]+cut*(current_bin+1): current_bin += 1 bin_scores.append(bin_scores[-1]+cut) l_discrete[current_bin]=[l] else: l_discrete[current_bin].append(l) if len(l_discrete)==bins+1: l_discrete[bins-1].extend(l_discrete[bins]) del l_discrete[bins] del bin_scores[-1] bin_scores[-1]= bin_scores[-1]-cut/2.0 + \ (predictions[-1]-(bin_scores[-1]-cut/2.0))/2.0 except EmptyBinException: if bins>1: bins-=1 else: raise Exception("Could not discretize data!") else: return bin_scores, l_discrete
[docs] def _empirical_probability(self, l_discrete): """ Return dictionary of empirical class probabilities for discretized label list.""" plot_emp_prob = {} len_list = {} for label in range(len(self.class_labels)): plot_emp_prob[label]=[] len_list[label]=[] for score_list in l_discrete.values(): len_list[label].append(len(score_list)) plot_emp_prob[label].append(score_list.count(label)/ \ float(len(score_list))) return len_list, plot_emp_prob
[docs] def store_state(self, result_dir, index=None): """ Stores plots of score distribution and sigmoid fit. """ if : # reliable plot of training (before linear fit) sort_index = numpy.argsort(self.scores) labels = numpy.array(self.labels)[sort_index] predictions = numpy.array(self.scores)[sort_index] plot_scores_train,l_discrete_train=self._discretize(predictions, labels) len_list_train, plot_emp_prob_train = self._empirical_probability(l_discrete_train) # training data after linear fit new_predictions = [] for score in predictions: if score < 0.0: new_predictions.append((score + self.max_range[0]) / \ (2.0 * self.max_range[0])) else: new_predictions.append((score + self.max_range[1]) / \ (2.0 * self.max_range[1])) plot_scores_train_fit, l_discrete_train_fit = \ self._discretize(new_predictions,labels) len_list_train_fit, plot_emp_prob_train_fit = \ self._empirical_probability(l_discrete_train_fit) # test data before sigmoid fit test_scores = [] test_labels = [] for data, label in self.input_node.request_data_for_testing(): test_scores.append(data.prediction) test_labels.append(self.class_labels.index(label)) sort_index = numpy.argsort(test_scores) labels = numpy.array(test_labels)[sort_index] predictions = numpy.array(test_scores)[sort_index] plot_scores_test,l_discrete_test = self._discretize(predictions, labels) len_list_test, plot_emp_prob_test = self._empirical_probability(l_discrete_test) # test data after sigmoid fit new_predictions = [] for score in predictions: if score < -1.0*self.max_range[0]: new_predictions.append(0.0) elif score < 0.0: new_predictions.append((score + self.max_range[0]) / \ (2.0 * self.max_range[0])) elif score < self.max_range[1]: new_predictions.append((score + self.max_range[1]) / \ (2.0 * self.max_range[1])) else: new_predictions.append(1.0) plot_scores_test_fit, l_discrete_test_fit = \ self._discretize(new_predictions,labels) len_list_test_fit, plot_emp_prob_test_fit = \ self._empirical_probability(l_discrete_test_fit) from import create_directory import os node_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, self.__class__.__name__) create_directory(node_dir) import pylab from matplotlib.transforms import offset_copy pylab.close() fig = pylab.figure(figsize=(10,10)) ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,1) transOffset=offset_copy(ax.transData,fig=fig,x=0.05,y=0.1,units='inches') for x,y,s in zip(plot_scores_train,plot_emp_prob_train[1],len_list_train[1]): pylab.plot((x,),(y,),'ro') pylab.text(x,y,'%d' % s, transform=transOffset) pylab.plot((plot_scores_train[0],plot_scores_train[-1]),(0,1),'-') x1 = numpy.arange(-1.0*self.max_range[0],0.0,.02) x2 = numpy.arange(0.0,self.max_range[1],.02) y1 = (x1+self.max_range[0])/(2*self.max_range[0]) y2 = (x2+self.max_range[1])/(2*self.max_range[1]) pylab.plot(numpy.concatenate((x1,x2)),numpy.concatenate((y1,y2)),'-') pylab.xlim(plot_scores_train[0],plot_scores_train[-1]) pylab.ylim(0,1) pylab.xlabel("SVM prediction Score (training data)") pylab.ylabel("Empirical Probability") ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,2) transOffset=offset_copy(ax.transData,fig=fig,x=0.05,y=0.1,units='inches') for x, y, s in zip(plot_scores_train_fit, plot_emp_prob_train_fit[1], len_list_train_fit[1]): pylab.plot((x,),(y,),'ro') pylab.text(x,y,'%d' % s, transform=transOffset) pylab.plot((plot_scores_train_fit[0],plot_scores_train_fit[-1]),(0,1),'-') pylab.xlim(plot_scores_train_fit[0],plot_scores_train_fit[-1]) pylab.ylim(0,1) pylab.xlabel("SVM Probability (training data)") pylab.ylabel("Empirical Probability") ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,3) transOffset=offset_copy(ax.transData,fig=fig,x=0.05,y=0.1,units='inches') for x,y,s in zip(plot_scores_test,plot_emp_prob_test[1],len_list_test[1]): pylab.plot((x,),(y,),'ro') pylab.text(x,y,'%d' % s, transform=transOffset) pylab.plot((plot_scores_test[0],plot_scores_test[-1]),(0,1),'-') x1 = numpy.arange(-1.0*self.max_range[0],0.0,.02) x2 = numpy.arange(0.0,self.max_range[1],.02) y1 = (x1+self.max_range[0])/(2*self.max_range[0]) y2 = (x2+self.max_range[1])/(2*self.max_range[1]) pylab.plot(numpy.concatenate([[plot_scores_test[0],self.max_range[0]], x1,x2,[self.max_range[1],plot_scores_test[-1]]]), numpy.concatenate([[0.0,0.0],y1,y2,[1.0,1.0]]),'-') pylab.xlim(plot_scores_test[0],plot_scores_test[-1]) pylab.ylim(0,1) pylab.xlabel("SVM prediction Score (test data)") pylab.ylabel("Empirical Probability") ax = pylab.subplot(2,2,4) transOffset=offset_copy(ax.transData,fig=fig,x=0.05,y=0.1,units='inches') for x, y, s in zip(plot_scores_test_fit, plot_emp_prob_test_fit[1], len_list_test_fit[1]): pylab.plot((x,),(y,),'ro') pylab.text(x,y,'%d' % s, transform=transOffset) pylab.plot((plot_scores_test_fit[0],plot_scores_test_fit[-1]),(0,1),'-') pylab.xlim(plot_scores_test_fit[0],plot_scores_test_fit[-1]) pylab.ylim(0,1) pylab.xlabel("SVM Probability (test data)") pylab.ylabel("Empirical Probability") pylab.savefig(node_dir + "/reliable_diagrams_%d.png" % self.current_split)
_NODE_MAPPING = {"PSF": PlattsSigmoidFitNode, "SigTrans": SigmoidTransformationNode, "LinearFit":LinearFitNode }