""" Optimize classification thresholds """
import logging
from operator import itemgetter
from bisect import insort
import scipy
import numpy
import copy
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.decorators import BooleanParameter
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.prediction_vector import PredictionVector
from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.metric import BinaryClassificationDataset as BinaryClassificationDataset
[docs]class ThresholdOptimizationNode(BaseNode):
""" Optimize the classification threshold for a specified metric
This node changes the classification threshold (i.e. the mapping from
real valued classifier prediction onto class label) by choosing a threshold
that is optimal for a given metric on the training data. This may be useful
in situations when a classifier tries to optimize a different metric than
the one one is interested. However, it is always preferable to use a
classifier that optimizes for the right target metric since this node can
only correct the threshold but not the hyperplane.
If store is set to true, a graphic is stored in the persistency directory
that shows the mapping of threshold onto F-Measure on training and test
A string that determines the metric for which the threshold is
optimized. The string must be a valid Python expression that evaluates
to a float. Within this string, the quantities {TP} (true positive),
{FP} (false positives), {TN} (true negatives), and {FN} (false negatives)
can be used to compute the the metric. For instance, the string
"({TP}+{TN})/({TP}+{TN}+{FP}+{FN})" would correspond to the accuracy.
Some standard metrics (F-Measure, Accuracy) are predefined, i.e.
it suffices to give the names of these metrics as parameter, the
corresponding Python expression is determined automatically.
For details and inspiration have a look at :ref:`metric <metrics>`
in the
.. warning:: If your metric is not existing, the algorithm will get
zero instead and will get problems optimizing.
This is due to the fact, that default values for
metrics are zero.
(*optional, default: "Balanced_accuracy"*)
Determines the order of classes, i.e. the mapping of class labels
onto integers. The first element of the list will be mapped onto 0,
the second onto 1.
(*recommended, default: ['Standard', 'Target']*)
If True, only the class labels are changed according to the new
threshold. If False, the classifier prediction score is also adjusted
by adding the new threshold, i.e.
.. math:: score_{new} = score_{old} - (threshold_{new} - threshold_{old})
(*optional, default: False*)
Old decision threshold of the classifier.
For SVMs this is zero. For bayesian classifier or after probability
fits this is 0.5.
(*optional, default: 0.0*)
If the distribution in the incremental learning is expected to be
significantly different from the training session,
a new threshold is calculated using only the new examples and not
considering the old ones.
If the parameter is active, *retrain* is also active!
(*optional, default: False*)
Parameter for weighted metrics
If you want to use it, have a look at :ref:`metric <metrics>`
and the :mod:`pySPACE.missions.nodes.sink.classification_performance_sink.PerformanceSinkNode`
(*optional, default: 0.5*)
For some metrics one has to optimize for a low value and not a high.
This is done by multiplication with -1 in the formula or by setting
this parameter to True, if you use some predefined metrics, which
requires minimization.
**Exemplary Call**
.. code-block:: yaml
node : Threshold_Optimization
parameters :
metric : "-{FP} - 5*{FN}"
class_labels : ['Standard', 'Target']
:Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen (jhm@informatik.uni-bremen.de)
:Created: 2010/11/25
[docs] def __init__(self, metric="Balanced_accuracy",
class_labels=None, preserve_score = False,
classifier_threshold = 0.0,
recalibrate = False,
weight = 0.5,
super(ThresholdOptimizationNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if metric.startswith("k_"):
self._log(message="Soft metrics are not supported by this node! Switching to hard variant.", level=logging.CRITICAL)
if metric.startswith("soft_"):
self._log(message="Soft metrics are not supported by this node! Switching to hard variant.", level=logging.CRITICAL)
if metric.startswith("pol_"):
self._log(message="Soft metrics are not supported by this node! Switching to hard variant.", level=logging.CRITICAL)
if metric == "AUC":
metric = "Balanced_accuracy"
self._log(message="AUC is no relevant metric for this node! Balanced_accuracy taken.", level=logging.CRITICAL)
# Some hard coded standard metrics
if metric == "F_measure":
metric = "0 if {TP} == 0 else 2*{TP}**2/(2*{TP}**2 + {TP}*{FP} + {TP}*{FN})"
elif metric == "F_measure_standard":
metric = "0 if {TN} == 0 else 2*{TN}**2/(2*{TN}**2 + {TN}*{FN} + {TN}*{FP})"
elif metric == "Accuracy":
metric = "({TP}+{TN})/({TP}+{TN}+{FP}+{FN})"
elif metric == "Balanced_accuracy":
#metric = "(0.5*{TP}/({TP}+{FN}) + 0.5*{TN}/({TN}+{FP}))"
if recalibrate:
self.retrainable = True
instances=[], # list sorted by prediction score
example=None, # classification vector input example
classifier_information={}, # information from the example+own classification information
[docs] def balanced_accuracy(self,TP, FP, TN, FN):
if (TP+FN) == 0 or (TN+FP) == 0:
return 0.5
return (0.5*TP/(TP+FN) + 0.5*TN/(TN+FP))
[docs] def is_trainable(self):
""" Returns whether this node is trainable """
return True
[docs] def is_supervised(self):
""" Returns whether this node requires supervised training """
return True
[docs] def _train(self, data, class_label):
""" Collect training data and class labels """
if self.classes is None:
self.set_permanent_attributes(classes=['Standard', 'Target'])
self._log("No class labels given. Using default: ['Standard', 'Target'].\
If you get errors, this was the wrong choice.",level=logging.CRITICAL)
if type(data.label).__name__ == 'str':
prediction_label = self.classes.index(data.label)
elif type(data.label).__name__ == 'list' and len(data.label) == 1:
prediction_label = self.classes.index(data.label[0])
raise Exception("The ThresholdOptimizationNode can only handle a "
"string or a list with a string as its only element "
"as input. Got: %s with type: %s"%(str(data.label),type(data.label)))
if not class_label in self.classes and "REST" in self.classes:
class_label = "REST"
# Insert new (score, predicted_label, actual_label) tuple into list of
# instances that is sorted by ascending prediction score
insort(self.instances, (data.prediction, prediction_label,
# copying of important classifier parameters to give it to the sink node
if self.example is None:
self.example = data
[docs] def _stop_training(self, debug=False):
""" Call the optimization algorithm """
[docs] def calculate_threshold(self):
""" Optimize the threshold for the given scores, labels and metric.
.. note::
This method requires O(n) time (n being the number of training
instances). There should be an asymptotically more efficient
implementation that is better suited for fast incremental learning.
# Create metric function lazily since it cannot be pickled
if not hasattr(self,"metric_fct") or self.metric_fct is None:
self.metric_fct = self._get_metric_fct()
# Split 3-tuples in instance heap into the three components
# predictions, predicted labels, and actual label
predictions = map(itemgetter(0), self.instances)
prediction_labels = map(itemgetter(1), self.instances)
labels = map(itemgetter(2), self.instances)
if prediction_labels[0] == 0:
self.orientation_up = True
self.orientation_up = False
# Determine orientation of hyperplane
if self.orientation_up:
TP = labels.count(1)
FP = labels.count(0)
TN = 0
FN = 0
TP = 0
FP = 0
TN = labels.count(0)
FN = labels.count(1)
if self.store:
self.predictions_train = [[], []]
# Determine the threshold for which the given metric is maximized
metric_values = []
for label, prediction_value, in zip (labels, predictions):
if label == 0 and self.orientation_up:
TN += 1
FP -= 1
elif label == 0 and not self.orientation_up:
TN -= 1
FP += 1
elif label == 1 and self.orientation_up:
FN += 1
TP -= 1
elif label == 1 and not self.orientation_up:
FN -= 1
TP += 1
assert (TP >= 0 and FP >= 0 and TN >= 0 and FN >=0), \
"TP: %s FP: %s TN: %s FN: %s" % (TP, FP, TN, FN)
metric_values.append(self.metric_fct(TP, FP, TN, FN))
if self.store:
# Fit a polynomial of degree 2 to the threshold that maximizes the
# metric and its two neighbors. The peak of this polynomial is then
# used as threshold of classification
max_index = metric_values.index(max(metric_values))
if max_index in [0, len(metric_values)-1]: # pathologic cases
self.threshold = predictions[max_index]
polycoeffs = scipy.polyfit(predictions[max_index-1:max_index+2],
self.threshold = -polycoeffs[1]/(2*polycoeffs[0])
[docs] def start_retraining(self):
""" Start retraining phase of this node """
if self.recalibrate:
# We remove all old training data since we expect that the
# distributions have shifted and thus, the old data does not help to
# model the new distributions
[docs] def _inc_train(self, data, class_label):
""" Provide training data for retraining """
result = self._train(data, class_label)
# Recalculate threshold
return result
[docs] def _execute(self, data):
""" Shift the data with the new offset """
if self.orientation_up:
predicted_label = \
self.classes[1] if data.prediction > self.threshold \
else self.classes[0]
predicted_label = \
self.classes[1] if data.prediction < self.threshold \
else self.classes[0]
# print "data.prediction ", data.prediction
# print "self.threshold ", self.threshold
# print "self.classifier_threshold ", self.classifier_threshold
if self.preserve_score:
prediction_score = data.prediction
prediction_score = data.prediction - \
(self.threshold - self.classifier_threshold)
return PredictionVector(label=predicted_label,
[docs] def _get_metric_fct(self):
if self.metric == 'Mutual_information':
metric_fct = lambda TP, FP, TN, FN: BinaryClassificationDataset.mutual_information(TN, FN, TP, FP)
elif self.metric == 'Normalized_mutual_information':
metric_fct = lambda TP, FP, TN, FN: BinaryClassificationDataset.normalized_mutual_information(TN, FN, TP, FP)
elif self.metric == "Balanced_accuracy":
metric_fct = self.balanced_accuracy
elif '{TP}' in self.metric or '{FP}' in self.metric or '{TN}' in self.metric or '{FN}' in self.metric:
metric_fct = lambda TP, FP, TN, FN: eval(self.metric.format(TP=float(TP),
elif self.inverse_metric:
metric_fct = lambda TP, FP, TN, FN: \
{"True_negatives": TN,
"True_positives": TP,
"False_positives": FP,
"False_negatives": FN},
metric_fct = lambda TP, FP, TN, FN: \
{"True_negatives": TN,
"True_positives": TP,
"False_positives": FP,
"False_negatives": FN},
return metric_fct
[docs] def store_state(self, result_dir, index=None):
""" Stores this node in the given directory *result_dir*
.. todo:: Documentation! What is stored? And how?
if self.store:
# Create metric function lazily since it cannot be pickled
metric_fct = self._get_metric_fct()
# Determine curve on test data
# TODO: Code duplication (mostly already in train)
predictions_test = []
labels_test = []
for data, label in self.input_node.request_data_for_testing():
sort_index = numpy.argsort(predictions_test)
labels_test = numpy.array(labels_test)[sort_index]
predictions_test = numpy.array(predictions_test)[sort_index]
# Determine orientation of hyperplane
if self.orientation_up:
TP = list(labels_test).count(1)
FP = list(labels_test).count(0)
TN = 0
FN = 0
TP = 0
FP = 0
TN = list(labels_test).count(0)
FN = list(labels_test).count(1)
self.predictions_test = [[], []]
for label, prediction_value, in zip(labels_test, predictions_test):
if label == 0 and self.orientation_up:
TN += 1
FP -= 1
elif label == 0 and not self.orientation_up:
TN -= 1
FP += 1
elif label == 1 and self.orientation_up:
FN += 1
TP -= 1
elif label == 1 and not self.orientation_up:
FN -= 1
TP += 1
assert (TP >= 0 and FP >= 0 and TN >= 0 and FN >= 0), \
"TP: %s FP: %s TN: %s FN: %s" % (TP, FP, TN, FN)
metric_value = metric_fct(TP, FP, TN, FN)
### Plot ##
import pylab
fig_width_pt = 307.28987*2 # Get this from LaTeX using \showthe\columnwidth
inches_per_pt = 1.0/72.27 # Convert pt to inches
fig_width = fig_width_pt*inches_per_pt # width in inches
fig_height =fig_width * 0.5 # height in inches
fig_size = [fig_width,fig_height]
params = {'axes.labelsize': 10,
'text.fontsize': 8,
'legend.fontsize': 8,
'xtick.labelsize': 10,
'ytick.labelsize': 10}
fig = pylab.figure(0, dpi=400, figsize=fig_size)
xmin = min(min(self.predictions_train[0]),
xmax = max(max(self.predictions_train[0]),
ymin = min(min(self.predictions_train[1]),
ymax = max(max(self.predictions_train[1]),
pylab.plot(self.predictions_train[0], self.predictions_train[1],
'b', label='Training data')
pylab.plot(self.predictions_test[0], self.predictions_test[1],
'g', label='Unseen test data')
pylab.plot([self.classifier_threshold, self.classifier_threshold],
[ymin, ymax], 'r', label='Original Threshold', lw=5)
pylab.plot([self.threshold, self.threshold],
[ymin, ymax], 'c', label='Optimized Threshold', lw=5)
pylab.legend(loc = 0)
pylab.xlim((xmin, xmax))
pylab.ylim((ymin, ymax))
pylab.xlabel("Threshold value")
pylab.ylabel("Metric: %s" % self.metric)
# Store plot
from pySPACE.tools.filesystem import create_directory
import os
node_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, self.__class__.__name__)
pylab.savefig(node_dir + os.sep + "threshold_metric.pdf")
self._log("To many channels chosen for the retained channels! "
"Replaced by maximum number.", level=logging.WARNING)
_NODE_MAPPING = {"Threshold_Optimization": ThresholdOptimizationNode}