""" Digital filtering of :class:`~pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series.TimeSeries`"""
import numpy
import math
import scipy.signal
import scipy.fftpack
import warnings
import logging
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series import TimeSeries
from pySPACE.missions.support.CPP.variance_tools import variance_tools as vt
[docs]class SimpleLowPassFilterNode(BaseNode):
""" Low-pass filtering with the given cutoff frequency using SciPy
This node performs low pass filtering with the given *cutoff_frequency*. It
uses a FIR filter whose *taps*, *width*, and *window* can be specified.
.. note:: Deprecated, because functionality is contained in the other nodes,
with much more important features.
Use the FIRFilterNode or IIRFilterNode.
**Exemplary Call**
.. code-block:: yaml
node : SimpleLowPassFilterNode
parameters :
cutoff_frequency : 0.25
:Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen (jhm@informatik.uni-bremen.de)
:Revisited: Hendrik Woehrle (hendrik.woehrle@dfki.de)
:Created: 2008/08/18
[docs] def __init__(self,
taps = None,
width = None,
window = 'hamming',
selected_channels= None,
assert(cutoff_frequency > 0.0)
super(SimpleLowPassFilterNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.set_permanent_attributes(cutoff_frequency = cutoff_frequency,
taps = taps,
width = width,
window = window,
selected_channels = selected_channels,
b = None)
warnings.warn("Use LowPassFilterNode",DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def _execute(self, x):
""" Apply low pass filter to data x and return the result """
#Determine the indices of the channels which will be filtered
selected_channel_names = self.selected_channels \
if self.selected_channels != None else x.channel_names
selected_channel_indices = [x.channel_names.index(channel_name) \
for channel_name in selected_channel_names]
# Compute the FIR window which is required for the low pass filter
# This is quite slow!
# filter_order = 2 * x.sampling_frequency / self.cutoff_frequency
filter_order = 31
if self.b is None:
b = \
scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps = filter_order,
cutoff = self.cutoff_frequency * 2.0 / x.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
except TypeError:
b = \
scipy.signal.firwin(N = filter_order-1,
cutoff = self.cutoff_frequency * 2.0 / x.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
#Do the actual filtering
filtered_data = numpy.zeros(x.shape)
for channel_index in selected_channel_indices:
filtered_data[:,channel_index] = scipy.signal.convolve(self.b, \
result_time_series = TimeSeries.replace_data(x, filtered_data)
return result_time_series
[docs]class HighPassFilterNode(BaseNode):
""" High-pass filtering with a FIR filter
.. todo:: This nodes needs revision concerning computation time and
.. todo:: Check if cutoff frequency is higher than sampling frequency.
A frequency in Hz. Frequencies above the cutoff frequency can pass, but
below are reduced (attenuated).
Recommended cutoff_frequency for EMG preprocessing: 40 Hz
Number of taps of the filter kernel. Also called filter order.
For EMG preprocessing the recommended filter order is 150.
Approximate width of transition region (normalized so that 1
corresponds to pi) for use in kaiser FIR filter design.
(*optional, default: None*)
Window function to use. See Scipy documentation http://docs.scipy.org/
for possible windows.
(*optional, default: ('kaiser', 0.5)*)
A list of channel names for which the filter should be applied.
E.g. the names of the EMG channels.
(*optional, default: None*)
**Exemplary Call**
.. code-block:: yaml
node : High_Pass_Filter
parameters :
cutoff_frequency : 0.1
taps : 150
selected_channels : ['C3','C4']
:Author: Judith Suttrup
:Created: 2010/02/10
[docs] def __init__(self,
width = None,
window = ("kaiser", 0.5),
selected_channels= None,
assert(cutoff_frequency > 0.0)
super(HighPassFilterNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.set_permanent_attributes(cutoff_frequency = cutoff_frequency,
taps = taps,
width = width,
window = window,
selected_channels = selected_channels,
[docs] def _execute(self, x):
""" Apply high pass filter to data x and return the result """
#Determine the indices of the channels which will be filtered
selected_channel_names = self.selected_channels \
if self.selected_channels != None else x.channel_names
selected_channel_indices = [x.channel_names.index(channel_name) \
for channel_name in selected_channel_names]
if self.b is None:
#Compute the FIR window which is required for the high pass filter
b = scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps = self.taps,
cutoff = self.cutoff_frequency * 2.0 / x.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
except TypeError:
b = scipy.signal.firwin(N = self.taps-1,
cutoff = self.cutoff_frequency * 2.0 / x.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
b = -b
b[self.taps/2] = b[self.taps/2]+1
#Do the actual filtering
filtered_data = numpy.zeros(x.shape)
for channel_index in selected_channel_indices:
filtered_data[:,channel_index] = \
scipy.signal.lfilter(self.b, [1], y[:,channel_index])
result_time_series = TimeSeries.replace_data(x, filtered_data)
return result_time_series
[docs]class FFTBandPassFilterNode(BaseNode):
""" Band-pass filtering using a Fourier transform
This node performs a band-pass filtering for a given *pass_band* by
converting the signal into the frequency domain using an FFT, setting
all bands outside the pass band to zero, and going back to the time domain
using an IFFT.
.. note:: Deprecated. Use the FIRFilterNode or IIRFilterNode.
**Exemplary Call**
.. code-block:: yaml
node : FFTBandPassFilter
parameters :
pass_band : [0.1, 1.0]
:Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen (jhm@informatik.uni-bremen.de)
:Revisited: Hendrik Woehrle (hendrik.woehrle@dfki.de)
:Created: 2008/08/18
[docs] def __init__(self,
selected_channels= None,
super(FFTBandPassFilterNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.set_permanent_attributes(pass_band = pass_band,
selected_channels = selected_channels)
warnings.warn("Use BandPassFilterNode",DeprecationWarning)
[docs] def _execute(self, x):
""" Apply band pass filter to data x and return the result """
#Determine the indices of the channels which will be filtered
selected_channel_names = self.selected_channels \
if self.selected_channels != None else x.channel_names
selected_channel_indices = [x.channel_names.index(channel_name) \
for channel_name in selected_channel_names]
#Do the actual filtering
x_data=x.view(numpy.ndarray) # More efficient slicing, without memory copy...
filtered_data = numpy.zeros(x.shape)
for channel_index in selected_channel_indices:
#Fourier transform
fourier_transformed = scipy.fftpack.fft(x_data[:, channel_index])
#Compute the pass band indices
lower_bound = int(round(float(self.pass_band[0]) / \
x.sampling_frequency * len(fourier_transformed)))
upper_bound = int(round(float(self.pass_band[1]) / \
x.sampling_frequency * len(fourier_transformed)))
#Setting frequencies outside the pass band to 0
for i in range(0, lower_bound):
fourier_transformed[i] = 0
fourier_transformed[-i-1] = 0
for i in range(upper_bound,len(fourier_transformed)/2):
fourier_transformed[i] = 0
fourier_transformed[-i-1] = 0
#Inverse Fourier transform and project to real component
filtered_data[:, channel_index] = \
result_time_series = TimeSeries.replace_data(x, filtered_data)
return result_time_series
[docs]class FIRFilterNode(BaseNode):
""" Band-pass or low-pass filtering with a time domain convolution based on a FIR filter kernel
This node performs a finite impulse response filtering for a given
*pass_band* by applying a time domain convolution with a FIR filter kernel.
.. todo:: Check if ``pass_band`` frequencies are higher than sampling frequency.
.. todo:: Check why generic unittest does not work with a
``pass_band`` interval of [0, 0.4]
The pass band. Tuple for band pass, single value for low pass filtering.
Number of taps of the filter kernel (i.e. order-1)
(*optional, default: 33*)
Approximate width of transition region (normalized so that 1 corresponds
to pi) for use in kaiser FIR filter design.
(*optional, default: None*)
Window function to use. See scipy doc for possible windows.
(*optional, default: 'hamming'*)
Type of computation, e.g.
'normal': the computations are performed using scipy
'parallel': the computations are performed using the adappt module
(*optional, default: 'normal'*)
Number of values that are skipped during
convolution, for e.g. in decimation.
Needs the comp_type set to 'parallel'.
(*optional, default: 0*)
Normally, the convolution is performed as follows:
If a signal of length N is convolved
with a signal of length M,
the result has the length N+M-1.
Scipy picks the first N values to assure, that the
resulting signal is of valid length.
If time_shift is set to 'normal,
the filter behaves as stated above.
If time_shift is set to 'middle',
the values of the interval [M/2,N+M/2-1]
are picked.
If time_shift is set to 'end',
the values of the interval [(N+M-1)/2,N+M-1]
are picked.
If time_shift is set to 'stream',
a block-wise computation is performed, i.e. all incoming time
series objects are assumed to be adjacent sub-blocks of a larger
data stream. Therefore, the internal filter state is preserved between
different executions of the filter.
(*optional, default: False*)
**Exemplary Call**
.. code-block:: yaml
node : FIRBandPassFilter
parameters :
pass_band : [0.4]
comp_type : "normal"
window : "hamming"
taps : 3
skip : 0
:Author: Hendrik Woehrle (hendrik.woehrle@dfki.de)
[docs] def __init__(self,
taps = 33,
width = None,
window = 'hamming',
skip = 0,
comp_type = 'normal',
time_shift = "middle",
selected_channels= None,
super(FIRFilterNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.set_permanent_attributes(pass_band = pass_band,
taps = taps,
width = width,
window = window,
selected_channels = selected_channels,
comp_type = comp_type,
skip = skip,
time_shift = time_shift)
self.comp_hw = kwargs.pop('comp_hw', None)
self.filter_kernel = None
self.filtered_data = None
self.shrinked_data = None
self.data_buffer = None
# the internal filter state
self.internal_state = None
[docs] def initialize_data_dependencies(self, data):
""" Initialize several data dependent buffer variables
and data items
# compute the filter kernel
#Determine the indices of the channels which will be filtered
self.selected_channel_names = self.selected_channels \
if self.selected_channels != None else data.channel_names
self.selected_channel_indices = [data.channel_names.index(channel_name) \
for channel_name in self.selected_channel_names]
# buffer for all filter results
if self.time_shift == "middle":
self.filtered_data = numpy.zeros((data.shape[0]+ \
(len(self.filter_kernel)-1)/2,data.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float)
self.shrinked_data = numpy.zeros(data.shape, dtype=numpy.float)
self.data_buffer = numpy.zeros((data.shape[0]+ \
(len(self.filter_kernel)-1)/2,data.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float)
elif self.time_shift == "end":
self.filtered_data = numpy.zeros((data.shape[0]+ \
(len(self.filter_kernel)-1),data.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float)
self.shrinked_data = numpy.zeros(data.shape, dtype=numpy.float)
self.data_buffer = numpy.zeros((data.shape[0]+ \
(len(self.filter_kernel)-1),data.shape[1]), dtype=numpy.float)
self.filtered_data = numpy.zeros(data.shape, dtype=numpy.float)
self.data_buffer = numpy.zeros(data.shape, dtype=numpy.float)
[docs] def calc_filter_kernel(self, data):
""" Calculate filter kernel """
self.sampling_frequency = data.sampling_frequency
if len(self.pass_band) == 2:
# highpass with spectral inversion
highpass_kernel = - scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps = self.taps,
cutoff = float(self.pass_band[0])*2/self.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
# lowpass
lowpass_kernel = scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps = self.taps,
cutoff = float(self.pass_band[1])*2/self.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
except TypeError:
highpass_kernel = - scipy.signal.firwin(N = self.taps-1,
cutoff = float(self.pass_band[0])*2/self.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
# lowpass
lowpass_kernel = scipy.signal.firwin(N = self.taps-1,
cutoff = float(self.pass_band[1])*2/self.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
lowpass_kernel[self.taps/2] = lowpass_kernel[self.taps/2] + 1
bandpass_kernel = - (highpass_kernel+lowpass_kernel)
bandpass_kernel[self.taps/2] = bandpass_kernel[self.taps/2] + 1
self.filter_kernel = bandpass_kernel
elif len(self.pass_band) == 1:
lowpass_kernel = \
scipy.signal.firwin(numtaps = self.taps,
cutoff = float(self.pass_band[0])*2/self.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
except TypeError:
lowpass_kernel = \
scipy.signal.firwin(N = self.taps-1,
cutoff = float(self.pass_band[0])*2/self.sampling_frequency,
width = self.width,
window = self.window)
self.filter_kernel = lowpass_kernel
raise ValueError("No valid number of pass band arguments: " + \
"pass_band must be a tuple (band pass) or single value (low pass)")
# the optional blockwise filtering
if self.time_shift == "stream":
self.internal_state = dict()
for channel_index in xrange(data.shape[1]):
self.internal_state[channel_index] = numpy.zeros(len(self.filter_kernel)-1)
[docs] def _execute(self, data):
""" Apply filter to data and return the result """
# compute the FIR window which is required for the low pass filter, if
# it not exists
if self.filter_kernel is None:
self.time_offset = 0
assert(len(self.filter_kernel)>0), "Filter construction failed."
if numpy.dtype('float64') != data.dtype:
data = data.astype(numpy.float)
data_array = data.view(numpy.ndarray)
if self.time_shift == "middle":
# append zeros to the selected channels and copy them to the data
# buffer (e.g. just copy the relevant data to data_buffer that
# contains zeros)
self.time_offset = (len(self.filter_kernel)-1)/2
for channel_index in self.selected_channel_indices:
self.data_buffer[0:data.shape[0],channel_index] = \
elif self.time_shift == "end":
# append zeros to the selected channels and copy them to the data
# buffer (e.g. just copy the relevant data to data_buffer that
# contains zeros)
self.time_offset = (len(self.filter_kernel)-1)
for channel_index in self.selected_channel_indices:
self.data_buffer[0:data.shape[0],channel_index] = \
self.data_buffer = data_array
#Do the actual filtering
if self.comp_type == 'normal':
# do sequential filtering
if self.time_shift == "stream":
for channel_index in self.selected_channel_indices:
self.internal_state[channel_index]) = \
self.filter_kernel, 1,
x = self.data_buffer[:,channel_index],
zi = self.internal_state[channel_index])
for channel_index in self.selected_channel_indices:
self.filtered_data[:,channel_index] = \
self.filter_kernel, 1,
x = self.data_buffer[:,channel_index])
raise ValueError("Computation type %s unknown" % self.comp_type)
if self.time_shift == "middle" \
or self.time_shift=="end":
# cut away the irrelevant data
# (e.g. just copy relevant data back)
for channel_index in self.selected_channel_indices:
self.shrinked_data[0:data.shape[0],channel_index] = \
result_time_series = TimeSeries.replace_data(data,self.shrinked_data)
result_time_series = TimeSeries.replace_data(data,self.filtered_data)
return result_time_series
[docs] def __setstate__(self, sdict):
""" Restore object from its pickled state"""
super(FIRFilterNode, self).__setstate__(sdict)
self.filter_kernel = None
self.filtered_data = None
self.shrinked_data = None
self.data_buffer = None
self.internal_state = None
[docs]class IIRFilterNode(BaseNode):
""" Band-pass or low-pass filtering with a direct form IIR filter
.. todo:: Check if ``pass_band`` frequencies are higher than sampling frequency.
.. todo:: Check why generic unittest does not work with a
``pass_band`` interval of [0, 0.4]
The pass band. Tuple for band pass, single value for low pass filtering.
Allowed pass band loss in dB.
(*optional, default: 0.5*)
Allowed remaining stop band rifle in dB.
(*optional, default: 60*)
Type of used filter, e.g. elliptic or butterworth.
See scipy.signal.filter_design.iirdesign for further information.
Type of computation, e.g. 'normal'
(*optional, default: 'normal'*)
**Exemplary Call**
.. code-block:: yaml
node : IIRBandPassFilter
parameters :
pass_band : [0.4]
comp_type : "normal"
window : "hamming"
taps : 3
skip : 0
:Author: Hendrik Woehrle (hendrik.woehrle@dfki.de)
[docs] def __init__(self,
pass_band_loss = 0.5,
stop_band_rifle = 60,
ftype = 'ellip',
selected_channels = None,
comp_type = 'normal',
super(IIRFilterNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.set_permanent_attributes(pass_band = pass_band,
pass_band_loss = pass_band_loss,
stop_band_rifle = stop_band_rifle,
ftype = ftype,
selected_channels = selected_channels,
comp_type = comp_type,
filter_kernel = None)
self.comp_hw = kwargs.pop('comp_hw', None)
[docs] def calc_filter_kernel(self, data):
""" Calculate filter kernel """
self.sampling_frequency = data.sampling_frequency
if len(self.pass_band) == 1:
wp = self.pass_band[0] * 2. * 0.9 / self.sampling_frequency
ws = self.pass_band[0] * 2. * 1.0 / self.sampling_frequency
elif len(self.pass_band) == 2:
wp = [self.pass_band[0] * 2. * 1.0 / self.sampling_frequency,
self.pass_band[1] * 2. * 0.9 / self.sampling_frequency]
ws = [self.pass_band[0] * 2. * 0.9 / self.sampling_frequency,
self.pass_band[1] * 2. * 1.0 / self.sampling_frequency]
raise ValueError("No valid number of pass band arguments: pass_band"\
+ " must be a tuple (band pass) or single value (low pass)")
b,a = scipy.signal.iirdesign(wp, ws, self.pass_band_loss,
self.stop_band_rifle, ftype=self.ftype)
[docs] def _execute(self, data):
""" Apply filter to data and return the result
.. todo:: check if other view is needed here please
#Compute the FIR window which is required for the low pass filter, if it
#not exists
if self.filter_kernel is None:
#Determine the indices of the channels which will be filtered
self.selected_channel_names = self.selected_channels \
if self.selected_channels != None else data.channel_names
self.selected_channel_indices = \
[data.channel_names.index(channel_name) for channel_name in \
if self.comp_type == 'normal': #normal filtering with scipy
filtered_data = numpy.zeros(data.shape)
for channel_index in self.selected_channel_indices:
filtered_data[:,channel_index] = \
self.filter_kernel[1], data[:,channel_index])
result_time_series = TimeSeries.replace_data(data, filtered_data)
elif self.comp_type == 'mirror':
#filtering with scipy, mirror the data beforehand on the right border
data_mirrored = numpy.vstack((data,numpy.flipud(data)))
pre_filtered_data = numpy.zeros(data_mirrored.shape)
for channel_index in self.selected_channel_indices:
pre_filtered_data[:,channel_index] = \
self.filter_kernel[1], data_mirrored[:,channel_index])
pre_filtered_data[:,channel_index] = \
result_time_series = \
TimeSeries.replace_data(data, pre_filtered_data[:len(data)])
raise ValueError("Computation type unknown")
return result_time_series
[docs]class VarianceFilterNode(BaseNode):
""" Take the variance as filtered data or standardize with moving variance and mean
This node can perform a low-pass filtering using the variance,
for example used to enhance the SNR of raw EMG Signals,
or calculates a standardization with the variance.
The variance is calculated for each sample at time point t using the following formula:
.. math:: n*var(t) = n*var(t-1) + (x(t)-x(t-n)) * ((n-1)*x(t) + (n+1)*x(t-n) - 2*n*m(t-1)),
- n is the width of the "filter", number of samples used for calculating the variance
- Var(t) is the variance as time point t
- x(t) is the sample at time point t
- m(t) is the mean at time point t
The standardization is calculated for each sample at time point t using the following formula:
.. math:: S(t) = \\frac{x(t)-m(t)}{Std(t)},
- S(t) = is the standardization for the sample at time point t
- x(t) is the sample at time point t
- m(t) is the mean at time point t
- Std(t) is the standard deviation at time point t
The standard deviation is calculated using the formula for the variance explained above,
followed by a applying the normal square root
Size of the window used to calculate the variance,
the higher the value the smoother is the resulting signal.
The value is given in ms.
.. todo:: Check if given value is too small.
(*optional, default: 50*)
Flag which indicates if the filter should simply calculate the
variance for a given size (False), or if a standardization
should be calculated, meaning the mean for the given size is
subtracted from the sample followed by a division by the variance.
(*optional, default: False*)
**Exemplary Call**
.. code-block:: yaml
node : VarianceFilter
parameters :
width : 2000
standardization : False
:Author: Marc Tabie (mtabie@informatik.uni-bremen.de)
:Created: 2012/05/02
[docs] def __init__(self,
width = 50,
standardization = False,
normalize = False,
lenNormalize = 1,
super(VarianceFilterNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
#Try to import the c-implementation of the variance and the standardization
from pySPACE.missions.support.CPP.variance_tools import variance_tools as vt
var_tools = True
warnings.warn("The variance_tools module is not compiled\nIt is located in missions/support/CPP/variance_tools\nPlease compile it using python \"setup.py build_ext --inplace\"")
var_tools = False
self.set_permanent_attributes(ringbuffer = None, # List with ringbuffers for the last n samples used for calculating the variance
variables = None, # List with the variables needed to calculate (0=variance, 1=mean)
index = None, # List with the current indices for the ringbuffers
width = width, # Window size of the variance
standardization = standardization, # Use standardization?
nChannels = None, # Number of channels
var_tools = var_tools,# C-implementation of var/std
normalize = normalize,
lenNormalize = lenNormalize,
ringbufferNormalize = None)
[docs] def _execute(self, data):
# Initialize the ringbuffers and variables one for each channel
if(self.ringbuffer == None):
self.width /= 1000.0
self.width = int(self.width * data.sampling_frequency)
self.nChannels = len(data.channel_names)
self.ringbuffer = numpy.zeros((self.width,self.nChannels),dtype=numpy.double)
self.variables = numpy.zeros((2,self.nChannels),dtype=numpy.double)
self.index = numpy.zeros(self.nChannels,'i')
if(self.width <= 1):
warnings.warn("Width have to be greater than 1!\nThe data won't be changed!!!")
return data
if(self.normalize and self.ringbufferNormalize == None):
self.ringbufferNormalize = numpy.zeros((self.lenNormalize,self.nChannels),dtype=numpy.double)
# Convert the input data to double
x = data.view(numpy.ndarray).astype(numpy.double)
# Initialize the result data array
filtered_data = numpy.zeros(x.shape)
# Lists which are passed to the standadization
# TODO: make self
processing_filtered_data = None
processing_ringbuffer = None
processing_variables = None
processing_index = None
for channel_index in range(self.nChannels):
# Copy the different data to the processing listst
processing_filtered_data = numpy.array(filtered_data[:,channel_index],'d')
processing_ringbuffer = numpy.array(self.ringbuffer[:,channel_index],'d')
processing_variables = numpy.array(self.variables[:,channel_index],'d')
processing_index = int(self.index[channel_index])
if self.var_tools:
# Perform the standardization
# The module vt (variance_tools) is implemented in c using
# boost to wrap the code in Python
# The module is located in trunk/library/variance_tools
# and have to be compiled
self.index[channel_index] = vt.standardization(
processing_filtered_data, numpy.array(
x[:,channel_index],'d'), processing_ringbuffer,
processing_variables, self.width, processing_index)
self.index[channel_index] = self.standardisation(
processing_filtered_data, numpy.array(
x[:,channel_index],'d'), processing_ringbuffer,
processing_variables, self.width, processing_index)
# Copy the processing lists back to the local variables
filtered_data[:,channel_index] = processing_filtered_data
self.ringbuffer[:,channel_index] = processing_ringbuffer
self.variables[:,channel_index] = processing_variables
for channel_index in range(self.nChannels):
# Copy the different data to the processing listst
processing_filtered_data = numpy.array(
processing_ringbuffer = numpy.array(
processing_variables = numpy.array(
processing_index = int(self.index[channel_index])
if self.var_tools:
# Perform the filtering with the variance
# The module vt (variance_tools) is implemented in c using
# boost to wrap the code in Python
# The module is located in trunk/library/variance_tools
# and have to be compiled
self.index[channel_index] = vt.filter(
processing_filtered_data, numpy.array(
x[:,channel_index],'d'), processing_ringbuffer,
processing_variables, self.width, processing_index)
if self.normalize:
lenData = len(processing_filtered_data)
self.ringbufferNormalize[0:-lenData,channel_index] = \
self.ringbufferNormalize[-lenData:,channel_index] = \
processing_filtered_data /= numpy.max((50, numpy.max(
self.index[channel_index] = self.variance(
processing_filtered_data, numpy.array(
x[:,channel_index],'d'), processing_ringbuffer,
processing_variables, self.width, processing_index)
# Copy the processing lists back to the local variables
filtered_data[:,channel_index] = processing_filtered_data
self.ringbuffer[:,channel_index] = processing_ringbuffer
self.variables[:,channel_index] = processing_variables
# Return the result
result_time_series = TimeSeries.replace_data(data, filtered_data)
return result_time_series
# Fallback functions if the c implementation of the variance filter and the
# standardisation could not be loaded
[docs] def variance(self, outData, inData, ringbuffer, variables, width, index):
#Some local variables for speed up
ww = width * width
wm1 = width - 1.0
wp1 = width + 1.0
ringbufferValue = 0.0
variable1 = 0.0
for i in range(len(inData)):
# Speedup for array entries which are needed several times
ringbufferValue = ringbuffer[index]
inDataValue = inData[i]
variable1 = variables[1]
# Calculating the new variance
variables[0] += (inDataValue - ringbufferValue) * (
(wm1 * inDataValue) + (wp1 * ringbufferValue) -
(2.0 * variable1))
# Calculating the new mean value
variables[1] = variable1 + (inDataValue-ringbufferValue)
# Store the actual sample in the ringbuffer
ringbuffer[index] = inDataValue;
# Increment the ringbuffer index
index = index + 1 if (index < wm1) else 0
# Calculate the standardization
outData[i] = variables[0] / ww
return index
[docs] def standardisation(self, outData, inData, ringbuffer, variables, width, index):
# Some local variables for speed up
ww = width * width
wm1 = width - 1.0
wp1 = width + 1.0
ringbufferValue = 0.0
variable1 = 0.0
invalidValue = False
invalidValueOccured = False
for i in range(len(inData)):
# Speedup for array entries which are needed several times
ringbufferValue = ringbuffer[index];
inDataValue = inData[i]
variable1 = variables[1]
# Calculating the new variance
variables[0] += (inDataValue - ringbufferValue) * (
(wm1 * inDataValue) + (wp1 * ringbufferValue) -
(2.0 * variable1))
if variables[0] <= 0.0:
variablesInvalidValueBuffer = variables[0]
variables[0] = 1.0
invalidValue = True
invalidValueOccured = True
# Calculating the new mean value
variables[1] = variable1 + (inDataValue-ringbufferValue);
# Store the actual sample in the ringbuffer
ringbuffer[index] = inDataValue;
# Increment the ringbuffer index
index = index + 1 if (index < wm1) else 0
# Calculate the standardization
outData[i] = (inDataValue - (variables[1] / width)) / \
math.sqrt(variables[0] / ww) \
if (math.sqrt(variables[0] / ww) != 0.0) else 0.0
if invalidValue == True:
variables[0] = variablesInvalidValueBuffer
invalidValue = False
if invalidValueOccured:
"OnlineStandardization:: Warning: Prevented division" +
" by zero during standardization!", level=logging.WARNING)
return index
[docs]class TkeoNode(BaseNode):
""" Calculate the energy of a signal with the Teager Kaiser Energy Operator (TKEO) as new signal
This is a quadratic filter with the formula:
.. math::
x_{i-1}^2 - x_{i-2} \\cdot x_i
The formula is taken from the following publication::
Kaiser J. F. (1990)
On a simple algorithm to calculate 'energy' of a signal.
In Proceedings:
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-90)
Pages 381-384
For processing EMG-Data a high pass filter at 20 Hz before the node
and a low pass filter at 50 Hz after the node is recommended.
A list of channel names the algorithm should work with. I.e. the
EMG channel names. If this parameter is not specified, all
channels are used.
(*optional, default: None*)
**Exemplary Call**
.. code-block:: yaml
node : TKEO
parameters :
selected_channels : ["C3", "C4"]
:Author: Marc Tabie (mtabie@informatik.uni-bremen.de)
:Created: 2012/05/02
[docs] def __init__(self, selected_channels= None, **kwargs):
super(TkeoNode, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.set_permanent_attributes(selected_channels = selected_channels,
old_data = None,
selected_channel_indices = None)
[docs] def _execute(self, x):
""" Compute the energy of the given signal x using the TKEO """
# Determine the indices of the channels which will be filtered
# Done only once...
if self.selected_channel_indices is None:
self.selected_channels = self.selected_channels \
if self.selected_channels != None else x.channel_names
self.selected_channel_indices = [x.channel_names.index(channel_name) \
for channel_name in self.selected_channels]
self.old_data = numpy.zeros((2,len(self.selected_channel_indices)))
filtered_data = numpy.zeros(x.shape)
channel_counter = -1
for channel_index in self.selected_channel_indices:
channel_counter += 1
for i in range(len(x)):
if i == 0:
filtered_data[i][channel_index] = \
math.pow(self.old_data[1][channel_counter],2) - (
self.old_data[0][channel_counter] * x[0][channel_index])
elif i == 1:
filtered_data[i][channel_index] = \
math.pow(x[0][channel_index],2) - (
self.old_data[1][channel_counter] * x[1][channel_index])
filtered_data[i][channel_index] = \
math.pow(x[i-1][channel_index],2) - (
x[i-2][channel_index] * x[i][channel_index])
self.old_data[0][channel_counter] = x[-2][channel_index]
self.old_data[1][channel_counter] = x[-1][channel_index]
result_time_series = TimeSeries.replace_data(x, filtered_data)
return result_time_series
_NODE_MAPPING = {"Simple_Low_Pass_Filter": SimpleLowPassFilterNode,
"High_Pass_Filter": HighPassFilterNode,
"FFT_Band_Pass_Filter": FFTBandPassFilterNode,
"BandPassFilter": FIRFilterNode,
"LowPassFilter": FIRFilterNode,
"FIRBandPassFilter": FIRFilterNode,
"FIRLowPassFilter": FIRFilterNode,
"IIRBandPassFilter": IIRFilterNode,
"IIRLowPassFilter": IIRFilterNode,
"TKEO": TkeoNode,