Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.splitter.traintest_splitter

""" Split data into one training and one test data set with restriction like randomization or fixed percentages """
import random

from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
from import MemoizeGenerator

[docs]class TrainTestSplitterNode(BaseNode): """ Split data into one training and one test data set with a fixed ratio The relative size of the two sets is controlled via the parameter train_ratio. .. warning:: the class ratio is not retained .. todo:: introduce stratified parameter as in CV_Splitter **Parameters** :train_ratio: The ratio of the overall available data that is assigned to the training set. The remaining data (1-train_ratio) is used for testing. (*optional, default: 0.5*) :num_train_instances: Instead of specifying a train_ratio, this option allows to specify the absolute number of training instances of class *class_label* that should be in the training set. All instances that occur until *num_train_instances* are found are used for training. The remaining data are used for testing. (*optional, default: None*) :class_label: If *num_train_instances*-option is used, this string determines the class of which training examples are count. :random: If *False*, the order of the data is retained. I.e. the train_ratio instances are used for training and the remaining as test data. If *True*, the two sets are sampled randomly from the data without taking into consideration the data's order. (*optional, default: True*) **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : TrainTestSplitter parameters : train_ratio : 0.7 random : False :Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen ( :Created: 2010/03/08 (Documentation, old node) :LastChange: 2011/11/14 (Documentation) Anett Seeland """
[docs] def __init__(self, train_ratio=0.5, random=True, num_train_instances=None, class_label='Target', reverse=False, **kwargs): super(TrainTestSplitterNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) assert(not(random and reverse)),"Reverse ordering makes no sense when randomization is active!" self.set_permanent_attributes(train_ratio=train_ratio, random=random, num_train_instances=num_train_instances, class_label=class_label, reverse=reverse, train_data=None, test_data=None)
[docs] def is_split_node(self): """ Returns whether this is a split node. """ return True
[docs] def use_next_split(self): """ Use the next split of the data into training and test data. Returns True if more splits are available, otherwise False. This method is useful for benchmarking """ return False
[docs] def train_sweep(self, use_test_data): """ Performs the actual training of the node. .. note:: Split nodes cannot be trained """ raise Exception("Split nodes cannot be trained")
[docs] def request_data_for_training(self, use_test_data): """ Returns the data for training of subsequent nodes .. todo:: to document """ # Create split lazily when required if self.train_data == None: self._create_split() # Create training data generator self.data_for_training = \ MemoizeGenerator(instance for instance in self.train_data) return self.data_for_training.fresh()
[docs] def request_data_for_testing(self): """ Returns the data for testing of subsequent nodes .. todo:: to document """ # Create split lazily when required if self.test_data == None: self._create_split() # Create test data generator self.data_for_testing = \ MemoizeGenerator(instance for instance in self.test_data) return self.data_for_testing.fresh()
[docs] def _create_split(self): """ Create the split of the data into training and test data. """ self._log("Splitting data into train and test data") train_data = list(self.input_node.request_data_for_training(use_test_data=False)) # If there is already a non-empty training set, # it means that we are not the first split node in the node chain. if len(train_data) > 0: raise Exception("No iterated splitting of data sets allowed\n " "(Calling a splitter on a data set that is already " "split)") # Create generator instead of loading all data if self.num_train_instances and not (self.random): self.train_data = [] input_generator=self.input_node.request_data_for_testing() for i in range(self.num_train_instances): self.train_data.append( self.test_data = input_generator return # Gather all test data test_data = list(self.input_node.request_data_for_testing()) # Remember all the data and store it in memory # TODO: This might cause problems for large dataset data = train_data + test_data data_size = len(data) # Randomize order if randomization is not switched of if self.random: r = random.Random(self.run_number) r.shuffle(data) if self.num_train_instances!=None: if self.reverse: data = data[::-1] if len([i for i in range(len(data)) \ if data[i][1]==self.class_label])==self.num_train_instances: train_end = data_size else: counter = 0 for (index, (window, label)) in enumerate(data): # print "Label: ", label, "Zeitpunkt: ", window.start_time if label == self.class_label: counter += 1 if counter == self.num_train_instances: train_end = index+1 break assert(self.num_train_instances==counter), \ "Too many instances to select." else: # Split data into train and test data according train_ratio train_end = int(round(data_size * self.train_ratio)) self.train_data=data[0:train_end] self.test_data=data[train_end:]