""" Base class for visualization nodes
This node can be used as a base to visualize instances of the data as
time series. To use the functionality of this node in a child node
you just have to create one function, which is _plotValues:
**Parameters of `_plotValues`**
:values: dict TimeSeries values, e.g.::
{'Standard': TimeSeries(...),'Target' : TimeSeries(...)}
:plot_label: str Plot-Label
:fig_num: int Figure-number for ?
:store_dir: str Directory to store the plots
:counter: int Plot counter for all trials
Inside this function you can perform any plot you want.
import os
import glob
import numpy
import warnings
import copy
import time
import pylab
from collections import defaultdict
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node import BaseNode
from pySPACE.tools.filesystem import create_directory
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.type_manipulation import type_conversion
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.prediction_vector import PredictionVector
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.feature_vector import FeatureVector
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series import TimeSeries
[docs]class VisualizationBase(BaseNode):
""" Base node for visualization
If you want to use the functionality you can inherit from it, like, e.g.,
ElectrodeCoordinationPlotNode does. See the module documentation for details.
This base class provides the following functionality:
- you can insert this node at any place in your node chain
- you can optionally plot single trials and/or averages (the latter also accumulating over time)
- you can either plot in online or in offline mode (see below)
- data is sorted according to labels
- optionally training and test data are distinguished
- feature vectors are automatically transferred to time series
- prediction vectors are evaluated according to the transformation they were generated from
- optionally you can add backward computing of previous transformations (e.g. spatial filters) to get better visualizations
- electrodes come with defined positions
- history values can be taken into account for plot
The node has a number of parameters to define what should be plotted, e.g.
whether to plot single trials, accumulated average and/or average, or
to plot training vs test data, or to constrain to a certain label.
Basically, there are two modes of plotting and storing the data: the
offline mode (default) and the online mode. In the offline mode, the
plotting is performed at the end and the plots are saved into the result_dir,
specified for the store method in pySPACE. In the online mode, the plotting is
performed as soon as the information is available and the user can specify
the directory to store the data with the parameter user_dir.
.. note::
- Currently the data labels which are also given in the figure's title
are based on the tag from the data.
- If you use a splitter node previous to this node,
the information of the different splits is also handled separately.
- This node is not changing the data as such!
.. note::
Be careful when configuring matplotlib!
Interactive matplotlib-backends are not compatible between offline and online,
when using live environment.
Without the live environment, successful matplotlib backends
used on a Mac were *Agg* (not interactive) and *MacOSX*. When using the live
package, a working interactive matplotlib backend should be *GTKAgg*.
You can change the matplotlib backend
by modifying the *matplotlibrc* file in *.matplotlib* in
your home directory, e.g. *backend : GTKAgg*.
:General parameters:
This option is useful when using the visualisation node multiple
times within a node chain and getting the plots directly
printed on-screen. The initial figure number is randomized between
1 and 10000, so each visualisation node most likely plots into
different figure windows.
(*optional, default: True*)
The computation is performed in "online" mode, i.e. the plots are
generated in the execution period of the node. If you additionally
store the data, the user_dir is used (see below).
On the other hand, if the "offline" mode is used the plots are
generated after all computations have been performed and the default
way of saving the data is used.
(*optional, default: False*)
:Limit the amount of data:
List of strings. Only the data belonging to class labels in the
list are plotted.
.. note:: If there is no match, no plot will be generated!
(*optional, default: None*)
Has to be True if you want to plot data belonging to the training
set. If you are only interested in test data, you can set this
parameter to False.
(*optional, default: True*)
Has to be True if you want to plot data belonging to the test set.
(*optional, default: True*)
Specify which points in time should be included in visualization.
With the default option, all available time stamps are displayed.
The time_stamps are computed with respect to the timeshift option
(see below), i.e. in a data window of 600 ms length, with
timeshift = -200 and time_stamps = [200], the data at 400 ms in the
original window is displayed.
(*optional, default: [-1]*)
:Influence the way how the data is plotted:
If this is true, all samples are averaged and the plot is created
using this average. The average is performed with respect to the
class labels.
(*optional, default: True*)
If this is true, you will see the average accumulating with trials
in a separate window. Again, this average is computed for each class
(*optional, default: False*)
If this is true, single trials are plotted.
(*optional, default: False*)
When this option is True, training and test data are separately
treated as if they belong to different classes. Therefore, if
you have two original classes and set this option to True,
your plot will consist of four subplots.
.. note:: Setting this option
to True will force request_training and request_test to True.
(*optional, default: False*)
This parameter shifts the labels of the time axis. If, e.g.,
timeshift = -1000, the axis would show [-1000, 1000] instead of
[0, 2000].
Adjust this according to how the windowing was performed - usually
one would want to have the marker at time 0.
(*optional, default: 0*)
This parameter
controls whether the plots are arranged according to physiological
positions. Otherwise this parameter has no effect.
(*optional, default: True*)
This parameter only has effects if the node is used with a
prediction vector (i.e. after a classification). Then the predictor
property of the prediction vector is always scanned for a
FeatureVector for plotting (if it is not found, then the history is
scanned for another prediction vector). The parameter history_index
now introduces a further switch:
When set (between 1 and infinity), it specifies the depth in the
history where the history is additionally used for the plot output
(i.e. the corresponding node used keep_in_history=True). When the
history is not used for something else, this depth is usually 1. The
values usually correspond to the original feature values and are of
type TimeSeries or FeatureVector. Then, the product of feature value
and weight (i.e. the feature vector from the predictor) is computed
for each data point. The result is finally plotted
as topography.
(*optional, default: None*)
When the node gets a FeatureVector or PredictionVector this option
controls whether the transformation of a preceding spatial filter
(SF) is taken into account. If True, all *artificial* channels of
the filter are transformed back to their original electrode
counterparts. For full flexibility in what should be plotted, this
option can be combined with *history_index*, *use_FN*, *SF_channels*
and *use_transformation*.
(*optional, default: True*)
documentation in progress
(*optional, default: True*)
documentation in progress
(*optional, default: All*)
documentation in progress
(*optional, default: False*)
:Saving Options:
If this is true, the graphics are stored
to the persistency directory at the end of the run.
(*optional, default: False*)
This option is only active, if plotting is in online mode
(online=True) and store=True. Then the user can specify where the
data should be stored.
(*optional, default: './'*)
If this is True, a video of the average signals is created. Does
require the ffmpeg library. The video is created from plots in the
.. note:: Enforces store=True.
(*optional, default: False*)
With this additional option, you can store the data that has been
used for plotting. The folder will be the same where the pictures
are in. This option has no effect, if :store: is set to False.
(*optional, default: False*)
:Author: Sirko Straube (sirko.straube@dfki.de)
:Date of Last Revision: 2013/01/01
[docs] def __init__(self,
""" Used to initialize the environment.
Called by VisualizationBase child-node.
Parameters: See description above.
Returns: Nothing.
#should training and test data be handled separately
if separate_training_and_test:
#if yes: all data has to be requested
request_training = True
request_test = True
#modify request_training accordingly
self.request_training = request_training
super(VisualizationBase, self).__init__(store=store, **kwargs)
if rand_initial_fig:
if create_movie:
#store the graphics to the persistency directory used in store_state
store = True
if not store:
store_data = False
#if plots are stored in online mode a directory is either specified or
#data is stored in execution path
if online and store:
#is user_dir not set explicitly?
if user_dir == './':
#set the user directory to the execution-path
user_dir = '%s/' % os.getcwd()
#add a folder with a timestamp
user_dir = os.path.join(user_dir,time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H_%M_%S") + \
user_dir = None #either offline plotting or store=False
store = store,
skipped_trials=list(), #list of not evaluated trials
# whenever _execute was called
[docs] def is_trainable(self):
""" Returns whether this node is trainable.
Method of base_node overwritten.
Returns: bool
return self.request_training
[docs] def is_supervised(self):
""" Returns whether this node requires supervised training.
Method of base_node overwritten.
Returns: bool
return self.request_training
[docs] def _train(self,
data, #TimeSeries, FeatureVector or PredictionVector
# Data to work with.
label): #str class label
""" Every data instance that is passing this function
gets a flag.
Returns: nothing.
#notice that instance is training data
data.specs['Training'] = True
[docs] def _execute(self, data): # data = pySPACE data instance
""" This function performs a couple of operations:
No matter what kind of data is arriving,
the data is transformed into TimeSeries (for more information see below).
The main purpose of this function is to sort the data internally according
to the applied and intended label (consisting maximally of "Training" or "Test"
plus the actual class label) with respect to what should be plotted (single
trial, average or accumulated average). In the end different the list of
single_trials (st_list) and/or trials used for averaging (accum_list) are
filled with respect to the evaluated label in this function.
Accordingly separate counters are increased.
These lists and counters can be easily used by any visualisation child node.
Data instance will be skipped, if
o limit2class is set and the the current label of the data is different
o we got training-data, but request_training is False
o we got test-data, but request_test is False
A list of skipped trials is built.
If it has been set:
The flag data.specs['Training']=True is evaluated and deleted afterwards.
Two representations of the data can be computed:
o single trial data (=data)
o a running average (=accum_avg)
In the online mode, the data is plotted here in the execute function
(except average), otherwise in store_state.
Called by base_node.
.. note::
Currently the label is based on the tag.
This should be fixed in the near future!
Returns: unmodified data
if pylab_import_error and not \
(self.online and hasattr(self, "_plotValues")):
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase::Pylab could not be imported. "
"Plotting not supported.")
return data
#convert any datatype internally into TimeSeries
#evaluate the datatype and prepare data accordingly
dattype = type(data)
if dattype == TimeSeries:
if not self.use_transformation:
# TimeSeries are used as they are
prepared_data = data
else: # TODO: back-transform data!
prepared_data = data
elif dattype == FeatureVector:
# Feature Vectors are transformed into TimeSeries
prepared_data = \
#if previous data transformations should be included
if self.use_transformation:
elif dattype == PredictionVector:
# Prediction Vectors are checked for a FeatureVector as predictor
prepared_data = self._prepare_prediction(data)
except RuntimeError:
prepared_data = None
if prepared_data is None:
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: Unsupported data type " + \
str(dattype) + "! Plotting ignored!")
return data
else: #should never occur
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: Unsupported data type " + \
str(dattype) + "! Plotting ignored!")
return data
self.trial_counter += 1
#get the label from the tag
curr_label = data.tag.split()[-1]
if data.specs.has_key('Training'):
training_data = data.specs['Training']
#in case splits are used, this information has to be deleted
del data.specs['Training']
#we are dealing with test data
training_data = False
if self.limit2class:
# is the current label not the one the user is interested in?
if curr_label not in self.limit2class:
#skip it
return data
#distinguish between training and test data?
if self.separate_training_and_test:
if training_data:
curr_label += '_Training'
curr_label += '_Test'
#do we have data that we not requested?
elif (self._training_execution_phase and not self.request_training) \
or (not training_data and not self.request_test):
#skip it!
return data
#is averaging of the data intended?
if self.averaging or self.accum_avg:
#first time...
if not curr_label in self.avg_values.keys():
self.avg_values[curr_label] = prepared_data
self.label_counter[curr_label] = 1
#all other times...
# collecting and updating list with respect to current label
accumulated_value = \
self.avg_values[curr_label] \
* self.label_counter[curr_label] \
+ prepared_data
self.label_counter[curr_label] += 1
self.avg_values[curr_label] = \
accumulated_value / self.label_counter[curr_label]
#plotting intended?
if self.accum_avg:
#store the data
#plots in online mode?
if self.online:
#only possible if child has implemented the plot function
if hasattr(self, "_plotValues"):
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: The node you are using for visualisation " \
"has no function _plotValues! This is most likely not what you intended!" \
"Plotting ignored!")
#single trials intended?
if self.single_trial:
#collect them...
values = dict()
values[curr_label] = prepared_data
#plots in online mode?
if self.online:
#only possible if child has implemented the plot function
if hasattr(self, "_plotValues"):
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: The node you are using for visualisation " \
"has no function _plotValues! This is most likely not what you intended!" \
"Plotting ignored!")
return data
[docs] def store_state(self,
result_dir, #string of results dir
index=None): #None or int: number in node chain
""" Stores the plots to the *result_dir* and is used for offline
plotting and for plotting of average values (online and offline).
Plots offline-data for every trial which has not been skipped.
Optionally creates movies based on the stored images.
Called by base_node.
Returns: Nothing.
if self.store:
#set the specific directory for this particular node
node_dir = os.path.join(result_dir, self.__class__.__name__)
#do we have an index-number?
if not index is None:
#add the index-number...
node_dir += "_%d" % int(index)
#no specific directory
#offline mode?
if not self.online and (self.single_trial or self.accum_avg):
if not hasattr(self, "_plotValues"):
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: The node you are using for visualisation " \
"has no function _plotValues! This is most likely not what you intended!" \
"Plotting ignored!")
pos = 0
for trial_num in range(1, self.trial_counter+1):
if trial_num not in self.skipped_trials:
if self.single_trial:
plot_label="single_trial_no_" + str(trial_num),
if self.accum_avg:
pos += 1
#plotting of the whole average or storage of the movie may also be possible in online mode
if self.online:
#set or change the the specific directory for the node to the
#execution-path with a timestamp (see __init__)
node_dir = self.user_dir
#is averaging intended?
if self.averaging:
if not self.avg_values:
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: One of your averages has no " \
"instances! Plotting ignored!")
if hasattr(self, "_plotValues"):
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: The node you are using for visualisation " \
"has no function _plotValues! This is most likely not what you intended!" \
"Plotting ignored!")
#Finally create a movie if specified
if self.create_movie and self.store_data:
prefixes = []
if self.single_trial:
for trial in range(1, self.trial_counter+1):
prefixes.append("single_trial_no_" + str(trial))
if self.accum_avg:
for trial in range(1, self.trial_counter+1):
prefixes.append("accum_avg_no_" + str(trial))
if self.averaging:
#close the figure windows
[docs] def _create_movie(self,
prefixes, #[str] List of prefixes for the movies to create
directory): #str Directory for the node
""" Creates movies based on the stored plots.
Creates movies in the directory for the node. Movies will be created
for those files with the given prefix. One movie for each prefix.
Filename extensions may vary. See "man convert" for further
Returns: Nothing.
#store current path
former_dir = os.getcwd()
#go to node dir
for prefix in prefixes:
counter = 0
file_list = glob.glob("%s%s%s_*" % (directory, os.sep, prefix))
if file_list != []:
file_list = sorted(file_list) #note: check list sorting - there may still be a bug > leading zeros might still miss
for file_str in file_list:
#convert format to temporary JPG and scale the image with x=2048
#save it in four-digit format
os.system("convert %s -resize 2048 %s%s%04d.jpg" % (file_str,
directory, os.sep, counter))
counter += 1
#create an mp4-video-file with FPS=10, Bitrate=1800 based on the
#files in four-digit format
os.system("ffmpeg -r 10 -b 1800 -i %04d.jpg " + str(prefix) +
#remove the temporary JPGs
for c in range(counter):
os.remove("%04d.jpg" % c)
#change dir back to old one
[docs] def _inc_train(self, data, class_label=None):
# todo: insert sparse_update switch
if data.label != class_label:
self.current_trafo_TS = None
[docs] def _prepare_prediction(self, data): #PredictionVector Data to work with.
""" Convert prediction vector to time series object for visualization
Using the function *get_previous_transformations* the node history is
searched for the respective transformation parametrizations and then
the transformations are combined tog et a complete picture of the
data processing chain.
A special case is, when the
:data: This is a Prediction Vector, which might contain data in its
history component which is used for multiplication with
the transformation or which is used as sample for
calculating the derivative of the processing chain for the
if self.current_trafo_TS is None: #needed only once
transformation_list = self.get_previous_transformations(data)
classifier = transformation_list[-1]
if classifier[3] == "generic_backtransformation":
current_trafo = classifier[0]
if type(current_trafo) == FeatureVector:
current_trafo_TS = type_conversion.\
elif type(current_trafo) == TimeSeries:
current_trafo_TS = current_trafo
if self.covariancing:
shape = current_trafo_TS.shape
covariance = classifier[1][1]
new_TS_array = numpy.dot(
covariance, current_trafo_TS.flatten()).reshape(shape)
current_trafo_TS = TimeSeries.replace_data(
current_trafo_TS, new_TS_array)
elif classifier[3] == "linear classifier":
classifier_FV = FeatureVector(numpy.atleast_2d(classifier[0]),
current_trafo = classifier_FV
if self.use_FN:
FN = transformation_list[-2]
assert(FN[3]=="feature normalization")
assert(classifier[2]==FN[2]),"VisualizationBase:: Feature names do not match!"
FN_FV = FeatureVector(numpy.atleast_2d(FN[0]),
feature_names = FN[2])
current_trafo = FeatureVector(current_trafo*FN_FV,
feature_names = FN_FV.feature_names)
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: Did not get any feature normalization!")
pass #raise
current_trafo_TS = type_conversion.FeatureVector2TimeSeriesNode()._execute(current_trafo)
if self.use_SF:
# TODO CHECK fitting of channel names
SF = transformation_list[-2]
if not SF[3] == "spatial filter":
SF = transformation_list[-3]
assert(SF[3] == "spatial filter")
new_channel_names = SF[2]
SF_trafo = SF[0]
current_trafo_TS = TimeSeries(numpy.dot(current_trafo_TS,SF_trafo.T),
channel_names = new_channel_names,
sampling_frequency = current_trafo_TS.sampling_frequency)
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: Did not get any spatial filter!")
pass #raise
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: "+
"Did not get any classifier transformation!")
raise RuntimeError
# the reordering should have been done in the type conversion
prepared_prediction = self.current_trafo_TS
if self.history_index:
if data.has_history():
prepared_history = copy.deepcopy(data.history[self.history_index-1])
if type(prepared_history)==FeatureVector:
if found_in_history:
prepared_prediction = copy.deepcopy(prepared_prediction)*prepared_history
warnings.warn("VisualizationBase:: No FeatureVector or TimeSeries found in history. Parameter history_index ignored!")
return prepared_prediction
[docs] def _prepare_FV(self, data):
""" Convert FeatureVector into TimeSeries and use it for plotting.
.. note:: This function is not yet working as it should be.
Work in progress.
Commit due to LRP-Demo (DLR Review)
# visualization of transformation or history data times visualization
if self.current_trafo_TS is None:
transformation_list = self.get_previous_transformations(data)
transformation_list.reverse() #first element is previous node
for elem in transformation_list:
if self.use_FN and elem[3]=="feature normalization":
# visualize Feature normalization scaling as feature vector
FN_FV = FeatureVector(numpy.atleast_2d(elem[0]),
feature_names = elem[2])
self.current_trafo_TS = type_conversion.FeatureVector2TimeSeriesNode()._execute(FN_FV)
# visualize spatial filter as times series,
# where the time axis is the number of channel or virtual
# channel name
if self.use_SF and elem[3]=="spatial filter":
new_channel_names = elem[2]
SF_trafo = elem[0]
self.current_trafo_TS = TimeSeries(SF_trafo.T,
channel_names = new_channel_names,
sampling_frequency = 1)
return self.current_trafo_TS
# def _get_electrode_coordinates(self, coordinates):
# """
# Convert the polar coordinates of the electrode positions
# to cart of the physiologically
# arranged plots. As the position specification also requires a height
# and width, these values are also passed. Height and width are tuned
# manually such that the resulting plots look nice.
# """
# # coordinate transformation
# x = (coordinates[0] *
# pylab.cos(coordinates[1] / 180 * pylab.pi) + 110) / 245
# y = (coordinates[0] *
# pylab.sin(coordinates[1] / 180 * pylab.pi) + 110) / 245
# w = .07
# h = .065
# # if self.shrink_plots:
# # w *= 1.2
# # h *= 0.9
# # x *= 4.0/3.0
# # y *= 4.0/3.0
# return [x, y, w, h]