Source code for

""" This file defines the template AbstractStreamReader
which is needed for all stream readers (e.g. eegreader)
to work together with the Windower or any classes
derived from the Windower Base-class.

import abc

[docs]class AbstractStreamReader(): """ Property and method definitions of any reader class to be able to interact with the windower. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @abc.abstractproperty def dSamplingInterval(self): """ actually the sampling frequency """ return @abc.abstractproperty def stdblocksize(self): """ standard block size (int) """ return @abc.abstractproperty def markerids(self): """ mapping of markers/events in stream and unique integer (dict) The dict has to contain the mapping 'null' -> 0 to use the nullmarkerstride option in the windower. """ return @abc.abstractproperty def channelNames(self): """ list of channel/sensor names """ return @abc.abstractproperty def markerNames(self): """ inverse mapping of markerids (dict) """ return @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def regcallback(self, func): """ register a function as consumer of the stream """ return
[docs] def read(self, nblocks): """ Read *nblocks* of the stream and pass it to registers functions The callback function that is registered by the windower has the signature 'func_name(self, ndsamples, ndmarkers)' where ndsamples is a numpy 2d-array with shape (number_of_sensors x stdblocksize) and ndmarkerks is a numpy ndarray of length stdblocksize filled with the unique marker ids (ints) where the events occurred and -1 otherwise. The read function has to provide this two arrays and then pass it to the callback functions. It should in addition return the number of read blocks. """ return