# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*
""" Performs windowing of incoming stream and produces instances of fixed
length for preprocessing and classification.
The :class:`~pySPACE.missions.support.windower.SlidingWindower` class performs
windowing for the online setting where no markers are available.
The :class:`~pySPACE.missions.support.windower.MarkerWindower` class extracts
windows according to definitions like the presence or non-presence of markers.
Additionally, exclude conditions can be defined that exclude certain markers in
proximity to extracted events.
The :class:`~pySPACE.missions.support.windower.WindowFactory` loads a windowing
specification from a yaml file. The window definitions are then stored in a
dictionary which is then used by one of the Windowers
:class:`~pySPACE.missions.support.windower.SlidingWindower` etc.) to cut the
incoming data stream.
The Windower definition is always application specific and can contain many
keys/values. In order to construct your own windower definition see the short
explanation in :class:`~pySPACE.missions.support.windower.MarkerWindower`.
Time is always measured in ms.
If there are mistakes in time, this should be because of
unknown block size or frequency.
Additionally include conditions can be added to ensure the presence of certain
markers in a specific range. So 'or' conditions between the conditions are
reached by repeating the definitions of the marker with different exclude or
include definitions and 'and' conditions are simply reached by concatenation.
Negation is now possible by switching to the other kind of condition.
:Author: Timo Duchrow
:Created: 2008/08/29
:modified: Mario Michael Krell (include and exclude defs)
__version__ = "$Revision: 451 $"
# __all__ = ['SlidingWindower, MarkerWindower, ExcludeDef, LabeledWindowDef']
import sys
import os
import numpy
import math
import yaml
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series import TimeSeries
if __name__ == '__main__':
import unittest
debug = False
warnings = False
# debug = True
# warnings = True
[docs]class Windower(object):
"""Windower base class"""
[docs] def __init__(self, data_client):
self.data_client = data_client
if debug:
print("acquisition frequency:\t %d Hz"% data_client.dSamplingInterval)
print("server block size:\t %d samples"% data_client.stdblocksize)
[docs] def _mstosamples(self, ms):
"""Convert from milliseconds to number of samples based on the
parameters of data_client."""
if self.data_client.dSamplingInterval is None:
raise Exception, "data_client needs to be connected to determine "\
"acquisition frequency"
nsamples = ms * self.data_client.dSamplingInterval / 1000.0
if nsamples != int(nsamples):
import warnings
warnings.warn(" %s ms can not be converted to int number"\
" of samples with current sampling frequency (%s Hz)" \
% (ms, self.data_client.dSamplingInterval))
# since the current float representation is not equal to int, round
nsamples = round(nsamples)
return int(nsamples)
[docs] def _samplestoms(self, samples):
"""Convert from number of samples to milliseconds based on the
parameters of data_client."""
if self.data_client.dSamplingInterval is None:
raise Exception, "data_client needs to be connected to determine "\
"acquisition frequency"
ms = samples * 1000.0 / self.data_client.dSamplingInterval
return ms
[docs] def _load_window_spec(cls, windower_spec="", local_window_conf=False):
Load the window definitions to extract the labeled samples
file name of the windower specification
(*optional, default:`default_windower_spec`*)
Windower file is looked up in the local directory if set True.
.. note: As default the spec_dir from `pySPACE.configuration`
is used to look up spec files.
Otherwise it is looked up in the subdirectory `windower` in
`node_chains` in the `spec_dir`, which is the better way of
using it.
(*optional, default: False*)
if windower_spec == "":
window_definitions = WindowFactory.default_windower_spec()
return window_definitions
if type(windower_spec) == dict:
return WindowFactory.create_window_defs(windower_spec)
# check for 'yaml'-ending of the file
if ".yaml" not in windower_spec: # general substring search!
windower_spec = windower_spec + ".yaml"
if local_window_conf:
if windower_spec.count('/')==0:
#windows file should be in local directory
windower_spec_file_path = "./" + windower_spec
#windower spec contains complete path
windower_spec_file_path = windower_spec
import pySPACE
windower_spec_file_path = os.path.join(pySPACE.configuration.spec_dir,
if os.path.exists(windower_spec_file_path):
windower_spec_file = open(windower_spec_file_path, 'r')
window_definitions = \
raise IOError('Windower: Windowing spec file '
+ windower_spec_file_path + ' not found!')
return window_definitions
[docs]class SlidingWindower(Windower):
"""An iterable class that produces sliding windows for online classification."""
[docs] def __init__(self, data_client, windowsizems=1000, stridems=100, underfull=False):
super(SlidingWindower, self).__init__(data_client)
# register sliding windower as consumer of EEG stream client
# convert intervals in ms to number of samples
self.stridems = stridems
self.stride = self._mstosamples(stridems)
self.windowsizems = windowsizems
self.windowsize = self._mstosamples(windowsizems)
self.underfull = underfull
if self.windowsizems % self.stridems != 0:
raise Exception, "window size needs to be a multiple of stride"
if self.stride % data_client.stdblocksize != 0:
raise Exception, "stride needs to be a multiple of blocksize " \
"(server is sending block size %d)" % data_client.stdblocksize
# NB: acqusition frequency is called mistakingly called ``sampling interval'''
# in Brain Products protocol.
# calculate number of required blocks
self.buflen = int(self.windowsize / data_client.stdblocksize)
# init to ring buffers, one for the samples, one for the markers
self.samplebuf = RingBuffer(self.buflen)
self.markerbuf = RingBuffer(self.buflen)
# determine how many blocks need to be read at once with client
self.readsize = self.stride / data_client.stdblocksize
if debug:
print("buflen:\t %d" % self.buflen)
print("readsize:\t %d" % self.readsize)
[docs] def __iter__(self):
return self
[docs] def next(self):
"""Retrieve the next window according to windowsize and stride."""
nread = 0 # number of blocks actually read
if len(self.samplebuf) == 0:
# the ring buffer is still completely empty, fill it
nread = self.data_client.read(nblocks=self.buflen)
if nread < self.buflen:
raise StopIteration
# just replace required number of blocks
nread = self.data_client.read(nblocks=self.readsize)
if nread < self.readsize:
raise StopIteration
# copy ring buffer into one long array
ndsamplewin = numpy.hstack(self.samplebuf.get())
ndmarkerwin = numpy.hstack(self.markerbuf.get())
return (ndsamplewin, ndmarkerwin)
[docs] def _addblock(self, ndsamples, ndmarkers):
"""Add incoming data block to ring buffers"""
[docs]class MarkerWindower(Windower):
"""returns (<numpy.ndarray> window, <str> class)
MarkerWindower maintains a ring buffer for incoming sample blocks. The
buffer is divided into three segments:
t0 t1 t3 t4 <---
| block 1 | block 2 | block 3 | block 4 | block 5 | block 6 | block 7 |
|< prebuflen = 3 >| |< postbuflen = 3 >|
history ``current'' lookahead
MarkerWindower scans windows for markers as they come in (block 7 in
example). When the block passes into the ``current`` section all windows
are extracted that meet the constraints. To accomplish this prebuflen
and postbuflen have been calculated so that the buffer enables extraction
of sufficient window lengths for all window definitions as well as
A windowdef looks like:
.. code-block:: yaml
startmarker : "S 8"
endmarker : "S 9"
skip_ranges :
- {start : 0, end: 300000}
window_defs :
classname : LRP
markername : "S 16"
startoffsetms : -1280
endoffsetms : 0
excludedefs : []
includedefs : [immediate response]
classname : NoLRP
markername : "null"
startoffsetms : -1280
endoffsetms : 0
excludedefs : [all]
markernames : ["S 1", "S 2", "S 8", "S 16", "S 32"]
preexcludems : 2000
postexcludems : 2000
markernames : ["S 32"]
preincludems: -200
postincludems: 1200
:startmarker: name of the marker where at the earliest cutting begins
:endmarker: name of the marker where at the latest cutting ends
:skip_ranges: Not completely implemented!
The 'end' component results in
the parameter skipfirstms which tells
the windower, which time points to skip
at the beginning.
.. todo:: Change parameterization or code.
:window_def: includes names of definitions of window cuts
:classname: name of the label given to the window, when cut
:markername: name of the marker being in the 'current block'.
.. note:: The ``null`` marker is a synthetic marker,
which is internally added to the stream
every *nullmarker_stride_ms* milliseconds.
Currently, this parameter has to be set
separately and is 1000ms by default.
:startoffsetms: start of the window relative to the marker in the 'current block'
:endoffsetms: end of the window relative to the marker in the 'current block'
:jitter: Not implemented! Was intended to add an
artificial jittering during the segmentation.
.. todo:: Delete completely!
:exclude_defs: excludes each marker in markernames defined by the interval
'[-preexcludems, postexludems]' relative to the window
marker lying at zero
:preexcludems: time before the window marker, where the exclude markers
are forbidden. This time can be chosen negative,
:postexcludems: time after the window marker, where the exclude markers
are forbidden. This time can be chosen negative.
:include_defs: everything is the same to exclude defs, except,
that one of the specified markers has to lie in the
Time is always measured in ms.
If there are mistakes in time, this should be because of
unknown block size or frequency.
**Class Parameters**
:data_client: Client, delivering the data
List of window definitions generated by
(*optional, default: None*)
:debug: Enable debug print outs to command line
(*optional, default: False*)
Set artificial markers with this constant distance into the stream
with the Name "null". If this parameter is set to *None*,
no artificial markers are generated.
(*optional, default: 1000*)
Ignore the last sample in each window (important for streaming data)
(*optional, default: False*)
Currently it is only checked, that the standard deviation is not 0
(*optional, default: False*)
# ==================
# = Initialization =
# ==================
[docs] def __init__(self, data_client, windowdefs=None, debug=False,
nullmarker_stride_ms=1000, no_overlap=False,
super(MarkerWindower, self).__init__(data_client)
self.data_client = data_client
self.windowdefs = windowdefs
# Occurring key errors because of missing marker are collected to deliver
# just one warning. The treatment differs by usage: missing window
# markers deliver no window, excludedefs just ignore the key error and
# includedefs would also deliver no window, because the includedef can
# not be fulfilled if the marker can not be found.
self.keyerror = {}
# flags that indicate if we passed specified start and stop markers
self.start = False
self.end = False
# determines the minimal marker offset for a window to be cut out
# this is chanced when the start marker and the window marker are in
# the same block
self.min_markeroffset = 0
# occurrence of marker of a specific type in the buffer
self.buffermarkers = dict()
self.nullmarker_id = 0
self.nullmarker_stride = None
if nullmarker_stride_ms is not None:
self.nullmarker_stride = self._mstosamples(nullmarker_stride_ms)
self.buffermarkers["null"] = list()
self.next_nullmarker = 0 # number of samples to go until next
# nullmarker
self.nsamples_postscan = 0 # number of samples after extraction point
self.nsamples_prescan = 0 # number of samples before extraction point
self.nmarkers_prescan = 0 # max time markers should be remembered
# important for reduced buffermarkers
# nmarkers_postscan is equivalent to nsamples_postscan
if debug:
for wdef in windowdefs:
print wdef
# determine maximum extents of buffers and maximum time that markers
# should be remembered
(nsamples_prescan, nsamples_postscan, nsamples_max_premarkers) = \
self.nsamples_prescan = nsamples_prescan
self.nsamples_postscan = nsamples_postscan
self.nmarkers_prescan = nsamples_max_premarkers
if debug:
print " nsamples_prescan", nsamples_prescan
print " nsamples_postscan", nsamples_postscan
# calculate buffer length in terms of std blocksize
self.prebuflen = int(math.ceil(float(nsamples_prescan)/ \
self.postbuflen = int(math.ceil(float(nsamples_postscan)/ \
# + one middle block (the ``current'' block)
self.buflen = self.prebuflen + 1 + self.postbuflen
if debug:
print " stdblocksize", data_client.stdblocksize
print " prebuflen", self.prebuflen
print " postbuflen", self.postbuflen
print " buflen", self.buflen
# initialize the buffers
self.samplebuf = RingBuffer(self.buflen)
self.markerbuf = RingBuffer(self.buflen)
# determine the offset of the first sample in the incoming block
self.incoming_block_offset = self.postbuflen*self.data_client.stdblocksize
# the list of the markers in the current block that have not yet been
# handled (by calling the next() method of the iterator protocol)
self.cur_extract_windows = list()
# total number of blocks read
self.nblocks_read_total = 0
# additional parameters, e.g. security checks etc
self.data_consistency_check = data_consistency_check
self.no_overlap = no_overlap
if debug:
print(" extracting windows with %soverlap" % ("No " if self.no_overlap else ""))
[docs] def _max_scan_ranges(self):
"""Scan window and constraint definitions to determine maximum extent
of buffer for marker and for samples. Return (max_postscan_samples,
max_prescan_samples, max_prescan_markers)"""
# number of samples before and after extraction point that needs to
# be available at all times, always positive
nsamples_prescan = 0
nsamples_postscan = 0
# either positive or negative offset as in window definition
nsamples_prewin = 0
nsamples_postwin = 0
# determine size of pre and post buffer to accommodate all window
# definitions
for wdef in self.windowdefs:
if wdef.startoffsetms > wdef.endoffsetms:
raise Exception, "illegal window definition: "\
"startoffset needs to be smaller then endoffset."
nsamples_prewin = min(nsamples_prewin,
nsamples_postwin = max(nsamples_postwin,
# TODO: If-clauses may be droped or replaced by asserts:
# adjust pre-buffer length
if nsamples_prewin < 0:
nsamples_prescan = abs(nsamples_prewin)
nsample_prescan = 0
# end of window is always later than start
if nsamples_postwin < 0:
nsamples_postscan = 0
nsamples_postscan = nsamples_postwin
nmarkers_prescan = nsamples_prescan
# For the adaptions on the excludedefs and includedefs just the marker
# are relevant and not the samples (nmarkers_prescan).
# extend lookahead (nsamples_postscan) and nmarkers_prescan to cover
# excludes ...
for wdef in self.windowdefs:
if wdef.excludedefs is not None:
for exc in wdef.excludedefs:
nsamples_postscan = max(nsamples_postscan,
nmarkers_prescan = max(nmarkers_prescan,
#...and includes in the same range.
if wdef.includedefs is not None:
for inc in wdef.includedefs:
nsamples_postscan = max(nsamples_postscan,
nmarkers_prescan = max(nmarkers_prescan,
return (int(nsamples_prescan), int(nsamples_postscan),
# ===============================
# = Handling of incoming blocks =
# ===============================
[docs] def _decmarkeroffsets(self):
"""Decrement all offsets for markers in buffer as new blocks come in."""
markers = self.buffermarkers.keys()
# decrement of marker offsets in buffer
for marker in markers:
# remove old markers that are out of scope
new_offsets = [x - self.data_client.stdblocksize
for x in self.buffermarkers[marker]
if x -self.data_client.stdblocksize >= (-1)*self.nmarkers_prescan
if len(new_offsets) == 0:
del self.buffermarkers[marker]
self.buffermarkers[marker] = new_offsets
[docs] def _addblock(self, ndsamples, ndmarkers):
"""Add incoming block to ring buffer."""
self.nblocks_read_total += 1 # increment total number of blocks
self._decmarkeroffsets() # adjust marker offsets
self._insertnullmarkers() # insert null markers
self._scanmarkers(ndmarkers) # scan for new markers
[docs] def _insertnullmarkers(self, debug=False):
"""Insert epsilon markers according to nullmarker stride."""
if self.nullmarker_stride is None:
if debug:
print "next_nullmarker", self.next_nullmarker
self.nullmarker_id = self.data_client.markerids["null"]
while self.next_nullmarker < self.data_client.stdblocksize:
if not self.buffermarkers.has_key(self.nullmarker_id):
self.buffermarkers[self.nullmarker_id] = list()
self.incoming_block_offset + self.next_nullmarker)
if debug:
print "inserting", \
self.incoming_block_offset + self.next_nullmarker
self.next_nullmarker += self.nullmarker_stride
self.next_nullmarker -= self.data_client.stdblocksize
[docs] def _scanmarkers(self, ndmarkers, debug=False):
"""Scan incoming block for markers.
self.buffermarkers contains offsets of markers w.r.t. to ``current``
block @ position 0
for i, marker in enumerate(ndmarkers):
if marker != -1:
if self.buffermarkers.has_key(marker):
self.incoming_block_offset + i)
self.buffermarkers[marker]= [self.incoming_block_offset + i]
if debug:
print " scanmarkers ", self.buffermarkers
# ================================
# = Iteration protocol interface =
# ================================
[docs] def __iter__(self):
return self
[docs] def next(self, debug=False):
"""Return next labeled window when used in iterator context."""
while len(self.cur_extract_windows) == 0:
# fetch the next block from data_client
if debug:
print "reading next block"
if debug:
print " buffermarkers", self.buffermarkers
print " current block", self.samplebuf.get()[self.prebuflen][1,:]
# print " current extracted windows ", self.cur_extract_windows
(windef_name, current_window, class_, start_time, end_time, markers_cur_win) = \
# TODO: Replace this by a decorator or something similar
current_window = numpy.atleast_2d(current_window.transpose())
current_window = TimeSeries(
start_time = start_time,
end_time = end_time,
name = "Window extracted @ %d ms, length %d ms, class %s" % \
(start_time, end_time - start_time, class_),
marker_name = markers_cur_win
current_window.specs['sampling_frequency'] = self.data_client.dSamplingInterval
current_window.specs['wdef_name'] = windef_name
self.nwindow += 1
# return (ndsamplewin, ndmarkerwin)
return (current_window, class_)
[docs] def _readnextblock(self):
"""Read next block from EEG stream client."""
nread = 0 # number of blocks actually read
if len(self.samplebuf) == 0:
# fill ring buffer
nread = self.data_client.read(nblocks=self.buflen)
if nread < self.buflen:
raise StopIteration
for marker_id, offsets in self.buffermarkers.iteritems():
for offset in offsets:
if offset < 0 and warnings:
print >>sys.stderr, "warning: markers ignored when "\
"initializing buffer"
# read the next block
nread = self.data_client.read()
if nread == 0:
raise StopIteration
[docs] def _check_exclude_defs_ok(self, markeroffset, excludedefs):
""" Check whether the exclude definitions match
.. note::
Changes in this section need to be checked also
in the following -check_include_defs_ok class,
because they are very similar.
# Nothing to do if there are no excludedefs
if excludedefs is None or len(excludedefs)==0:
return True
# Check each exclude definition
for exc in excludedefs:
preexclude = markeroffset - self._mstosamples(exc.preexcludems)
if self.no_overlap:
postexclude = markeroffset + self._mstosamples(exc.postexcludems)
postexclude = markeroffset + 1 + self._mstosamples(exc.postexcludems)
# Get markerid and skip if it does not exist.
excmarkerid = self.data_client.markerids[exc.markername]
except KeyError, e:
if not self.keyerror.has_key(e):
print "exclude warning: Marker ", e, "not found in the ..."
print self.keyerror[e]
# Skip if no proximal exclude marker seen
if not self.buffermarkers.has_key(excmarkerid):
# Not ok, if exclude marker falls into exclude range
# This is the important part of this check!
# Question: Why not exc_marker <=postexclude or exc_marker > preexclude?
# Answer: Before one added
for exc_marker in self.buffermarkers[excmarkerid]:
# The inequation lets you exclude the same marker
# only a few seconds before or after the current marker,
# to deal with unwanted marker repetitions.
if preexclude <= exc_marker < postexclude and \
exc_marker != markeroffset:
return False
return True #if all excludedefs are fulfilled
[docs] def _check_include_defs_ok(self, markeroffset, includedefs):
"""Check whether all the include definitions match"""
#Code adapted from the previous exclude-check
#Checks if there are includedefs
if includedefs is None or len(includedefs)==0:
return True
# Check each include definition
for inc in includedefs:
preinclude = markeroffset - self._mstosamples(inc.preincludems)
if self.no_overlap:
postinclude = markeroffset + self._mstosamples(inc.postincludems)
postinclude = markeroffset + 1 + self._mstosamples(inc.postincludems)
# Check allways breaks if the neccessary marker does not exist.
incmarkerid = self.data_client.markerids[inc.markername]
except KeyError, e:
if not self.keyerror.has_key(e):
print "include warning: Marker ", e, "not found in the ..."
print self.keyerror[e]
return False
# Break if no proximal include marker seen (different to exclude,
# because include markers need to be proximal.)
if not self.buffermarkers.has_key(incmarkerid):
return False
# Not ok, if no include marker falls into include range
# It is important to remark that no includedefs using the current
# marker are allowed!
check = False # remembers if a check succeeded
for inc_marker in self.buffermarkers[incmarkerid]:
# inequality to use he same marker name for include def
if preinclude <= inc_marker < postinclude and \
inc_marker != markeroffset:
check = True
if not check:
return False
return True # If all includedefs are fulfilled
# =====================
# = Exception classes =
# =====================
[docs]class MarkerWindowerException(Exception):
[docs] def __init__(self, arg):
super(MarkerWindowerException, self).__init__(arg)
# ==================================================
# = Support classes for definitions of constraints =
# ==================================================
[docs]class LabeledWindowDef(object):
"""Labeled window definition that is to be extracted from EEG stream."""
[docs] def __init__(self, windef_name, classname, markername, startoffsetms,
endoffsetms, excludedefs=None,includedefs=None,
skipfirstms=None, jitter=None,startmarker=None,endmarker=None):
super(LabeledWindowDef, self).__init__()
self.windef_name = windef_name
self.classname = classname
self.markername = markername # can be None
self.excludedefs = excludedefs
self.includedefs = includedefs
self.startoffsetms = startoffsetms
self.endoffsetms = endoffsetms
self.skipfirstms = skipfirstms
self.startmarker = startmarker
self.endmarker = endmarker
[docs] def __str__(self):
d = {'wdef' : self.windef_name, 'cls' : self.classname,
'skip_first' : self.skipfirstms, 'marker' : self.markername,
'start' : self.startoffsetms, 'end' : self.endoffsetms}
if d['marker'] == '':
d['marker'] = "''"
str_ = 'LabeledWindowDef %(wdef)s\n class: %(cls)s\n skip first: '\
'%(skip_first)s\n marker: %(marker)s\n start: %(start)d ms\n'\
' end: %(end)d ms\n' % d
# append exclude definitions if any
if self.excludedefs:
for exc in self.excludedefs:
for line in str(exc).splitlines():
str_ += " %s\n" % line
# append include definitions if any
if self.includedefs:
for inc in self.includedefs:
for line in str(inc).splitlines():
str_ += " %s\n" % line
return str_
[docs]class ExcludeDef(object):
"""Definition of exclude constraints for window extraction."""
[docs] def __init__(self, markername, preexcludems, postexcludems):
super(ExcludeDef, self).__init__()
self.markername = markername
self.preexcludems = preexcludems
self.postexcludems = postexcludems
[docs] def __str__(self):
d = {'name' : self.markername, 'pre' : self.preexcludems,
'post' : self.postexcludems}
str_ = 'ExcludeDef:\n markername: %(name)s\n'\
' preexclude: %(pre)d ms\n'\
' postexclude: %(post)d ms\n' % d
return str_
[docs]class IncludeDef(object):
"""Definition of include constraints for window extraction."""
# Same as exclude but with 'in'
[docs] def __init__(self, markername, preincludems, postincludems):
super(IncludeDef, self).__init__()
self.markername = markername
self.preincludems = preincludems
self.postincludems = postincludems
[docs] def __str__(self):
d = {'name' : self.markername, 'pre' : self.preincludems,
'post' : self.postincludems}
str_ = 'IncludeDef:\n markername: %(name)s\n'\
' preinclude: %(pre)d ms\n'\
' postinclude: %(post)d ms\n' % d
return str_
# ===============================
# = Ring buffer support classes =
# ===============================
[docs]class RingBuffer:
"""Generic ring buffer class"""
# Nice approach that makes use of dynamic classes
# http://code.activestate.com/recipes/68429/
[docs] def __init__(self,size_max):
self.max = size_max
self.data = []
[docs] def append(self,x):
"""append an element at the end of the buffer"""
if len(self.data) == self.max:
self.__class__ = RingBufferFull
[docs] def get(self):
""" return a list of elements from the oldest to the newest"""
return self.data
[docs] def __str__(self):
str_ = "RingBuffer with %d elements:" % len(self.data)
for d in self.data:
str_ += "\n%s" % d.__str__()
return str_
[docs] def __len__(self):
return len(self.data)
[docs]class RingBufferFull(RingBuffer):
"""Generic ring buffer when full"""
[docs] def __init__(self,n):
raise "RingBufferFull can't be directly instantiated"
[docs] def append(self,x):
self.cur=int((self.cur+1) % self.max)
[docs] def get(self):
return self.data[self.cur:]+self.data[:self.cur]
[docs]class WindowFactory(object):
""" Factory class to create window definition objects with static methods
This WindowFactory provides static methods in order to read a given
Windower specification file, which should be a valid YAML specification
of a window defs, and returns a list of the containing window definitions.
:Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen (jhm@informatik.uni-bremen.de)
:Created: 2008/11/25
[docs] def default_windower_spec():
window_specs = {'skip_ranges': [{'start': 0, 'end': 0}],
{'classname': 'Window',
'markername': 'null',
'jitter': 0,
'endoffsetms': 1000,
'startoffsetms': 0}}}
return WindowFactory.create_window_defs(window_specs)
[docs] def window_definitions_from_yaml(yaml_file):
# Reads and parses the YAML file
# use a default spec, if no windower file is given
window_specs = yaml.load(yaml_file)
return WindowFactory.create_window_defs(window_specs)
[docs] def create_window_defs(window_specs):
Reads from the given file, which should be a valid
YAML specification of a window defs and
returns a list of the window definitions
# The skip ranges are currently not supported correctly by the
# EEG serve. Because of that, we use only the end of the first range
# for specifying skipfirstms
skipfirstms = window_specs['skip_ranges'][0]['end']
except KeyError:
skipfirstms = 0
# An alternative to skip milliseconds is to define a marker that
# labels the ranges to be skiped
if window_specs.has_key('startmarker'):
startmarker = window_specs['startmarker']
startmarker = None
if window_specs.has_key('endmarker'):
endmarker = window_specs['endmarker']
endmarker = None
# Create all ExcludeDef objects which are specified in the YAML file
excludes = {}
excludes_specs = window_specs.get('exclude_defs', {})
for exclude_name, exclude_spec in excludes_specs.iteritems():
marker_names = exclude_spec.pop("markernames")
exclude_defs = []
# For every marker:
for marker_name in marker_names:
# Create a separate ExcludeDef
exclude_defs.append(ExcludeDef(markername = marker_name,
excludes[exclude_name] = exclude_defs
# Create all IncludeDef objects which are specified in the YAML file (copy of exclude with 'ex'-->'in')
includes = {}
includes_specs = window_specs.get('include_defs', {})
for include_name, include_spec in includes_specs.iteritems():
marker_names = include_spec.pop("markernames")
include_defs = []
# For every marker:
for marker_name in marker_names:
# Create a separate IncludeDef
include_defs.append(IncludeDef(markername = marker_name,
includes[include_name] = include_defs
# Create all windows defs for the windower (parts with 'ex' copied and replaced by 'in')
# If no defs are set, an empty dict of defs is created
if window_specs.has_key('window_def_specs'):
window_defs = {}
for spec_name, spec in window_specs['window_def_specs'].iteritems():
if spec['markername'] == 'null':
win_def = {}
win_def.update({'jitter': spec['jitter']})
win_def.update({'excludedefs' : spec['excludedefs']})
window_name = spec['windownameprefix']
for i in range(int(spec['startblockms']), int(spec['endblockms'])+int(spec['stepms']), int(spec['stepms'])):
win_def = {}
win_def.update({'endoffsetms':i + int(spec['windowlengthms'])})
win_def.update({'jitter': spec['jitter']})
win_def.update({'excludedefs' : spec['excludedefs']})
window_name = '%s%s' % (spec['windownameprefix'], str(win_def['endoffsetms']).zfill(3))
window_specs['window_defs'] = window_defs
windows = []
for window_name, window_spec in window_specs['window_defs'].iteritems():
exclude_defs = []
include_defs = []
if window_spec.has_key('excludedefs'):
for exclude_name in window_spec['excludedefs']:
if window_spec.has_key('includedefs'):
for include_name in window_spec['includedefs']:
window_spec['excludedefs'] = exclude_defs
window_spec['includedefs'] = include_defs
LabeledWindowDef(windef_name = window_name,
skipfirstms = skipfirstms,
startmarker = startmarker,
endmarker = endmarker,
return windows