""" Reader objects and main class for continuous data (time series)
Depending on the storage format, the fitting reader is loaded and takes care
of reading the files.
.. todo:: unify with analyzer collection!
eeg source and analyzer sink node should work together
this connection should be documented when tested
import os
import glob
import re
import numpy
import scipy
from scipy.io import loadmat
import warnings
import csv
from pySPACE.missions.support.windower import MarkerWindower
import logging
from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.base import BaseDataset
from pySPACE.missions.support.WindowerInterface import AbstractStreamReader
[docs]class StreamDataset(BaseDataset):
""" Wrapper for dealing with stream datasets like raw EEG datasets
For loading streaming data you need the
as described in :ref:`tutorial_node_chain_operation`.
If ``file_name`` is given in the :ref:`meta data <storage>`,
the corresponding file is loaded, otherwise ``storage_format`` is used
to search for the needed file.
Some formats are already supported, like EEG data in the .eeg/.vhdr/.vmrk
format and other streaming data in edf or csv format. It is also possible to
load EEGLAB format (.set/.fdt) which itself can import a variety of
different EEG formats (http://sccn.ucsd.edu/eeglab/).
Labels can be coded with the help of an extra channel as a column
in the csv-file or an extra file.
Normally the label is transformed immediately to the label
or this is done later on with extra algorithms.
The file suffix should be *csv*.
Special Parameters in the metadata:
Frequency of the input data (corresponds to
1/(number of samples of one second))
(*optional, default: 1*)
Name of the marker channel. If it is not found,
no marker is forwarded.
(*optional, default: 'marker'*)
If the marker is not a column in the data file,
an external csv file in the same folder can be specified
with one column with the heading named like the *marker*
parameter and one column named *time* with increasing
numbers, which correspond to the index in the data file.
(First sample corresponds index one.)
Here, the relative path is needed as for file_name.
(*optional, default: None*)
Here the standard BrainProducts format is expected with the corresponding
*.vhdr* and *.vmrk* with the same base name as the *.eeg* file.
EEGLABs format with two files (extension .set and .fdt) is expected.
When using the European Data Format there are two different specifications
that are supported:
Plain EDF (see `EDF Spec <http://www.edfplus.info/specs/edf.html>`_) and
EDF+ (see `EDF+ Spec <http://www.edfplus.info/specs/edfplus.html>`_).
When using EDF there is no annotation- or marker-channel inside the data-
segment. You can process the data originating from a EDF file but be sure,
that you don't have any marker-information at hand, to later cut
the continuous data into interesting segments.
EDF+ extended the original EDF-Format by an annotations-channel
(named 'EDF+C') and added a feature to combine non-continuous
data segments (named 'EDF+D') in one file.
The EDF+C Format is fully supported i.e. the annotations-channel is
parsed and is forwarded in combination with the corresponding data
so that the data can later be cut into meaningful segments (windowing).
Files, which make use of the EDF+D option, can be streamed - BUT: The
information about different segments in the file is completely ignored!
The file is treated as if it contains EDF+C data. The full support for
EDF+D files may be integrated in a future release.
In any case, the file suffix should be *edf*.
.. warning:: Currently only one streaming dataset can be loaded
as testing data.
.. todo:: Implement loading of training and testing data.
A dictionary with all the meta data.
(*optional, default: None*)
The (absolute) directory of the dataset.
(*obligatory, default: None*)
:Author: Johannes Teiwes (johannes.teiwes@dfki.de)
:Date: 2010/10/13
:refactored: 2013/06/10 Johannes Teiwes and Mario Michael Krell
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset_md=None, dataset_dir=None, **kwargs):
super(StreamDataset, self).__init__(dataset_md=dataset_md)
self.dataset_dir = dataset_dir
if not self.meta_data.has_key('storage_format'):
str("Storage Format not set for current dataset in %s" %
if self.meta_data.has_key("file_name"):
data_files = [os.path.join(dataset_dir,self.meta_data["file_name"])]
if not "storage_format" in self.meta_data:
self.meta_data["storage_format"] = \
elif self.meta_data.has_key('storage_format'):
self.meta_data["storage_format"] = \
# mapping of storage format to file suffix
suffix = self.meta_data['storage_format']
if "eeg" in suffix:
suffix = "eeg"
# searching files
data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(
dataset_dir, str("*.%s" % suffix)))
if len(data_files) == 0 and suffix == "eeg":
suffix = "dat"
data_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(
dataset_dir, str("*.%s" % suffix)))
if len(data_files) == 0:
raise IOError, str("Cannot find any .%s file in %s" %
(suffix, dataset_dir))
if len(data_files) != 1:
raise IOError, str("Found more than one *.%s file in %s" %
(suffix, dataset_dir))
# assume .eeg files
data_files = glob.glob(dataset_dir + os.sep + "*.eeg")
if len(data_files) == 0:
data_files = glob.glob(dataset_dir + os.sep + "*.dat")
assert len(data_files) == 1, \
"Error locating eeg-data files (.eeg/.dat)"
self.data_file = data_files[0]
self.reader = None
ec_files = glob.glob(dataset_dir + os.sep + "*.elc")
assert len(ec_files) <= 1, "More than one electrode position file found!"
if len(ec_files)==1:
ec = {}
ec_file = open(ec_files[0], 'r')
while (ec_file.readline() != "Positions"):
for line in ec_file:
if line == "Labels":
pair = line.split(":")
ec[pair[0]] = \
numpy.array([int(x) for x in pair[1].split(" ")])
nas = ec["NAS"]
lpa = ec["LPA"]
rpa = ec["RPA"]
origin = (rpa + lpa) * 0.5
vx = nas - origin
vx = vx / numpy.linalg.norm(vx)
vz = numpy.cross(vx, lpa - rpa)
vz = vz / numpy.linalg.norm(vz)
vy = numpy.cross(vz, vx)
vy = vy / numpy.linalg.norm(vy)
rotMat = numpy.linalg.inv(numpy.matrix([vx, vy, vz]))
transMat = numpy.dot(-rotMat, origin)
for k, v in self.ec.iteritems():
ec[k] = numpy.dot(transMat, numpy.dot(v, rotMat))
self.meta_data["electrode_coordinates"] = ec
self._log("Loaded dataset specific electrode position file", logging.INFO)
except Exception, e:
print e
#self.meta_data["electrode_coordinates"] = StreamDataset.ec
# Spherical electrode coordinates (x-axis points to the right,
# y-axis to the front, z-axis runs through the vertex; 3 params: r (radius)
# set to 1 on standard caps, theta (angle between z-axis and line connecting
# point and coordinate origin, < 0 in left hemisphere, > 0 in right
# hemisphere) and phi (angle between x-axis and projection of the line
# connecting the point and coordinate origin on the xy plane, > 0 for front
# right and back left quadrants, < 0 for front left and back right)) are
# exported from analyzer2 (generic export; saved in header file) and
# converted to Cartesian coordinates via
# x = r * sin(rad(theta)) * cos(rad(phi))
# y = r * sin(rad(theta)) * sin(rad(phi))
# z = r * cos(rad(theta))
# electrodes FP1/Fp1 and FP2/Fp2 have same coordinates
ec = { 'CPP5h': (-0.72326832569043442, -0.50643793379675761, 0.46947156278589086),
'AFF1h': (-0.11672038362490393, 0.83050868362971098, 0.5446390350150272),
'O2': (0.30901699437494745, -0.95105651629515353, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'O1': (-0.30901699437494745, -0.95105651629515353, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'FCC6h': (0.82034360384187455, 0.1743694158206236, 0.5446390350150272),
'TPP8h': (0.86385168719631511, -0.47884080932566353, 0.15643446504023092),
'PPO10h': (0.69411523801289432, -0.69411523801289421, -0.1908089953765448),
'TP7': (-0.95105651629515353, -0.3090169943749474, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'CPz': (2.293803827831453e-17, -0.37460659341591201, 0.92718385456678742),
'CCP4h': (0.54232717509597328, -0.18673822182292288, 0.8191520442889918),
'TP9': (-0.87545213915725872, -0.28445164312142457, -0.3907311284892736),
'TP8': (0.95105651629515353, -0.3090169943749474, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'FCC5h': (-0.82034360384187455, 0.1743694158206236, 0.5446390350150272),
'CPP2h': (0.16769752048474765, -0.54851387399083462, 0.8191520442889918),
'FFC1h': (-0.16769752048474765, 0.54851387399083462, 0.8191520442889918),
'TPP7h': (-0.86385168719631511, -0.47884080932566353, 0.15643446504023092),
'PO10': (0.54105917752298882, -0.7447040698476447, -0.3907311284892736),
'FTT8h': (0.96671406082679645, 0.17045777155400837, 0.19080899537654492),
'Oz': (6.123233995736766e-17, -1.0, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'AFF2h': (0.11672038362490393, 0.83050868362971098, 0.5446390350150272),
'CCP3h': (-0.54232717509597328, -0.18673822182292288, 0.8191520442889918),
'CP1': (-0.35777550984135725, -0.37048738597260156, 0.85716730070211233),
'CP2': (0.35777550984135725, -0.37048738597260156, 0.85716730070211233),
'CP3': (-0.66008387202973706, -0.36589046498407451, 0.6560590289905075),
'CP4': (0.66008387202973706, -0.36589046498407451, 0.6560590289905075),
'CP5': (-0.87157241273869712, -0.33456530317942912, 0.35836794954530016),
'CP6': (0.87157241273869712, -0.33456530317942912, 0.35836794954530016),
'FFT7h': (-0.86385168719631511, 0.47884080932566353, 0.15643446504023092),
'FTT7h': (-0.96671406082679645, 0.17045777155400837, 0.19080899537654492),
'PPO5h': (-0.5455036073850148, -0.7790598895575418, 0.30901699437494745),
'AFp1': (-0.13661609910710645, 0.97207405517694545, 0.19080899537654492),
'AFp2': (0.13661609910710645, 0.97207405517694545, 0.19080899537654492),
'FT10': (0.87545213915725872, 0.28445164312142457, -0.3907311284892736),
'POO9h': (-0.44564941557132876, -0.87463622477252034, -0.1908089953765448),
'POO10h': (0.44564941557132876, -0.87463622477252034, -0.1908089953765448),
'T8': (1.0, -0.0, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'FT7': (-0.95105651629515353, 0.3090169943749474, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'FT9': (-0.87545213915725872, 0.28445164312142457, -0.3907311284892736),
'FT8': (0.95105651629515353, 0.3090169943749474, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'FFC3h': (-0.48133227677866169, 0.53457365038161042, 0.69465837045899737),
'P10': (0.74470406984764481, -0.54105917752298871, -0.3907311284892736),
'AF8': (0.58778525229247325, 0.80901699437494734, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'T7': (-1.0, -0.0, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'AF4': (0.36009496929665602, 0.89126632448749754, 0.27563735581699916),
'AF7': (-0.58778525229247325, 0.80901699437494734, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'AF3': (-0.36009496929665602, 0.89126632448749754, 0.27563735581699916),
'P2': (0.28271918486560565, -0.69975453766943163, 0.6560590289905075),
'P3': (-0.5450074457687164, -0.67302814507021891, 0.50000000000000011),
'CPP4h': (0.48133227677866169, -0.53457365038161042, 0.69465837045899737),
'P1': (-0.28271918486560565, -0.69975453766943163, 0.6560590289905075),
'P6': (0.72547341102583851, -0.63064441484306177, 0.27563735581699916),
'P7': (-0.80901699437494745, -0.58778525229247314, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'P4': (0.5450074457687164, -0.67302814507021891, 0.50000000000000011),
'P5': (-0.72547341102583851, -0.63064441484306177, 0.27563735581699916),
'P8': (0.80901699437494745, -0.58778525229247314, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'P9': (-0.74470406984764481, -0.54105917752298871, -0.3907311284892736),
'PPO2h': (0.11672038362490393, -0.83050868362971098, 0.5446390350150272),
'F10': (0.74470406984764481, 0.54105917752298871, -0.3907311284892736),
'TPP9h': (-0.87463622477252045, -0.4456494155713287, -0.1908089953765448),
'FTT9h': (-0.96954172390250215, 0.1535603233115839, -0.1908089953765448),
'CCP5h': (-0.82034360384187455, -0.1743694158206236, 0.5446390350150272),
'AFF6h': (0.5455036073850148, 0.7790598895575418, 0.30901699437494745),
'FFC2h': (0.16769752048474765, 0.54851387399083462, 0.8191520442889918),
'FCz': (2.293803827831453e-17, 0.37460659341591201, 0.92718385456678742),
'FCC2h': (0.1949050434465294, 0.19490504344652934, 0.96126169593831889),
'CPP1h': (-0.16769752048474765, -0.54851387399083462, 0.8191520442889918),
'FTT10h': (0.96954172390250215, 0.1535603233115839, -0.1908089953765448),
'Fz': (4.3297802811774658e-17, 0.70710678118654746, 0.70710678118654757),
'TTP8h': (0.96671406082679645, -0.17045777155400837, 0.19080899537654492),
'FFT9h': (-0.87463622477252045, 0.4456494155713287, -0.1908089953765448),
'Pz': (4.3297802811774658e-17, -0.70710678118654746, 0.70710678118654757),
'FFC4h': (0.48133227677866169, 0.53457365038161042, 0.69465837045899737),
'C3': (-0.70710678118654746, -0.0, 0.70710678118654757),
'C2': (0.39073112848927372, -0.0, 0.92050485345244037),
'C1': (-0.39073112848927372, -0.0, 0.92050485345244037),
'C6': (0.92718385456678731, -0.0, 0.37460659341591218),
'C5': (-0.92718385456678731, -0.0, 0.37460659341591218),
'C4': (0.70710678118654746, -0.0, 0.70710678118654757),
'TTP7h': (-0.96671406082679645, -0.17045777155400837, 0.19080899537654492),
'FC1': (-0.35777550984135725, 0.37048738597260156, 0.85716730070211233),
'FC2': (0.35777550984135725, 0.37048738597260156, 0.85716730070211233),
'FC3': (-0.66008387202973706, 0.36589046498407451, 0.6560590289905075),
'FC4': (0.66008387202973706, 0.36589046498407451, 0.6560590289905075),
'FC5': (-0.87157241273869712, 0.33456530317942912, 0.35836794954530016),
'FC6': (0.87157241273869712, 0.33456530317942912, 0.35836794954530016),
'FCC1h': (-0.1949050434465294, 0.19490504344652934, 0.96126169593831889),
'CPP6h': (0.72326832569043442, -0.50643793379675761, 0.46947156278589086),
'F1': (-0.28271918486560565, 0.69975453766943163, 0.6560590289905075),
'F2': (0.28271918486560565, 0.69975453766943163, 0.6560590289905075),
'F3': (-0.5450074457687164, 0.67302814507021891, 0.50000000000000011),
'F4': (0.5450074457687164, 0.67302814507021891, 0.50000000000000011),
'F5': (-0.72547341102583851, 0.63064441484306177, 0.27563735581699916),
'F6': (0.72547341102583851, 0.63064441484306177, 0.27563735581699916),
'F7': (-0.80901699437494745, 0.58778525229247314, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'F8': (0.80901699437494745, 0.58778525229247314, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'F9': (-0.74470406984764481, 0.54105917752298871, -0.3907311284892736),
'FFT8h': (0.86385168719631511, 0.47884080932566353, 0.15643446504023092),
'FFT10h': (0.87463622477252045, 0.4456494155713287, -0.1908089953765448),
'Cz': (0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
'FFC5h': (-0.72326832569043442, 0.50643793379675761, 0.46947156278589086),
'FCC4h': (0.54232717509597328, 0.18673822182292288, 0.8191520442889918),
'TP10': (0.87545213915725872, -0.28445164312142457, -0.3907311284892736),
'POz': (5.6364666119006729e-17, -0.92050485345244037, 0.39073112848927372),
'CPP3h': (-0.48133227677866169, -0.53457365038161042, 0.69465837045899737),
'FFC6h': (0.72326832569043442, 0.50643793379675761, 0.46947156278589086),
'PPO1h': (-0.11672038362490393, -0.83050868362971098, 0.5446390350150272),
'Fpz': (6.123233995736766e-17, 1.0, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'POO2': (0.13661609910710645, -0.97207405517694545, 0.19080899537654492),
'POO1': (-0.13661609910710645, -0.97207405517694545, 0.19080899537654492),
'I1': (-0.28651556797120703, -0.88180424668940116, -0.37460659341591207),
'I2': (0.28651556797120703, -0.88180424668940116, -0.37460659341591207),
'PPO9h': (-0.69411523801289432, -0.69411523801289421, -0.1908089953765448),
'FP1': (-0.30901699437494745, 0.95105651629515353, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'OI2h': (0.15356032331158395, -0.96954172390250215, -0.1908089953765448),
'FP2': (0.30901699437494745, 0.95105651629515353, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'CCP6h': (0.82034360384187455, -0.1743694158206236, 0.5446390350150272),
'FCC3h': (-0.54232717509597328, 0.18673822182292288, 0.8191520442889918),
'PO8': (0.58778525229247325, -0.80901699437494734, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'PO9': (-0.54105917752298882, -0.7447040698476447, -0.3907311284892736),
'PO7': (-0.58778525229247325, -0.80901699437494734, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'PO4': (0.36009496929665602, -0.89126632448749754, 0.27563735581699916),
'PO3': (-0.36009496929665602, -0.89126632448749754, 0.27563735581699916),
'Fp1': (-0.30901699437494745, 0.95105651629515353, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'Fp2': (0.30901699437494745, 0.95105651629515353, 6.123233995736766e-17),
'PPO6h': (0.5455036073850148, -0.7790598895575418, 0.30901699437494745),
'CCP2h': (0.1949050434465294, -0.19490504344652934, 0.96126169593831889),
'Iz': (5.6773636985816068e-17, -0.92718385456678742, -0.37460659341591207),
'AFF5h': (-0.5455036073850148, 0.7790598895575418, 0.30901699437494745),
'TPP10h': (0.87463622477252045, -0.4456494155713287, -0.1908089953765448),
'OI1h': (-0.15356032331158395, -0.96954172390250215, -0.1908089953765448),
'CCP1h': (-0.1949050434465294, -0.19490504344652934, 0.96126169593831889)
[docs] def store(self, result_dir, s_format="multiplexed"):
""" Not yet implemented! """
raise NotImplementedError("Storing of StreamDataset is currently not supported!")
[docs] def project2d(ec_3d):
Take a dictionary of 3d Cartesian electrode coordinates and return a
dictionary of their 2d projection in Cartesian coordinates.
keys = []
x = []
y = []
z = []
for k, v in ec_3d.iteritems():
x = numpy.array(x)
y = numpy.array(y)
z = numpy.array(z)
z = z - numpy.max(z)
# get spherical coordinates: normally this can be done via:
# phi = deg(atan2(y,x)); if < -90 -> + 180, if > 90 -> - 180
# theta = deg(arccos(z/r)); if x < 0 -> * (-1)
hypotxy = numpy.hypot(x, y)
r = numpy.hypot(hypotxy, z)
phi = numpy.arctan2(z, hypotxy)
theta = numpy.arctan2(y, x)
phi = numpy.maximum(phi, 0.001)
r2 = r / numpy.power(numpy.cos(phi), 0.2)
x = r2 * numpy.cos(theta) * 60
y = r2 * numpy.sin(theta) * 60
ec_2d = {}
for i in xrange(0, len(keys)):
ec_2d[keys[i]] = (x[i], y[i])
return ec_2d
[docs] def set_window_defs(self, window_definition, nullmarker_stride_ms=1000,
no_overlap=False, data_consistency_check=False):
""" Takes the window definition dictionary for later reading
The parameters are later on mainly forwarded to the
To find more about these parameters, check out its documentation.
self.window_definition = window_definition
self.nullmarker_stride_ms = nullmarker_stride_ms
self.no_overlap = no_overlap
self.data_consistency_check = data_consistency_check
[docs] def get_data(self, run_nr, split_nr, train_test):
if not (run_nr, split_nr, train_test) == (0, 0, "test"):
return self.data[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)]
if self.meta_data.has_key('storage_format'):
if "bp_eeg" in self.meta_data['storage_format']:
# remove ".eeg" suffix
self.reader = EEGReader(self.data_file[:-4],
elif "set" in self.meta_data['storage_format']:
self.reader = SETReader(self.data_file[:-4])
elif "edf" in self.meta_data['storage_format']:
self.reader = EDFReader(self.data_file)
elif "csv" in self.meta_data['storage_format']:
sf = self.meta_data.get("sampling_frequency", 1)
delimiter = self.meta_data["delimiter"]
except KeyError:
mf = os.path.join(self.dataset_dir,
except KeyError:
mf = None
if "marker" in self.meta_data:
marker = self.meta_data["marker"]
marker = "marker"
self.reader = CsvReader(self.data_file, sampling_frequency=sf,
marker=marker, marker_file=mf,
self.reader = EEGReader(self.data_file, blocksize=100)
# Creates a windower that splits the training data into windows
# based in the window definitions provided
# and assigns correct labels to these windows
self.marker_windower = MarkerWindower(
self.reader, self.window_definition,
return self.marker_windower
[docs]def parse_float(param):
""" Work around to catch colon instead of floating point """
return float(param)
except ValueError, e:
warnings.warn("Failed float conversion from csv file.")
return float(param.replace(".", "").replace(",", "."))
warnings.warn("Secondary attempt at conversion also failed. " +
"Treating the value as string and return a 0 as " +
return float(0)
[docs]def get_csv_handler(file_handler):
"""Helper function to get a DictReader from csv"""
dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(file_handler.read(2048))
return csv.DictReader(file_handler, dialect=dialect)
except csv.Error, e:
class excel_space(csv.excel):
delimiter = ' '
csv.register_dialect("excel_space", excel_space)
return csv.DictReader(file_handler, dialect=excel_space)
[docs]class CsvReader(AbstractStreamReader):
""" Load time series data from csv file
Path of the file to be loaded.
(*optional, default: 'data.csv'*)
Underlying sampling frequency of the data in Hz
(*optional, default: 1*)
Name of the marker channel. If it is not found,
no marker is forwarded.
(*optional, default: 'marker'*)
If the marker is not a column in the data file,
an external csv file in the same folder can be specified
with one column with the heading named like the *marker*
parameter and one column named *time* with increasing
numbers, which correspond to the index in the data file.
(first time point gets zero.)
Here the absolute path is needed.
(*optional, default: None*)
Delimiter used in the csv file.
(*optional, default: None*)
[docs] def __init__(self, file_path, sampling_frequency=1, marker="marker",
marker_file=None, delimiter=None):
self.file = open(file_path, "r")
except IOError as io:
warnings.warn("Failed to open file at [%s]" % file_path)
raise io
self._dSamplingInterval = sampling_frequency
self.marker = marker
self._markerids = dict()
self._markerNames = dict()
self.callbacks = list()
self.new_marker_id = 1
self.time_index = 1
if not marker_file is None:
marker_file = open(marker_file, "r")
except IOError:
warnings.warn("Failed to open marker file at [%s]. Now ignored."
% marker_file)
self._markerids["null"] = 0
self._markerNames[0] = "null"
if delimiter is None:
self.DictReader = get_csv_handler(self.file)
self.DictReader = csv.DictReader(self.file, delimiter=delimiter)
self.first_entry = self.DictReader.next()
self._channelNames = self.first_entry.keys()
self.MarkerReader = None
if not marker_file is None:
self.MarkerReader = get_csv_handler(marker_file)
if not self.MarkerReader is None:
if self.next_marker[0] == self.time_index:
self.first_marker = self.next_marker[1]
self.first_marker = ""
elif self.marker in self._channelNames:
self.first_marker = self.first_entry.pop(self.marker)
self.first_marker = ""
def dSamplingInterval(self):
""" actually the sampling frequency """
return self._dSamplingInterval
def stdblocksize(self):
""" standard block size (int) """
return 1
def markerids(self):
""" mapping of markers/events in stream and unique integer (dict)
The dict has to contain the mapping 'null' -> 0 to use the
nullmarkerstride option in the windower.
return self._markerids
def channelNames(self):
""" list of channel/sensor names """
return self._channelNames
def markerNames(self):
""" inverse mapping of markerids (dict) """
return self._markerNames
[docs] def regcallback(self, func):
""" register a function as consumer of the stream """
[docs] def read(self, nblocks=1):
""" Read *nblocks* of the stream and pass it to registers functions """
n = 0
while nblocks == -1 or n < nblocks:
if not self.first_entry is None:
samples, marker = self.first_entry, self.first_marker
self.first_entry = None
samples = self.DictReader.next()
except IOError:
if not self.MarkerReader is None:
if self.next_marker[0] == self.time_index:
marker = self.next_marker[1]
marker = ""
elif self.marker in samples.keys():
marker = samples.pop(self.marker)
marker = ""
# add marker to dict
if not marker == "" and not marker in self._markerids:
self._markerids[marker] = self.new_marker_id
self._markerNames[self.new_marker_id] = marker
self.new_marker_id += 1
# convert marker to array
markers = numpy.ones(1)*(-1)
if not marker == "":
markers[0] = self._markerids[marker]
# convert samples to array
# special handling of marker in channel names
# if the marker is in channelNames,
if self.marker in self.channelNames:
array_samples = numpy.zeros((len(self.channelNames)-1, 1))
array_samples = numpy.zeros((len(self.channelNames), 1))
offset = 0
for index, channel in enumerate(self.channelNames):
if self.marker == channel:
offset -= 1
array_samples[index + offset] = parse_float(samples[channel])
n += 1
for c in self.callbacks:
c(array_samples, markers)
self.time_index += 1
return n
[docs] def update_marker(self):
"""Update `next_marker` from `MarkerReader` information"""
next = self.MarkerReader.next()
self.next_marker = (next["time"], next[self.marker])
except IOError:
[docs]class EDFReader(AbstractStreamReader):
""" Read EDF-Data
On Instantiation it will automatically assign the value
for the blocksize coded in the edf-file to its own
attribute 'stdblocksize'.
The Feature, that different signals can have different
sampling rates is eliminated in a way, that every value
of a lower sampled signal is repeated so that it fits
the highest sampling rate present in the dataset. This
is needed to have the same length for every signal
in the returned array.
[docs] def __init__(self, abs_edffile_path):
"""Initializes module and opens specified file."""
self.edffile = open(abs_edffile_path, "r")
except IOError as io:
warnings.warn(str("failed to open file at [%s]" % abs_edffile_path))
raise io
# variables to later overwrite
# the properties from AbstractStreamReader
self.callbacks = list()
self._dSamplingInterval = 0
self._stdblocksize = 0
self._markerids = dict()
self._channelNames = dict()
self._markerNames = dict()
# gains, frequency for each channel
self.gains = []
self.phy_min = []
self.dig_min = []
self.frequency = []
self.num_channels = 0
self.num_samples = []
self.edf_plus = False
self.edf_header_length = 0
self.annotations = None
self.num_samples_anno = None
self.timepoint = 0.0
[docs] def __str__(self):
return ("EDFReader Object (%d@%s)\n" + \
"\tEDF File:\t %s\n" + \
"\tFile Format:\t %s\n" + \
"\tBlocksize:\t %d\n" + \
"\tnChannels:\t %d\n"
"\tfrequency:\t %d [Hz] (interval: %d [ns])\n") % (
os.getpid(), os.uname()[1],
"EDF+" if self.edf_plus else "EDF",
self.stdblocksize, len(self.channelNames),
self.dSamplingInterval, 1000000/self.dSamplingInterval)
def dSamplingInterval(self):
return self._dSamplingInterval
def stdblocksize(self):
return self._stdblocksize
def markerids(self):
return self._markerids
def channelNames(self):
return self._channelNames[:-1] if self.edf_plus else self._channelNames
def markerNames(self):
return self._markerNames
[docs] def read_edf_data(self):
"""read one record inside the data section of the edf-file"""
edfsignal = []
edfmarkers = numpy.ones(max(self.num_samples))*(-1)
# get markers from self.annotations
if self.annotations is not None:
current_annotations = numpy.where(
numpy.array(self.annotations.keys()) <
for c in current_annotations:
tmarker = self.annotations.keys()[c]-self.timepoint
pmarker = int((tmarker/self.delta)*max(self.num_samples))
edfmarkers[pmarker] = self.markerids[self.annotations[self.annotations.keys()[c]]]
self.timepoint += self.delta
# in EDF+ the last channel has the annotations,
# otherwise it is treated as regular signal channel
if self.edf_plus:
for i,n in enumerate(self.num_samples):
data = self.edffile.read(n*2)
if len(data) != n*2:
raise IOError
channel = numpy.fromstring(data, dtype=numpy.int16).astype(numpy.float32)
signal = (channel - self.dig_min[i]) * self.gains[i] + self.phy_min[i]
# simple upsampling for integer factors
# TODO: may use scipy.resample ..
if signal.shape[0] != max(self.num_samples):
factor = max(self.num_samples)/signal.shape[0]
assert type(factor) == int, str("Signal cannot be upsampled by non-int factor %f!" % factor)
signal = signal.repeat(factor, axis=0)
for i,n in enumerate(self.num_samples):
data = self.edffile.read(n*2)
if len(data) != n*2:
raise IOError
channel = numpy.fromstring(data, dtype=numpy.int16).astype(numpy.float32)
signal = (channel - self.dig_min[i]) * self.gains[i] + self.phy_min[i]
# simple upsampling for integer factors
# TODO: may use scipy.resample ..
if signal.shape[0] != max(self.num_samples):
factor = max(self.num_samples)/signal.shape[0]
assert type(factor) == int, str("Signal cannot be upsampled by non-int factor %f!" % factor)
signal = signal.repeat(factor, axis=0)
return edfsignal, edfmarkers
[docs] def parse_annotations(self):
""" Parses times and names of the annotations
This is done beforehand - annotations are later
added to the streamed data. """
self.edffile.seek(self.edf_header_length, os.SEEK_SET)
self.annotations = dict()
data_bytes_to_skip = sum(self.num_samples)*2
while True:
anno = self.edffile.read(self.num_samples_anno*2)
if len(anno) != self.num_samples_anno*2:
anno = anno.strip()
marker = anno.split(chr(20))
if marker[2][1:].startswith(chr(0)):
base = float(marker[0])
offset = float(marker[2][1:])
name = str(marker[3])
self.annotations[base+offset] = name.strip()
# Register callback function
[docs] def regcallback(self, func):
# Forwards block of data until all data is send
[docs] def read(self, nblocks=1, verbose=False):
"""read data and call registered callbacks """
n = 0
while nblocks == -1 or n < nblocks:
samples, markers = self.read_edf_data()
except IOError:
n += 1
for c in self.callbacks:
c(samples, markers)
return n
[docs]class SETReader(AbstractStreamReader):
""" Load eeglab .set format
Read eeglab format when the data has not been segmented yet. It is further
assumed that the data is stored binary in another file with extension .fdt.
Further possibilities are .dat format or to store everything in the .set
file. Both is currently not supported.
[docs] def __init__(self, abs_setfile_path, blocksize=100, verbose=False):
self.abs_setfile_path = abs_setfile_path
self._stdblocksize = blocksize
self.callbacks = list()
self._dSamplingInterval = 0
self._markerids = {"null": 0}
self._channelNames = dict()
self._markerNames = {0: "null"}
self.fdt_handle = open(self.abs_data_path,'rb')
self.latency = 0
self.current_marker_index = 0
def dSamplingInterval(self):
return self._dSamplingInterval
def stdblocksize(self):
return self._stdblocksize
def markerids(self):
return self._markerids
def channelNames(self):
return self._channelNames
def markerNames(self):
return self._markerNames
[docs] def read_set_file(self):
setdata = loadmat(self.abs_setfile_path + '.set', appendmat=False)
# check if stream data
ntrials = setdata['EEG']['trials'][0][0][0][0]
assert(ntrials == 1), "Data consists of more than one trial. This is not supported!"
# check if data is stored in fdt format
datafilename = setdata['EEG']['data'][0][0][0]
assert(datafilename.split('.')[-1] == 'fdt'), "Data is not in fdt format!"
# collect meta information
self._dSamplingInterval = setdata['EEG']['srate'][0][0][0][0]
self._channelNames = numpy.hstack(setdata['EEG']['chanlocs'][0][0][ \
self.nChannels = setdata['EEG']['nbchan'][0][0][0][0]
self.marker_data = numpy.hstack(setdata['EEG']['event'][0][0][ \
for marker in numpy.unique(self.marker_data):
marker_number = len(self._markerNames)
self._markerNames[marker_number] = marker
self._markerids[marker] = marker_number
self.marker_times = numpy.hstack(setdata['EEG']['event'][0][0][ \
self.abs_data_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.abs_setfile_path),
[docs] def regcallback(self, func):
[docs] def read(self, nblocks=1, verbose=False):
readblocks = 0
while (readblocks < nblocks or nblocks == -1):
ret, samples, markers = self.read_fdt_data()
if ret:
for f in self.callbacks:
f(samples, markers)
readblocks += 1
return readblocks
[docs] def read_fdt_data(self):
if self.fdt_handle == None:
return False, None, None
num_samples = self.nChannels * self._stdblocksize
markers = numpy.zeros(self._stdblocksize)
###### READ DATA FROM FILE ######
samples = numpy.fromfile(self.fdt_handle, dtype=numpy.float32,
except MemoryError:
# assuming, that a MemoryError only occurs when file is finished
self.fdt_handle = None
return False, None, None
# True when EOF reached in last or current block
if samples.size < num_samples:
self.fdt_handle = None
if samples.size == 0:
return False, None, None
temp = samples
samples = numpy.zeros(num_samples)
numpy.put(samples, range(temp.size), temp)
# need channel x time matrix
samples = samples.reshape((self.stdblocksize, self.nChannels)).T
for l in range(self.current_marker_index,len(self.marker_times)):
if self.marker_times[l] > self.latency + self._stdblocksize:
self.current_marker_index = l
self.latency += self._stdblocksize
rel_marker_pos = (self.marker_times[l] - 1) % self._stdblocksize
markers[rel_marker_pos] = self._markerids[self.marker_data[l]]
return True, samples, markers
[docs]class EEGReader(AbstractStreamReader):
""" Load raw EEG data in the .eeg brain products format
This module does the Task of parsing
.vhdr, .vmrk end .eeg/.dat files and then hand them
over to the corresponding windower which
iterates over the aggregated data.
[docs] def __init__(self, abs_eegfile_path, blocksize=100, verbose=False):
self.abs_eegfile_path = abs_eegfile_path
self._stdblocksize = blocksize
self.eeg_handle = None
self.mrk_handle = None
self.eeg_dtype = numpy.int16
self.callbacks = list()
# variable names with capitalization correspond to
# structures members defined in RecorderRDA.h
self.nChannels, \
self._dSamplingInterval, \
self.resolutions, \
self._channelNames, \
self.channelids, \
self._markerids, \
self._markerNames, \
self.nmarkertypes = self.bp_meta()
if verbose:
print "channelNames:", self.channelNames, "\n"
print "channelids:", self.channelids, "\n"
print "markerNames:", self.markerNames, "\n"
print "markerids:", self.markerids, "\n"
print "resolutions:", self.resolutions, "\n"
# open the eeg-file
if self.eeg_handle == None:
self.eeg_handle = open(self.abs_eegfile_path + '.eeg', 'rb')
except IOError:
self.eeg_handle = open(self.abs_eegfile_path + '.dat', 'rb')
except IOError:
raise IOError, "EEG-file [%s.{dat,eeg}] could not be opened!" % os.path.realpath(self.abs_eegfile_path)
self.callbacks = list()
self.ndsamples = None # last sample block read
self.ndmarkers = None # last marker block read
def dSamplingInterval(self):
return self._dSamplingInterval
def stdblocksize(self):
return self._stdblocksize
def markerids(self):
return self._markerids
def channelNames(self):
return self._channelNames
def markerNames(self):
return self._markerNames
# This function gathers meta information from the .vhdr and .vmrk files.
# Only the relevant information is then stored in variables, the windower
# accesses during the initialisation phase.
# This function reads the eeg-file and the marker-file for every
# block of data which is processed.
[docs] def bp_read(self, verbose=False):
if self.eeg_handle == None:
return False, None, None
num_samples = self.nChannels*self.stdblocksize
markers = numpy.zeros(self.stdblocksize)
samples = numpy.zeros(num_samples)
samples = numpy.fromfile(self.eeg_handle, dtype=self.eeg_dtype, count=num_samples)
except MemoryError:
# assuming, that a MemoryError only occurs when file is finished
self.eeg_handle = None
return False, None, None
# True when EEG-File's EOF reached in last or current block
if samples.size < num_samples:
self.eeg_handle = None
if samples.size == 0:
return False, None, None
temp = samples
samples = numpy.zeros(num_samples)
numpy.put(samples, range(temp.size), temp)
samples = samples.reshape((self.stdblocksize, self.nChannels))
samples = scipy.transpose(samples)
self.mrk_info['position'] += self.stdblocksize
mk_posi = 0
mk_desc = ""
while True:
mk = self.mrk_info['line'].split(',')
if len(mk) < 2 or mk[1] == "":
self.mrk_info['line'] = self.mrk_handle.next()
#self._log("WARNING: EOF[%s]\n" % os.path.realpath(self.mrk_handle.name))
mk_desc = mk[1]
mk_posi = int(mk[2])
if mk_posi > self.mrk_info['position']:
# special treatment for 'malformed' markerfiles
mk_rel_position = (mk_posi-1) % self.stdblocksize
if markers[mk_rel_position] != -1 :
# store marker for next point
mk[2] = str(mk_posi+1)
self.mrk_info['line'] = ",".join(["%s" % (m) for m in mk])
#self._log(str("WARNING: shifted position of marker \"%s\" from %d to %d!\n" % (mk_desc, mk_posi, mk_posi+1)))
if mk_rel_position+1 > self.stdblocksize-1:
return True, samples, markers
else :
markers[mk_rel_position] = self.markerids[mk_desc]
self.mrk_info['line'] = ""
# try to read next line from markerfile
self.mrk_info['line'] = self.mrk_handle.next()
return True, samples, markers
# string representation with interesting information
[docs] def __str__(self):
return ("EEGReader Object (%d@%s)\n" + \
"\tEEG File:\t %s\n" + \
"\tMRK File:\t %s\n" + \
"\tFile Format:\t %s\n" + \
"\tBlocksize:\t %d\n" + \
"\tnChannels:\t %d\n") % (os.getpid(), os.uname()[1], os.path.realpath(self.eeg_handle.name),
os.path.realpath(self.mrk_handle.name), self.eeg_dtype,
self.stdblocksize, self.nChannels)
# Register callback function
[docs] def regcallback(self, func):
# Reads data from .eeg/.dat file until EOF
[docs] def read(self, nblocks=1, verbose=False):
self.stop = False
readblocks = 0
while (readblocks < nblocks or nblocks == -1):
ret, self.ndsamples, self.ndmarkers = self.bp_read()
if ret:
for f in self.callbacks:
f(self.ndsamples, self.ndmarkers)
readblocks += 1
return readblocks