Source code for pySPACE.tests.unittests.nodes.preprocessing.test_window_func


""" Unittests that test window functions nodes

:Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen (
:Created: 2008/09/01

import unittest

import numpy

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    import os
    # The root of the code
    file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

from pySPACE.missions.nodes.preprocessing import window_func
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series import TimeSeries

[docs]class WindowFuncTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): self.test_data = numpy.zeros((128, 3)) self.test_data[:,1] = numpy.ones(128) self.test_data[:,2] = numpy.random.random(128) self.test_time_series = TimeSeries(self.test_data, ["A","B", "C"], 64, start_time = 0, end_time = 2000)
[docs] def test_zero_window(self): """ Test that the window function [0 0 ... 0 0] raises an InvalidWindowException """ window_function_str = "lambda n: lambda x: 0" node = window_func.WindowFuncNode(window_function_str = window_function_str) self.assertRaises(window_func.InvalidWindowException, node.execute, self.test_time_series)
[docs] def test_one_window(self): """ Test that the window function [1 1 ... 1 1] does not change the time series """ window_function_str = "lambda n: lambda x: 1" node = window_func.WindowFuncNode(window_function_str = window_function_str) windowed_time_series = node.execute(self.test_time_series) self.assert_(numpy.all(windowed_time_series.view(numpy.ndarray) == self.test_time_series.view(numpy.ndarray)))
[docs] def test_convolving(self): """ Test that convolving one with a window returns the window """ window_function_str = """lambda n: lambda x: (1 - __import__("numpy").cos((x + 1) * __import__("numpy").pi/n))/2""" window_function = eval(window_function_str) window = numpy.array([window_function(self.test_time_series.shape[0])(i) for i in range(self.test_time_series.shape[0])]) node = window_func.WindowFuncNode(window_function_str = window_function_str) windowed_time_series = node.execute(self.test_time_series) self.assert_(numpy.all(windowed_time_series.view(numpy.ndarray)[:,1] == window))
[docs] def test_chopping(self): """ Test that the window function with trailing zeros chops the time series window """ # Chopping at the start window_function_str = """lambda n: lambda x: 0 if x < 2 else 1""" node = window_func.WindowFuncNode(window_function_str = window_function_str, reduce_window = True) windowed_time_series = node.execute(self.test_time_series) self.assert_(windowed_time_series.shape[0] + 2 == self.test_time_series.shape[0]) self.assert_(numpy.all(windowed_time_series.view(numpy.ndarray) == self.test_time_series.view(numpy.ndarray)[2:,:])) # Chopping at the end window_function_str = """lambda n: lambda x: 0 if x >= n - 2 else 1""" node = window_func.WindowFuncNode(window_function_str = window_function_str, reduce_window = True) windowed_time_series = node.execute(self.test_time_series) self.assert_(windowed_time_series.shape[0] + 2 == self.test_time_series.shape[0]) self.assert_(numpy.all(windowed_time_series.view(numpy.ndarray) == self.test_time_series.view(numpy.ndarray)[:-2,:]))
if __name__ == '__main__': suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName('test_window_func') unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)