Source code for pySPACE.tests.unittests.nodes.splitter.test_traintest_splitter


A module that tests the

:Author:  Andrei Ignat (
:Created: 2014/06/03

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    import os
    # The root of the code
    file_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    sys.path.append(file_path[:file_path.rfind('pySPACE') - 1])

import unittest
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.splitter.traintest_splitter import *
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series import TimeSeries
import pySPACE.tests.generic_unittest as gen_test
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.source.external_generator_source import *

[docs]class TrainTestSplitterTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): # set up the channels self.channel_names = ['Target', 'Standard'] self.points = [] # fill in the data points according to a given equation for cntr in range(100): self.points.append((2 * cntr, 13 * cntr)) initial_data = TimeSeries(self.points, self.channel_names, 100) # since the node was built for online analysis and splitting, # we must fool it by giving it the input under the form of a node # and not just a e.g. TimeSeries object self.input_node = ExternalGeneratorSourceNode() self.input_node.set_generator(initial_data)
[docs] def test_random_split(self): splitter = TrainTestSplitterNode(train_ratio=0.3, random=True) splitter.set_permanent_attributes(input_node=self.input_node) splitter._create_split() # we check if the split has the correct length self.assertEqual(len(splitter.train_data), 30) # and then we check if the split was done in a random way self.assertNotEqual(splitter.train_data, self.points[:30])
[docs] def test_reverse_split(self): splitter = TrainTestSplitterNode( train_ratio=0.3, random=False, reverse=True) splitter.set_permanent_attributes(input_node=self.input_node) splitter._create_split() # we check if the split has the correct length self.assertEqual(len(splitter.train_data), 30) # and then we check if the split was done in a random way self.assertEqual(splitter.train_data, self.points[:30])
if __name__ == '__main__': suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromName('test_traintest_splitter') # Test the generic initialization of the class methods suite.addTest(gen_test.ParametrizedTestCase.parametrize( current_testcase=gen_test.GenericTestCase, node=TrainTestSplitterNode)) unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite)