Source code for

""" Type conversion helper functions """
import copy
import string
import warnings
import yaml

[docs]def python2yaml(value): """ Conversion function to handle yaml specialties""" # due to ugly incompatibilities in the conversion of # float (yaml) -> float (python) -> float(yaml) and # iterable(python) -> iterable(yaml), # we have to introduce this special treatment str_representation = yaml.dump([value], default_flow_style=True).strip() if str_representation.startswith('-'): return str_representation[2:] elif str_representation.startswith('['): return str_representation[1:-1] else: warnings.warn("Wrong format for yaml conversion of template (%s)." % str_representation) return str(value)
[docs]def extract_key_str(full_file, keyword="node_chain"): """ Extract the string which corresponds to the specified YAML key For extraction it is assumed, that a line wise notation is used, which begins with the keyword. """ lines = full_file.split("\n") keyword_found = False keyword_lines = [] for line in lines: if keyword_found: short = line.strip() if short == "" or short.startswith("#"): continue elif line.startswith(" "): # indentation occurred keyword_lines.append(line) elif ":" in line: # next keyword occurred break else: warnings.warn("Unexpected line occurred: %s!"%line) keyword_lines.append(line) elif line.startswith(keyword): keyword_found = True return "\n".join(keyword_lines)
[docs]def replace_parameters_and_convert(node_chain_spec, parameter_setting): """ Replace parameters of parameter_setting in node_chain_spec and return the Python object and not the YAML string. """ # we have not specified a template file but a complete # node chain instead, for replacing parameters, it has to be reconverted # to a string if type(node_chain_spec) == list: node_chain_spec = repr(node_chain_spec) #yaml.dump(node_chain_spec) warnings.warn("Issues with parameter replacement might occur!") elif isinstance(node_chain_spec, basestring): pass else: warnings.warn("Wrong format of template (%s). Trying to proceed." % str(node_chain_spec)) node_chain_spec = replace_parameters(node_chain_spec, parameter_setting) # final loading of the modified YAML file return yaml.load(node_chain_spec)
[docs]def replace_parameters(node_chain_spec, parameter_setting): """ Replace parameters in string and return this string """ # Instantiate the template for key, value in parameter_setting.iteritems(): # Parameters framed by "#" are considered to be escaped if "#"+key+"#" in node_chain_spec: node_chain_spec = node_chain_spec.replace("#"+key+"#", "##") #chek for optimization and normal parameter rule elif key.startswith("_") or key.startswith("~"): try: if type(value) == str: node_chain_spec = \ node_chain_spec.replace("%s" % str(key), value) else: node_chain_spec = node_chain_spec.replace( "%s" % str(key), repr(value)) except: node_chain_spec = node_chain_spec.replace( "%s" % str(key), python2yaml(value)) else: node_chain_spec = node_chain_spec.replace( "%s" % str(key), python2yaml(value)) warnings.warn("The parameter %s is no regular parameter." + "Better use one starting with '_' or '~'. " + "Replacing despite." % key) if "##" in node_chain_spec: node_chain_spec = node_chain_spec.replace("##", key) return node_chain_spec
[docs]def eval_string(s): if s.startswith("eval("): try: return eval(s[5:-1]) except: return s else: return s
[docs]def replace_in_list(list_, replacements): new_list = [] for item in list_: # Base case: item is not a structure if isinstance(item, str): item = string.Template(item).safe_substitute(**replacements) item = eval_string(item) # The item is itself a list, replace recursively if isinstance(item, list): # Check recursively item = replace_in_list(item, replacements) # The item is a dict, look for keys and values elif isinstance(item, dict): item = replace_in_dict(item, replacements) new_list.append(item) return new_list
[docs]def replace_in_dict(dict_, replacements): new_dict = {} for key, value in dict_.iteritems(): if isinstance(value, list): value = replace_in_list(value, replacements) elif isinstance(value, dict): value = replace_in_dict(value, replacements) elif isinstance(value, str): value = string.Template(value).safe_substitute(**replacements) value = eval_string(value) key = string.Template(key).safe_substitute(**replacements) key = eval_string(key) new_dict[key] = value return new_dict
[docs]def replace_parameters2(node_chain_spec, parameter_setting): return replace_in_list(node_chain_spec, parameter_setting)