Source code for

""" File handling helper functions """
import os
import fnmatch
import tarfile
import warnings

[docs]def get_author(): try: import platform CURRENTOS = platform.system() if CURRENTOS == "Windows": import getpass author = getpass.getuser() else: import pwd author = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[4] except: author = "unknown" warnings.warn("Author could not be resolved.") return author
[docs]def create_directory(path): """ Create the given directory path recursively """ parts = path.split(os.sep) subpath = "" for part in parts[1:]: subpath += os.sep + part if not os.path.exists(subpath): try: os.mkdir(subpath) except OSError as (err_no, strerr): import errno # os.path.exists isn't secure on gpfs! if not err_no == errno.EEXIST: raise
[docs]def common_path(path1, path2, common=[]): """ Compute the common part of two paths *path1* and *path2* """ if len(path1) < 1: return (common, path1, path2) if len(path2) < 1: return (common, path1, path2) if path1[0] != path2[0]: return (common, path1, path2) return common_path(path1[1:], path2[1:], common + [path1[0]])
[docs]def get_relative_path(path1, path2): """ Return the relative path of *path1* to *path2* """ (common,l1,l2) = common_path(path1.split(os.path.sep), path2.split(os.path.sep),) p = [] if len(l1) > 0: p = [os.pardir + os.sep for i in range(len(l1)-1)] p = p + l2 return os.path.join( *p )
[docs]def locate(pattern, root=os.curdir): """ Locate all files matching pattern in root directory. Locate all files matching supplied filename pattern in and below the supplied root directory. **Parameters** :pattern: The pattern (regular expression) the files, that are selected, must match :root: The root directory of the directory tree in which files are searched :Source: .. todo:: transfer to file handling? """ for path, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.abspath(root)): for filename in fnmatch.filter(files, pattern): yield os.path.join(path, filename)
[docs]def create_source_archive(archive_path, packages=["pySPACE"], patterns=["*.py", "*.yaml"]): """ Store the source code of important packages Locates all files in the directory structure of the given :packages: that match the given :patterns:. Add these files to an archive that is stored in :archive_path:. :Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen ( :Created: 2010/08/12 """ # Create archive file archive_file = + os.sep + "source_code_archive.tbz", "w:bz2") # Find all packages the directories in which they are located package_root_dirs = [__import__(package).__path__[0] + os.sep + os.pardir for package in packages] orig_dir = os.curdir for package, package_root_dir in zip(packages, package_root_dirs): os.chdir(package_root_dir) # Find all files in the package that match one of the patterns and add # them to the archive. for pattern in patterns: for file in locate(pattern, package): archive_file.add(file) archive_file.close() os.chdir(orig_dir)