
Module: environments.backends.base

Backend Base Class and Methods

Inheritance diagram for pySPACE.environments.backends.base:

Inheritance diagram of pySPACE.environments.backends.base


class pySPACE.environments.backends.base.Backend[source]

Bases: object

Interface for backends

All other backends must implement several methods of this interface in order to execute an operation on a specific modality.

Class Components Summary

_log(message[, level]) Logs the given message with the given logging level
_start_logging() Configures and starts the logging of this operation
_stop_logging() Stops the logging of this operation
check_status() Returns a description of the current state of the operations execution.
cleanup() Remove the current operation and all potential results that
consolidate() Consolidates the results of the single processes into a consistent result of the whole
execute([timeout]) Executes all processes specified in the currently staged operation.
get_result_directory() Return the result directory of the current operation (if any)
retrieve([timeout]) Fetches the results of the operation’s processes.
stage_in(operation) Stage the current operation

alias of ABCMeta

STATES = set(['consolidated', 'idling', 'executing', 'staged', 'retrieved'])

Stage the current operation


Executes all processes specified in the currently staged operation.

Parameters:timeout (int) – The timeout for this method, after which the execution is aborted

Returns a description of the current state of the operations execution.


Fetches the results of the operation’s processes.

... note:: This call might block until all processes are finished


Consolidates the results of the single processes into a consistent result of the whole operation


Remove the current operation and all potential results that have been stored in this object


Return the result directory of the current operation (if any)


Configures and starts the logging of this operation


Stops the logging of this operation

_log(message, level=20)[source]

Logs the given message with the given logging level

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(['consolidate', 'check_status', 'execute', 'cleanup', 'retrieve'])

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 29
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>



Creates the backend object based on the given options

The following backends are available: