""" Skeleton for an elemental transformation of the signal
This includes some exception and metaclass handling, but the most important part
is the :class:`~pySPACE.missions.nodes.base_node.BaseNode`.
.. note::
This module includes a reimplementation of the MDP node class that
is better suited for the purposes of pySPACE. For instance
it provides methods to allow the benchmarking of supervised training,
storing, loading, cross validation, logging ...
Furthermore, it takes care for the totally different data types,
because in our case, the input data is 2-dimensional.
These differences in concept are quite essential and resulted in
creating an 'own' implementation, comprising the code into one module,
instead of keeping the inheritance of the MDP node class.
Nevertheless a lot of code was copied from this great library.
.. image:: ../../graphics/node.png
:width: 500
:Author: Jan Hendrik Metzen (jhm@informatik.uni-bremen.de)
:Created: 2008/11/25
MDP (version 3.3) is distributed under the following BSD license::
This file is part of Modular toolkit for Data Processing (MDP).
All the code in this package is distributed under the following conditions:
Copyright (c) 2003-2012, MDP Developers <mdp-toolkit-devel@lists.sourceforge.net>
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of the Modular toolkit for Data Processing (MDP)
nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote
products derived from this software without specific prior written
import itertools
import copy
# logging imports
import logging
import logging.handlers
import warnings
import socket
import os
import time
import cPickle
import numpy
import pySPACE
from pySPACE.tools.memoize_generator import MemoizeGenerator
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.decorators import NoOptimizationParameter
# Exceptions from MDP
[docs]class NodeException(Exception):
"""Base class for exceptions in `Node` subclasses."""
[docs]class InconsistentDimException(NodeException):
"""Raised when there is a conflict setting the dimensions
Note that incoming data with conflicting dimensionality raises a normal
[docs]class TrainingException(NodeException):
"""Base class for exceptions in the training phase."""
[docs]class TrainingFinishedException(TrainingException):
"""Raised when the `Node.train` method is called although the
training phase is closed.
[docs]class IsNotTrainableException(TrainingException):
"""Raised when the `Node.train` method is called although the
node is not trainable.
[docs]class BaseNode(object):
""" Main base class for nodes which forwards data without processing
It provides methods to allow the benchmarking of supervised training,
storing, loading, cross validation, logging, ...
Furthermore, it takes care for different data types.
The input data is currently two-dimensional.
It can be:
* :class:`~pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series.TimeSeries` or
* :class:`~pySPACE.resources.data_types.feature_vector.FeatureVector` or
* :class:`~pySPACE.resources.data_types.prediction_vector.PredictionVector`
* which all inherit from a common :class:`~pySPACE.resources.data_types.base.BaseData`.
In the following parameters are introduced which do not give any
functionality but which could generally be used by inheriting nodes.
Dimension(s) of the input data.
By default determined automatically.
(*optional, default: None*)
Dimension(s) of the output data.
By default determined automatically.
(*optional, default: None*)
Data type of the data array.
By default determined automatically.
(*optional, default: None*)
This parameter is a specialty, which comes with the
The execution result of the node
is copied into the *history* parameter of the object.
Additionally, the *specs* of the object receive an entry labeled '
node_specs' containing a dictionary of additional information
from the saving node.
Especially :mod:`~pySPACE.missions.nodes.visualization` nodes
may use this functionality to visualize the change of the
processing of the data.
(*optional, default: False*)
This is the standard variable to load processing information for
the node especially from previous seen data.
Examples for the usage, are the loading of spatial filters,
classifiers or feature normalizations.
If a parameter load_path is provided for any node, the
node is able to replace some keywords.
So far implemented replacements:
:__RUN__: current run number
:__SPLIT__: current split number
Be aware that corresponding split and run numbers don't
necessarily mean that you're operating on the same data.
Especially if cross validations generated the splits, there
is no reason to believe that the current splitting has
anything to do with a previous one!
.. note::
The keywords **__INPUT_DATASET__** and **__RESULT_DIRECTORY__** can
also be used. The replacement of these keyword is done
in the :class:`~pySPACE.missions.operations.node_chain.NodeChainOperation`.
(*optional, default: None*)
If the node parameter *store* is set to 'True', before each reset
the internal state of the node is stored (pickled) with the
store_state method.
(*optional, default: False*)
If your node has the method *_inc_train* and you want to use
*incremental* training during testing or application phase,
this parameter has to be set to True.
After processing the data, the node will immediately get the label
to learn changes in the data.
For more subtle retraining in the online application,
you will additionally have to use the
parameter *buffering* ('True') to save all occurring samples
in the testing phase. The retraining is then activated by
calling the method *present_label(label)*:
If the the label is *None*, only the first buffered element
is deleted. This is used, if we don't get a label,
if we are insecure of the true label or
if we simply do not want to retrain on this sample.
In the other case, the presented label belongs to the first
buffered element, which is then given to the *_inc_train* method
together with its label.
Afterwards the buffered element is deleted.
The method could be called in different ways in a sink node,
to simulate different ways of getting labels and different ways
of incremental learning.
Furthermore, it could used by node_chain_scripts
as they can be found in the
:mod:`~pySPACE.environments.live` environment,
where we have the real
situation, that we have to check after the classification,
what was the right label of the data.
.. note:: Before using this parameter you should always check, if
the node is able for incremental learning!
(*optional, default: False*)
This switch is responsible for real time *incremental*
learning of the node in applications (live environment),
by mainly buffering all samples in the execute method in the testing
If *buffering* is set to 'True', the *retrain* parameter should also be
and the node must have an *_inc_train* method.
Furthermore the *present_label* method must be called externally.
Otherwise you will run into memory issues.
For more details see the documentation of the *retrain* parameter.
(*optional, default: False*)
This enforces the node to be not trained, though it is trainable.
.. warning:: For usage in nodes, the algorithms need to define
proper defaults in the initialization, e.g. by using the
*load_path* parameter.
(*optional, default: True*)
Raise a warning if unexpected keyword arguments are given.
(*optional, default: True*)
**Implementing your own Node**
For finding out, how to implement your own node, have a look at the
**Exemplary Call**
.. code-block:: yaml
node : Noop
parameters :
keep_in_history : True
:input: Any (e.g. FeatureVector)
:output: Any1 (e.g. FeatureVector)
:Author: Mario Michael Krell and many more (krell@uni-bremen.de)
:Created: before 2008/09/28
# setting the meta class
__metaclass__ = NodeMetaclass
[docs] def __init__(self, store=False, retrain=False, input_dim=None,
output_dim=None, dtype=None, kwargs_warning=True, **kwargs):
""" This initialization is necessary for every node
So make sure, that you use it via the *super* method in each new node.
The method cares for the setting of the basic parameters, including
parameters for storing,
and handling of training and test data.
# Sanity checks
assert store in [True, False], \
"Passing inappropriate value %s for parameter 'store'." % store
assert retrain in [True, False], \
"Passing inappropriate value %s for parameter 'retrain'." \
% retrain
self.store = store
self.retrainable = retrain
#: parameter for retraining in application
#: see *present_label*
self.buffering = False
if kwargs.has_key("buffering"):
self.buffering = kwargs["buffering"]
self.zero_training = False
if kwargs.has_key("zero_training"):
self.zero_training = kwargs["zero_training"]
if self.buffering and not self.retrainable:
warnings.warn("Buffering nodes should retrains!")
# whether to save data or not
self.save_intermediate_results = False
if kwargs.has_key("save_intermediate_results"):
self.save_intermediate_results = kwargs["save_intermediate_results"]
# initialize basic attributes
self._input_dim = None
self._output_dim = None
self._dtype = None
# call set functions for properties
# skip the training phase if the node is not trainable
if not self.is_trainable() or self.zero_training:
self._training = False
self._train_phase = -1
self._train_phase_started = False
# this var stores at which point in the training sequence we are
self._train_phase = 0
# this var is False if the training of the current phase hasn't
# started yet, True otherwise
self._train_phase_started = False
# this var is False if the complete training is finished
self._training = True
self.input_node = None
self.data_for_training = None
self.data_for_testing = None
self.root_logger = None
# distinguish execution on training and test data
# since some nodes only want to handle test data and ignore
# training data
self._training_execution_phase = False
self.current_split = 0
self.trace = False
#: Do we have to remember the outputs of this node for later reuse?
self.caching = False
self.load_path = kwargs.get('load_path', None)
self.keep_in_history = kwargs.get('keep_in_history', False)
self.node_specs = {}
self.node_name = str(type(self)).split(".")[-1].split("'")[0]
self.retrain_data = None
self.retrain_label = None
# Switch for in-/homogenous data (e.g. data with different sampling
# frequencies). Has to be handled from the node which can deal with
# inhomogenous data.
self.homogenous = kwargs.get("homogenous", True)
# Set the default run number which gives the number of the current
# iteration
self.run_number = 0
# Every Parameter is stored since we reset them with every new spit.
self.permanent_state = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
if kwargs_warning:
remove_kwargs = ["homogeneous", "keep_in_history", "load_path",
"save_intermediate_results", "zero_training",
for key in kwargs.keys():
if not key in remove_kwargs:
warnings.warn("The parameter '%s' seems to be unused in %s."
% (key, self.__class__.__name__) +
" Either you specified it on purpose, you spelled it " +
"wrong, or there is an implementation inconsistency.")
###### Methods, which can be overwritten by inheriting nodes ######
[docs] def _train(self, x):
""" Give the training data to the node
If a node is trainable, this method is called and *has to be* implemented.
Optionally the :func:`_stop_training` method can be additionally implemented.
if self.is_trainable():
raise NotImplementedError("The node %s is not trainable"
% self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def _stop_training(self, *args, **kwargs):
""" Called method after the training data went through the node
It can be overwritten by the inheriting node.
Normally, the :func:`_train` method only collects the data
and this method does the real (batch) training.
By default this method does nothing.
[docs] def _execute(self, x):
""" Elemental processing step (**key component**)
This method should be overwritten by the inheriting node.
It implements the final processing of the data of the node.
By default the data is just forwarded.
Some nodes only visualize or analyze training data
or only handle the data sets without changing the data
and so they do not need this method.
return x
[docs] def _check_train_args(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
""" Checks if the arguments are correct for training
Implemented by subclasses if needed.
.. todo:: Check if this method copy is needed and
if there is a good use-case.
[docs] def _inc_train(self,data, class_label=None):
""" Method to be overwritten by subclass for incremental training after initial training """
raise NotImplementedError("The node %s does not implement incremental training."%self.__class__.__name__)
[docs] def is_trainable(self):
""" Return True if the node can be trained, False otherwise
*default: False*
return False
[docs] def is_supervised(self):
""" Returns whether this node requires supervised training
*default: False*
return False
[docs] def get_output_type(cls, input_type, as_string=True):
""" Return output type depending on the *input_type*
Tells the method whether it should return
a string encoding of the type or a class instance
(*default: True*)
The input type of the node.
In most cases, the input depends on the input
and can not be inferred from the algorithm category.
.. note ::
Strings have less overhead than class instances and
that is why they are normally used in routine operations
By default the input type is assumed to be the same as the output type,
except for *classification*, *feature_generation* and *type_conversion*.
For any other algorithm type, especially for meta nodes,
this method needs to be overwritten.
Otherwise, a warning will occur.
pack = cls.__module__.split(".")[3:4]
if "classification" in pack:
result = "PredictionVector"
elif "feature_generation" in pack:
result = "FeatureVector"
elif "type_conversion" in pack:
# it is expected that nodes in the type_conversion script
# overwrite this method with their specific output types
raise NotImplementedError
result = str(input_type)
if as_string:
return result
return cls.string_to_class(result)
[docs] def string_to_class(string_encoding):
""" given a string variable, outputs a class instance
e.g., obtaining a TimeSeries
.. code-block:: python
>>> result = BaseNode.string_to_class("TimeSeries")
>>> print type(result)
<class 'pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series.TimeSeries'>
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series import TimeSeries
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.feature_vector import FeatureVector
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.prediction_vector \
import PredictionVector
if "TimeSeries" in string_encoding:
return TimeSeries
elif "PredictionVector" in string_encoding:
return PredictionVector
elif "FeatureVector" in string_encoding:
return FeatureVector
raise NotImplementedError
###### Reimplementation of some MDP methods that have some flaws, ######
###### when used with the different concepts, used here. ######
### check functions
### Handle the data types of the data
[docs] def _get_supported_dtypes(self):
""" Return the list of dtypes supported by this node.
The types can be specified in any format allowed by *numpy* `dtype`.
.. todo:: In future we should use as default float and double
and specify explicitly for each node
if it can use other input formats!
def get_dtypes(typecodes_key):
"""Return the list of dtypes corresponding to the set of
typecodes defined in numpy.typecodes[typecodes_key].
E.g., get_dtypes('Float') = [dtype('f'), dtype('d'), dtype('g')].
types = []
for c in numpy.typecodes[typecodes_key]:
dtype = numpy.dtype(c)
except TypeError:
return types
return get_dtypes('All')
[docs] def get_dtype(self):
""" Return dtype."""
return self._dtype
[docs] def set_dtype(self, t):
"""Set internal structures' dtype.
Perform sanity checks and then calls `self._set_dtype(n)`, which
is responsible for setting the internal attribute `self._dtype`.
.. note:: Subclasses should overwrite self._set_dtype when needed.
# Difference to MDP's standard set_dtype: Setting of dtypes allows
# now also dtypes that are inherited from supported dtypes
# (in order to allow for var-length strings)
if t is None:
t = numpy.dtype(t)
if (self._dtype is not None) and (self._dtype != t):
errstr = ("Class %s: dtype is already set to '%s' "
"('%s' given)!" % (self.__class__.__name__, t,
raise Exception(errstr)
for dt in self.get_supported_dtypes():
if numpy.issubdtype(t, dt):
errstr = ("\ndtype '%s' is not supported.\n"
"Supported dtypes: %s" %
(t.name, [numpy.dtype(t).name for t in
raise Exception(errstr)
[docs] def _set_dtype(self, t):
t = numpy.dtype(t)
if t not in self.get_supported_dtypes():
raise NodeException(
'dtype %s not among supported dtypes (%s) in node %s'
% (str(t), self.get_supported_dtypes(),self.__class__.__name__))
self._dtype = t
[docs] def get_supported_dtypes(self):
"""Return dtypes supported by the node as a list of numpy `dtype` objects.
Note that subclasses should overwrite `self._get_supported_dtypes`
when needed."""
return [numpy.dtype(t) for t in self._get_supported_dtypes()]
supported_dtypes = property(get_supported_dtypes,
doc="Supported dtypes")
dtype = property(get_dtype,
doc = "dtype")
################ Reimplementation END ################
[docs] def node_from_yaml(node_spec):
""" Creates a node based on the dictionary *node_spec* """
# The node_spec from the calling method should not be changed,
# hence there are maybe several recalls with the same node_spec
assert(type(node_spec) == dict and "node" in node_spec), \
"Error in node spec. (no dict or no 'node' key): '%s'" % node_spec
node_spec = copy.deepcopy(node_spec)
if node_spec is None:
warnings.warn("Maybe you have a wrong minus with no following "
"entry in your spec file? Please correct and "
# evaluation of components of the form "eval(command)"
if isinstance(node_spec["node"], basestring) \
and node_spec["node"].startswith("eval("):
node_name = eval(node_spec["node"][5:-1])
node_name = node_spec["node"]
node_class = pySPACE.missions.nodes.NODE_MAPPING[node_name]
except KeyError:
raise UserWarning("No node with name %s exists" % node_name)
# If the node overwrites this method we delegate node creation
if node_name not in ['Noop', "Base", "BaseNode"] and \
'node_from_yaml' in node_class.__dict__:
return node_class.node_from_yaml(node_spec)
elif node_class.__module__ == "pySPACE.missions.nodes.external":
# do not interface the wrapper but the real class
if 'node_from_yaml' in node_class.__bases__[0].__dict__:
return node_class.node_from_yaml(node_spec)
# If parameters need to be passed to the class
if "parameters" in node_spec:
if node_spec["parameters"] is None:
warnings.warn("No parameters specified for %s!" % node_name)
node_obj = node_class()
# All parameters which are eval() statements
# are considered to be Python expressions and are evaluated
# Create the node object
node_obj = node_class(**node_spec["parameters"])
#except TypeError, e:
#raise TypeError("%s: %s" % (node_class.__name__, e))
node_obj = node_class()
return node_obj
[docs] def eval_dict(dictionary):
""" Check dictionary entries starts and evaluate if needed
Evaluation is switched on, by using ``eval(statement)`` to
evaluate the *statement*.
Dictionary entries are replaced with evaluation result.
.. note:: No additional string mark up needed, contrary to normal
Python evaluate syntax
for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, basestring) and value.startswith("eval("):
dictionary[key] = eval(value[5:-1])
except BaseException, e:
warnings.warn("Could not evaluate:"+value+". Error:"+str(e))
[docs] def set_permanent_attributes(self, **kwargs):
""" Add all the items of the given kwargs dictionary as permanent attributes of this object
Permanent attribute are reset, when using the reset method.
The other attributes are deleted.
.. note:: Parameters of the basic init function are always set permanent.
.. note:: The memory of permanent attributes is doubled.
When having large objects, like the data in source nodes,
you should handle this by overwriting the reset method.
The main reason for this method is the reset of nodes during cross
validation. Here the parameters of the algorithms have to be reset,
to have independent evaluations.
# Deepcopy the permanent state (except the input node and generator)
for key, value in kwargs.iteritems():
if key == "input_node" or (key == "generator"):
self.permanent_state[key] = value
self.permanent_state[key] = copy.deepcopy(value)
# Track changes in node_specs. This is a dictionary with all local
# variables of the __init__ function.
# The variable names can be found with the co_varnames attribute
# of the function object code object.
self.node_specs = dict([ (key, val)
for key, val in self.__dict__.items()
if key in self.__init__.im_func.func_code.co_varnames])
self.node_specs.update({'node_name': self.node_name})
[docs] def reset(self):
""" Reset the state of the object to the clean state it had after its initialization
.. note:: Attributes in the permanent state are not overwritten/reset.
Parameters were set into permanent state with the method:
# We have to create a temporary reference since we remove
# the self.permanent_state reference in the next step by overwriting
# self.__dict__
tmp = self.permanent_state
# The input node should not be deepcopied since otherwise the input
# node and the node in the node list that precedes this node are
# different objects
input_node = self.permanent_state.pop("input_node")
self.__dict__ = copy.deepcopy(tmp)
self.input_node = input_node
self.permanent_state = tmp
self.permanent_state["input_node"] = input_node
[docs] def reset_attribute(self, attribute_string):
""" Reset a single attribute with its previously saved permanent state """
if not isinstance(attribute_string, basestring):
warnings.warn("You did not use a string for reset."+
"Instead you used:%s."%str(attribute_string))
except KeyError:
warnings.warn("You did not use a valid attribute for reset."+
"Instead you used:%s."%str(attribute_string))
[docs] def is_retrainable(self):
""" Returns if node supports retraining """
return self.retrainable
[docs] def is_source_node(self):
""" Returns whether this node is a source node that can yield data """
# A source node is identified by its name ending
return self.__class__.__name__.endswith("SourceNode")
[docs] def is_sink_node(self):
""" Returns if this node is a sink node that gathers results"""
# A sink node is identified by its property of having a method
# with the name "store_results"
return hasattr(self, "get_result_dataset")
[docs] def is_split_node(self):
""" Returns whether this is a split node. """
return False
[docs] def set_run_number(self, run_number):
""" Informs the node about the number of the current run
Per default, a node is not interested in the run number and simply
hands the information back to its input node.
For nodes like splitter that are interested in the run_number, this method
can be overwritten.
if not self.is_source_node():
[docs] def set_temp_dir(self, temp_dir):
""" Give directory name for temporary data saves """
self.set_permanent_attributes(temp_dir = temp_dir)
[docs] def get_source_file_name(self):
""" Returns the name of the source file.
This works for the Stream2TimeSeriesSourceNode.
For other nodes None is returned.
return self.input_node.get_source_file_name()
[docs] def use_next_split(self):
""" Use the next split of the data into training and test data.
Returns True if more splits are available, otherwise False.
This method is useful for benchmarking
assert(self.input_node != None)
has_more_splits = self.input_node.use_next_split()
if has_more_splits:
# Counting the number of the current split
# Resetting the node for the next run
return has_more_splits
[docs] def increase_split_number(self):
""" Method for increasing split number (needed for access by meta nodes)
.. todo:: Better exception handling. Move code to meta/Layer nodes?
self.set_permanent_attributes(current_split=self.current_split + 1)
for node in self.nodes:
[docs] def _get_train_set(self, use_test_data = False):
""" Returns the data that can be used for training """
# We take data that is provided by the input node for training
# NOTE: This might involve training of the preceding nodes
train_set = self.input_node.request_data_for_training(use_test_data)
# If we should also use the test data for training (i.e. we are not
# doing benchmarking...)
if use_test_data:
# Add the data provided by the input node for testing to the
# training set
train_set = \
return train_set
[docs] def train_sweep(self, use_test_data):
""" Performs the actual training of the node.
If use_test_data is True, we use all available data for training,
otherwise only the data that is explicitly marked as data for training.
This is a requirement e.g. for benchmarking.
# If this node does not require training
if not self.is_trainable() or self.zero_training:
self._log("Does not require training.")
# Check whether the node requires supervised training
elif self.is_supervised(): # Supervised learning
self._log("Supervised training started.")
# For all train phases
while self.get_remaining_train_phase() > 0:
self._log("Supervised train stage %s started."
% self._train_phase)
train_set = self._get_train_set(use_test_data)
# Present all available data (along with the corresponding
# label) to this node
for data, label in train_set:
self.train(data, label)
# Stop this train phase
self._log("Supervised train stage %s finished."
% self._train_phase)
self._log("Supervised training finished.")
elif self.is_trainable(): # Unsupervised learning
self._log("Unsupervised training started.")
train_set = self._get_train_set(use_test_data)
# For all train phases
while self.get_remaining_train_phase() > 0:
self._log("Unsupervised train stage %s started."
% self._train_phase)
# Present all available data to this node, but
# skip the label (since we are doing unsupervised training)
for data, label in train_set:
self._log("Unsupervised train stage %s finished."
% self._train_phase)
# Stop this train phase
self._log("Unsupervised training finished.")
[docs] def process(self):
""" Processes all data that is provided by the input node
Returns a generator that yields the data after being processed by this
assert(self.input_node != None), "No input node specified!"
# Assert that this node has already been trained
assert(not self.is_trainable() or
self.get_remaining_train_phase() == 0), "Node not trained!"
self._log("Processing data.", level=logging.DEBUG)
data_generator = \
itertools.imap(lambda (data, label):
(self._trace(self.execute(self._trace(data, "entry")),
"exit"), label),
return data_generator
[docs] def request_data_for_training(self, use_test_data):
""" Returns data for training of subsequent nodes of the node chain
A call to this method might involve training of the node chain up this
node. If use_test_data is true, all available data is used for
training, otherwise only the data that is explicitly for training.
assert(self.input_node != None)
self._log("Data for training is requested.", level = logging.DEBUG)
# If we haven't computed the data for training yet
if self.data_for_training == None:
self._log("Producing data for training.", level = logging.DEBUG)
# Train this node
# Compute a generator the yields the train data and
# encapsulate it in an object that memoizes its outputs and
# provides a "fresh" method that returns a new generator that'll
# yield the same sequence
# This line crashes without the NodeMetaclass bug fix
train_data_generator = \
itertools.imap(lambda (data, label) :
(self.execute(data,in_training=True), label),
self.data_for_training = MemoizeGenerator(train_data_generator,
self._log("Data for training finished", level = logging.DEBUG)
# Return a fresh copy of the generator
return self.data_for_training.fresh()
[docs] def request_data_for_testing(self):
""" Returns data for testing of subsequent nodes of the node chain
A call to this node might involve evaluating the whole node chain
up to this node.
assert(self.input_node != None)
self._log("Data for testing is requested.", level = logging.DEBUG)
# If we haven't computed the data for testing yet
if self.data_for_testing == None:
# Assert that this node has already been trained
assert(not self.is_trainable() or
self.get_remaining_train_phase() == 0)
# Compute a generator the yields the test data and
# encapsulate it in an object that memoizes its outputs and
# provides a "fresh" method that returns a new generator that'll
# yield the same sequence
self._log("Producing data for testing.", level = logging.DEBUG)
test_data_generator = \
itertools.imap(lambda (data, label):
self.test_retrain(data, label),
self.data_for_testing = MemoizeGenerator(test_data_generator,
self._log("Data for testing finished", level = logging.DEBUG)
# Return a fresh copy of the generator
return self.data_for_testing.fresh()
[docs] def test_retrain(self,data,label):
""" Wrapper method for offline incremental retraining
The parameter *retrain* has to be set to True to activate offline retraining.
The parameter *buffering* should be False, which is the default.
.. note:: The execute method of the node is called implicitly
in this node instead of being called in the
For the incremental retraining itself
the method _inc_train (to be implemented)
is called.
For programming, we first train on the old data and then execute
on the new one. This is necessary, since the following nodes
may need the status of the transformation.
So we must not change it after calling execute.
.. note :: Currently there is no retraining to the last sample.
This could be done by modifying the :func:`present_label`
method and calling it in the last node after the
last sample was processed.
if self.is_retrainable() and not self.buffering and hasattr(self, "_inc_train"):
if not self.retraining_phase:
self._inc_train(self.retrain_data, self.retrain_label)
new_data = self.execute(data)
self.retrain_data = data
self.retrain_label = label
return (new_data, label)
return (self.execute(data), label)
[docs] def start_retraining(self):
""" Method called for initialization of retraining """
[docs] def present_label(self, label):
""" Wrapper method for incremental training in application case (live)
The parameters *retrain* and *buffering* have to be
set to True to activate this functionality.
For skipping examples, you can use None, "null" or an empty string as label.
.. note:: For the incremental training itself
the method _inc_train (to be implemented)
is called.
if not self.input_node is None:
if self.buffering and self.is_retrainable():
if not self.retraining_phase:
if not label in [None, "null", ""]:
if type(label) is str:
elif type(label) is list:
for i in range(len(label-1)):
[docs] def _batch_retrain(self,data_list, label_list):
""" Interface for retraining with a set of data
A possible application is a calibration phase, where we may want to
improve non-incremental algorithms.
If this method is not overwritten, it uses the incremental training
as a default.
for i in range(label_list):
data_list = None
label_list = None
[docs] def _change_parameters(self,parameters):
""" Overwrite parameters of a node e.g. when it is loaded and
parameters like *retrain* or *recalibrate* have to be set to True.
The node only provides the simple straight forward way,
of permanently replacing the parameters.
For more sophisticated parameter handling, nodes have to replace this
method by their own.
[docs] def store_state(self, result_dir, index=None):
""" Stores this node in the given directory *result_dir*
This method is automatically called during benchmarking
for every node.
The standard convention is, that nodes only store their state,
if the parameter *store* in the specification is set *True*.
def format_dict(item):
if issubclass(type(item), BaseNode):
# the item is a nested pyspace node -> get dictionary and clean it
attr_dict = item.__getstate__()
attr_dict = format_dict(attr_dict)
return attr_dict
elif isinstance(item, dict):
# the item is a attribute dict -> remove inappropriate value
new_dict = {}
if item.has_key('input_node'):
del item['input_node']
for key, value in item.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = format_dict(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
temp = []
for subitem in value:
if isinstance(subitem, dict) or issubclass(type(subitem), BaseNode):
new_dict[key] = temp
elif value is None:
new_dict[key] = -1
new_dict[key] = value
return new_dict
# the item is a primitive type
return item
if self.store:
import scipy.io
node_index = 0
result_file = None
# export to text file
while not result_file:
filename = os.path.join(result_dir, self.node_name + "_"
+ str(node_index))
if os.path.isfile(filename+".mat"):
node_index += 1
result_file = open(filename+".mat","w")
attr_dict = self.__getstate__()
# matlab doesn't like Nones.. replace Nones with 0's
attr_dict = format_dict(attr_dict)
scipy.io.savemat(result_file, mdict=attr_dict)
[docs] def _log(self, message, level = logging.INFO):
""" Log the given message into the logger of this class """
if pySPACE.configuration.min_log_level>level:
if not hasattr(self,"root_logger") or self.root_logger == None:
self.root_logger = logging.getLogger("%s.%s.%s" % (socket.gethostname(),
if len(self.root_logger.handlers) == 0:
self.root_logger.log(level, message)
[docs] def __del__(self):
# Stop logging
if hasattr(self,"root_logger") and self.root_logger is not None:
for handler in self.root_logger.handlers:
[docs] def _trace(self, x, key_str):
""" Every call of this function creates a time-stamped log entry """
if self.trace:
self._log("%s time: %f" % (key_str , time.time()))
return x
[docs] def __getstate__(self):
""" Return a pickable state for this object """
self._log("Pickling instance of class %s." % self.__class__.__name__,
level = logging.DEBUG)
odict = self.__dict__.copy() # copy the dict since we change it
odict['data_for_training'] = None
odict['data_for_testing'] = None
odict['root_logger'] = None
if "data" in odict.keys() and self.is_split_node():
if "generator" in odict.keys():
odict["generator"] = None
odict['permanent_state'] = None
#del odict['permanent_state']
# Remove other non-pickable stuff
for key, value in odict.iteritems():
if key == "input_node" or key == "flow":
except (TypeError, cPickle.PicklingError):
for key in remove_keys:
self._log("Removing attribute %s of class %s (type %s) because of "
"it can not be pickled."
% (key, self.__class__.__name__, type(odict[key])),
level = logging.INFO)
return odict
[docs] def __setstate__(self, sdict):
""" Restore object from its pickled state"""
self._log("Restoring instance of class %s." % self.__class__.__name__,
level = logging.DEBUG)
self.__dict__.update(sdict) # update attributes
# Reconstruct the permanent state of the object
# This should be a deepcopy except for the input node...
if "input_node" in self.__dict__:
input_node = self.__dict__.pop("input_node")
self.permanent_state = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
self.__dict__["input_node"] = input_node
self.permanent_state['input_node'] = self.input_node
self.permanent_state = copy.deepcopy(self.__dict__)
[docs] def replace_keywords_in_load_path(self):
""" Replace keywords in the load_path parameter
.. note::
The keywords **__INPUT_DATASET__** and **__RESULT_DIRECTORY__** can
also be used. The replacement of these keyword is done by
the :class:`~pySPACE.missions.operations.node_chain.NodeChainOperation`.
self.load_path = self.load_path.replace('__SPLIT__',
'%i' % self.current_split)
self.load_path = self.load_path.replace('__RUN__',
'%i' % self.run_number)
[docs] def get_previous_execute(self,data, number=numpy.inf):
""" Get execution from previous nodes on *data*
*data* should be forwarded to the previous *number* input nodes and the
the result should be returned. By default, the data is recursively
executed from the source node.
This function is needed for the implementation of the classifier
application of the backtransformation concept, where the classifier
function is kept in a state before transformation to track changes in
the processing chain.
if self.is_source_node():
if not number == numpy.inf:
self._log("Index %s to large for recursive execute!" % number,
return self._execute(data)
elif number == 1:
return self.input_node._execute(data)
number -= 1
return self.input_node._execute(
self.input_node.get_previous_execute(data, number))
### properties, copied from MDP without change
input_dim = property(get_input_dim,
doc="Input dimensions")
[docs] def get_output_dim(self):
"""Return output dimensions."""
return self._output_dim
[docs] def set_output_dim(self, n):
"""Set output dimensions.
Perform sanity checks and then calls ``self._set_output_dim(n)``, which
is responsible for setting the internal attribute ``self._output_dim``.
Note that subclasses should overwrite `self._set_output_dim`
when needed.
if n is None:
elif (self._output_dim is not None) and (self._output_dim != n):
msg = ("Output dim are set already (%d) "
"(%d given) in node %s!" % (self.output_dim, n, self.__class__.__name__))
raise InconsistentDimException(msg)
[docs] def _set_output_dim(self, n):
self._output_dim = n
output_dim = property(get_output_dim,
doc="Output dimensions")
### Definition of training sequence from MDP
_train_seq = property(lambda self: self._get_train_seq(),
List of tuples::
[(training-phase1, stop-training-phase1),
(training-phase2, stop_training-phase2),
By default::
_train_seq = [(self._train, self._stop_training)]
[docs] def _get_train_seq(self):
return [(self._train, self._stop_training)]
[docs] def has_multiple_training_phases(self):
"""Return True if the node has multiple training phases."""
return len(self._train_seq) > 1
### Node states from MDP
[docs] def is_training(self):
"""Return True if the node is in the training phase,
False otherwise."""
return self._training
[docs] def get_current_train_phase(self):
"""Return the index of the current training phase.
The training phases are defined in the list `self._train_seq`."""
return self._train_phase
[docs] def get_remaining_train_phase(self):
"""Return the number of training phases still to accomplish.
If the node is not trainable then return 0.
if self.is_trainable() and not self._train_phase<0:
return len(self._train_seq) - self._train_phase
return 0
### check functions from mdp
[docs] def _check_output(self, y):
# check output rank
if not y.ndim == 2:
error_str = "y has rank %d, should be 2 in node %s" % (y.ndim, self.__class__.__name__)
raise NodeException(error_str)
# check the output dimension
if not y.shape[1] == self.output_dim:
error_str = "y has dimension %d, should be %d in node %s" % (y.shape[1],
raise NodeException(error_str)
[docs] def _if_training_stop_training(self):
if self.is_training():
# if there is some training phases left we shouldn't be here!
if self.get_remaining_train_phase() > 0:
error_str = "The training phases of node %s are not completed yet."%self.__class__.__name__
raise TrainingException(error_str)
[docs] def _pre_execution_checks(self, x):
"""This method contains all pre-execution checks.
It can be used when a subclass defines multiple execution methods.
# if training has not started yet, assume we want to train the node
if (self.get_current_train_phase() == 0 and
not self._train_phase_started):
while True:
if self.get_remaining_train_phase() > 1:
# in case of homogenous data control the dimension x
if self.homogenous:
# set the output dimension if necessary
if self.output_dim is None:
self.output_dim = self.input_dim
### casting helper functions from MDP
[docs] def _refcast(self, x):
"""Helper function to cast arrays to the internal dtype."""
def refcast(array, dtype):
Cast the array to dtype only if necessary, otherwise return a reference.
.. todo:: move to tools?
dtype = numpy.dtype(dtype)
if array.dtype == dtype:
return array
return array.astype(dtype)
return refcast(x, self.dtype)
### User interface to the overwritten methods
[docs] def execute(self, x, in_training=False, *args, **kwargs):
""" Process the data contained in 'x'
If the object is still in the training phase, the function
'stop_training' will be called.
'x' is NOT a matrix having different variables on different columns
and observations on the rows as in MDP.
'x' is a data type object, which can be a TimeSeries,
a FeatureVector or a PredictionVector.
.. note:: This method changes the original MDP implementation.
The main difference to the MDP's standard execute method is
that here the output_dim of the node is set per default to
the size of the node's first result (and not to the size of
the input data). Furthermore we have a possible buffering
mode for retraining and suppress the setting of the dtype.
# data buffering for training in live usage
# needed for the delayed training, which is called
# by the present_label method
if hasattr(self, "buffering") and self.buffering and not in_training:
if not hasattr(self, "data_buffer"):
self.data_buffer = []
# no buffering in request_data_for_training
self._training_execution_phase = in_training
# Additional feature, that standard keywords are replaced in the
# loading path of the node.
if self.load_path is not None:
# # if training has not started yet, assume we want to train the node
# if (self.get_current_train_phase() == 0 and
# not self._train_phase_started):
# while True:
# self.train(x)
# if self.get_remaining_train_phase() > 1:
# self.stop_training()
# else:
# break
# self._if_training_stop_training()
# in case of homogenous data control the dimension x
if self.homogenous:
# Do the actual computation
result = self._execute(self._refcast(x), *args, **kwargs)
# check output type
if not type(result).__name__ == self.get_output_type(type(x).__name__):
# self._log("Inappropriate output %s to given input %s?" %
# (self.get_output_type(type(x).__name__), type(x).__name__),
# level=logging.CRITICAL)
warnings.warn("Inappropriate output %s to given input %s in %s?" %
(type(result).__name__, type(x).__name__,
self.__class__.__name__) +
" Expected: %s. " % self.get_output_type(type(x).__name__) +
"Please check your node chain. " +
"Please provide a bug report if the respective node is " +
"expecting the wrong output.")
# Make sure key, tag, specs and history are passed
if x.has_meta():
if self.keep_in_history:
# Append current data to history
result.add_to_history(result, self.node_specs)
# # set the dtype if necessary
# if self.dtype is None:
# self.dtype = result.dtype
# set the output dimension if necessary
if self.output_dim is None:
shape = result.shape
if len(shape)==1:
self.output_dim = shape[0]
self.output_dim = shape
elif self.homogenous:
if not (self.output_dim in [result.shape,result.shape[1]]):
error_str = "y has dimension %d, should be %d in node %s" \
% (result.shape[1], self.output_dim[1],
raise Exception(error_str)
return result
[docs] def train(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
"""Update the internal structures according to the input data `x`.
`x` is a matrix having different variables on different columns
and observations on the rows.
By default, subclasses should overwrite `_train` to implement their
training phase. The docstring of the `_train` method overwrites this
.. note::
A subclass supporting multiple training phases should implement
the *same* signature for all the training phases and document the
meaning of the arguments in the `_train` method doc-string. Having
consistent signatures is a requirement to use the node in a
node chain.
if not self.is_trainable():
raise IsNotTrainableException(
"The node %s is not trainable." % self.__class__.__name__)
if not self.is_training():
err_str = "The training phase of node %s has already finished." \
% self.__class__.__name__
raise TrainingFinishedException(err_str)
# in case of homogenous data control the dimension x
if self.homogenous:
self._check_train_args(x, *args, **kwargs)
self._train_phase_started = True
self._train_seq[self._train_phase][0](self._refcast(x), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def stop_training(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Stop the training phase.
By default, subclasses should overwrite `_stop_training` to implement
this functionality. The docstring of the `_stop_training` method
overwrites this docstring.
if self.is_training() and self._train_phase_started == False:
raise TrainingException(
"The node %s has not been trained. "
% self.__class__.__name__ +
"Check if you specified training data or a validation scheme" +
" (splitter). Furthermore you should check the node " +
"parameters. Did you specify relevant labels correct?")
if not self.is_training():
err_str = "The training phase of node %s has already finished."\
% self.__class__.__name__
raise TrainingFinishedException(err_str)
# close the current phase.
self._train_seq[self._train_phase][1](*args, **kwargs)
self._train_phase += 1
self._train_phase_started = False
# check if we have some training phase left
if self.get_remaining_train_phase() == 0:
self._training = False
[docs] def __call__(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
"""Calling an instance of `Node` is equivalent to calling
its `execute` method."""
return self.execute(x, *args, **kwargs)
###### string representation
[docs] def __str__(self):
return str(type(self).__name__)
[docs] def __repr__(self):
# print input_dim, output_dim, dtype
name = type(self).__name__
inp = "input_dim=%s" % str(self.input_dim)
out = "output_dim=%s" % str(self.output_dim)
if self.dtype is None:
typ = 'dtype=None'
typ = "dtype='%s'" % self.dtype.name
args = ', '.join((inp, out, typ))
return name + '(' + args + ')'
[docs] def copy(self, protocol=None):
"""Return a deep copy of the node.
:param protocol: the pickle protocol (deprecated).
.. todo:: check if needed
if protocol is not None:
warnings.warn("protocol parameter to copy() is ignored")
return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def save(self, filename, protocol=-1):
"""Save a pickled serialization of the node to `filename`.
If `filename` is None, return a string.
Note: the pickled `Node` is not guaranteed to be forwards or
backwards compatible.
.. todo:: check if needed
if filename is None:
return cPickle.dumps(self, protocol)
# if protocol != 0 open the file in binary mode
mode = 'wb' if protocol != 0 else 'w'
with open(filename, mode) as flh:
cPickle.dump(self, flh, protocol)
# Specify special node names, different to standard names
_NODE_MAPPING = {"Noop": BaseNode}