Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.classification.one_class

""" Algorithms, using only one class for classification

Though this focuses on one class, the relation to the ``REST`` should still
be specified.
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.classification.base import RegularizedClassifierBase
import logging

# import the external libraries
from pySPACE.missions.nodes.classification.svm_variants.external import LibSVMClassifierNode

try: # Libsvm
    import svmutil
except ImportError:

[docs]class OneClassClassifierBase(RegularizedClassifierBase): """ Base node to handle class labels during training to filter out irrelevant data :class_labels: List of the two or more classes, where first element is the relevant one and the second is the negative class. """
[docs] def train(self, data, label): """ Special mapping for one-class classification Reduce training data to the one main class. """ #one vs. REST case if "REST" in self.classes and not label in self.classes: label = "REST" # one vs. one case if not self.multinomial and len(self.classes)==2 and not label in self.classes: return if len(self.classes)==0: self.classes.append(label) self._log("No positive class label given in: %s. Taking now: %s."\ %(self.__class__.__name__,label), level=logging.ERROR) if not label==self.classes[0]: if len(self.classes)==1: self.classes.append(label) self._log("No negative class label given in: %s. Taking now: %s."\ %(self.__class__.__name__,label), level=logging.WARNING) return super(RegularizedClassifierBase, self).train(data,label)
[docs]class LibsvmOneClassNode(LibSVMClassifierNode, OneClassClassifierBase): """ Interface to one-class SVM in Libsvm package **Parameters** Parameters are as specified in :class:`~pySPACE.missions.nodes.classification.svm_variants.external.LibSVMClassifierNode`, except the ``svm_type``, which is set manually in this node to "one-class SVM". :class_labels: see: :class:`OneClassClassifierBase` **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : LibsvmOneClass parameters : complexity : 1 kernel_type : "LINEAR" class_labels : ['Target', 'Standard'] weight : [1,3] debug : True store : True max_iterations : 100 """
[docs] def __init__(self,**kwargs): LibSVMClassifierNode.__init__(self,svm_type="one-class SVM", **kwargs)
[docs] def train(self,data,label): OneClassClassifierBase.train(self, data, label)