Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.decorators

Define parameter distributions for pySPACE nodes.

from __future__ import division

import abc
import copy
import numpy
from scipy import stats

    # noinspection PyPackageRequirements
    from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib import ticker as mtick
except ImportError:
    plt = None
    mtick = None

PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE = "__hyperparameters"

[docs]class ParameterDecorator(object): """ Abstract base class for creating parameter decorators to declare the as optimization parameters. BE CAREFUL WHEN IMPLEMENTING NEW DECORATORS. THEY MUST BE WRAPPED AND SUPPORTED BY __ALL__ OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHMS. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name): """ Create a new optimization parameter with `parameter_name` as name The names of parameters have to be unique, as they get identified by the name. :param parameter_name: The name of the parameter to create. :type parameter_name: str """ self.parameter_name = parameter_name
[docs] def execute(self, class_, parameters): """ Execute the decorator This method will be called during creation of the class object and will update the given set of hyperparameters according to the implementation of the subclass. :param class_: The class object this parameter decorates :type class_: type :param parameters: The set of parameters to append to or delete from :type parameters: set(ParameterDecorator) """ raise NotImplementedError("Execute Method has to be overwritten by subclasses")
[docs] def plot(self): """ Plot the given parameter distribution This method is used to plot the specified distribution of this decorator. For plotting either (if installed) the `matplotlib.pyplot` can be used and return a figure, or (if not installed) a string specifying the distribution can be returned. :returns: The figure where this distribution is plotted or a string specifying the distribution :rtype: matplotlib.figure.Figure | str """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def __call__(self, class_): if not hasattr(class_, PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE): # No hyper parameter attribute, create a new one setattr(class_, PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE, set()) # Deep copy the parameter attribute to avoid side-effects to super-classes parameters = copy.deepcopy(getattr(class_, PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE)) # Execute the Decorator on the copy self.execute(class_, parameters) # And replace the attribute with the copy setattr(class_, PARAMETER_ATTRIBUTE, parameters) # Return the class object return class_
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): if hasattr(other, "parameter_name"): return self.parameter_name == other.parameter_name elif isinstance(other, basestring): return self.parameter_name == other return False
[docs] def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def __hash__(self): return hash(self.parameter_name)
[docs] def __str__(self): return self.parameter_name
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "{cls}<{name}>".format(cls=self.__class__.__name__, name=self.parameter_name)
[docs]class AddedParameterDecorator(ParameterDecorator): """ This mixin adds an execute method to classes that inherit from it. This mixin will check if the given parameter is already defined and if so removes the old definition and adds the new one. """ __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
[docs] def execute(self, class_, parameters): if self in parameters: parameters.remove(self) parameters.add(self)
[docs]class QMixin(object): """ This mixin adds a regulation parameter `q` to bind a distribution to discrete values. """
[docs] def __init__(self, q): """ Add the new regulation parameter. :param q: The regulation value :type q: float """ self.__q = q
@property def q(self): return self.__q
[docs] def round_to_q(self, value): """ Round a value to the next multiple of `q`. This is required for the plotting only. :param value: The value to round :type value: float """ return numpy.round(value / self.q) * self.q
[docs] def calc_probability(self, value, pdf_func): # Integral borders a = value - self.q / 2 b = value + self.q / 2 # Create a linear space between these two borders x, dx = numpy.linspace(start=a, stop=b, num=10000, retstep=True) # Then calculate the PDF value for each of them y = numpy.vectorize(lambda v: pdf_func(v))(x) # And then integrate return numpy.trapz(y=y, x=x, dx=dx)
[docs]class ChoiceParameter(AddedParameterDecorator): """ Defines a parameter as to be chosen from the given set of options. This parameter will be then chosen from this set during the optimization. ..code-block:: python >>> @ChoiceParameter("test", choices=["A", "B", "C"] ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name, choices): """ Create a new choice parameter with `parameter_name` as name and `choices` as the possible values. :param parameter_name: The name of the parameter to create. :type parameter_name: str :param choices: The possible values for this parameter. :type choices: str | List[str] """ super(ChoiceParameter, self).__init__(parameter_name=parameter_name) if not isinstance(choices, list): choices = [choices] self.__choices = choices
@property def choices(self): return self.__choices
[docs] def plot(self): return "{self!r}(choices={self.choices!s})".format(self=self)
[docs]class BooleanParameter(ChoiceParameter): """ Defines a parameter as a being a boolean parameter. This parameter will either be "true" or "false" during the optimization. ..code-block:: python >>> @BooleanParameter("test") ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name): """ Creates a new boolean parameter with `parameter_name` as name. :param parameter_name: The name of the parameter to create. :type parameter_name: str """ super(BooleanParameter, self).__init__(parameter_name, [True, False])
[docs]class PChoiceParameter(ChoiceParameter): """ Defines a parameter as a probability choice. This parameter will sample each of the given choices with the according probability. ..code-block:: python >>> @PChoiceParameter("test", choices={"A": 0.5, "B": 0.25, "C": 0.25}) ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name, choices): """ Create a new probability choice parameter with `parameter_name` as name and `choices` as the possible values. Each choice must be a tuple containing first the probability in range from 0 to 1 for that choice and the value to choose as a second argument. The probabilities of all choices need to sum up to 1. :param parameter_name: The name of the parameter to create. :type parameter_name: str :param choices: A dictionary of tuples containing the value of each choice as keys and the corresponding probabilities as values. :type choices: dict[object, float] """ if sum(choices.values()) != 1: raise RuntimeError("The probabilities for parameter '%s'" "do not sum up to 1" % parameter_name) super(PChoiceParameter, self).__init__(parameter_name, choices.items())
[docs]class NormalParameter(AddedParameterDecorator): """ Defines a parameter as being normal distributed. A normal distributed parameter will be sampled from the defined distribution by the mean and standard deviation. This parameter will be sampled from a function like: normal(mu, sigma) This parameter is unbound. .. code-block:: python >>> @NormalParameter("test", mu=0, sigma=1) ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] class Normal(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, mu, sigma): = mu self.sigma = sigma
[docs] def pdf(self, x): sqrt = numpy.sqrt(2 * numpy.pi * (self.sigma ** 2)) return 1 / sqrt * numpy.e ** (-((x - ** 2) / (2 * self.sigma ** 2))
[docs] def mean(self): return
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name, mu, sigma): """ Create a new normal distributed parameter with `parameter_name` as name. The mean `mu` and standard deviation `sigma` are defining the distribution this parameter will be sampled from. :param parameter_name: The name of the parameter to create. :type parameter_name: str :param mu: The mean value of the distribution for this parameter :type mu: float :param sigma: The standard deviation of the distribution for this parameter :type sigma: float """ super(NormalParameter, self).__init__(parameter_name=parameter_name) self.__mu = mu self.__sigma = sigma
@property def mu(self): return self.__mu @property def sigma(self): return self.__sigma
[docs] def plot(self): if plt is not None: rv = self.Normal(, self.sigma) # mu +/- 3sigma => 99,7% confidence interval start = - 3 * self.sigma stop = + 3 * self.sigma # Min 1.000 samples, max 10.000 num = min(max(stop - start * 100, 1000), 10000) figure = plt.figure() plt.ylabel("PDF(x)") plt.xlabel("X") figure.suptitle("Normal distribution for Parameter {param!s}".format(param=self.parameter_name)) x = numpy.linspace(start=start, stop=stop, num=num) y = numpy.vectorize(lambda x_: rv.pdf(x_))(x) axes = plt.plot(x, y, label="mu={}, sigma={self.sigma:g}".format(self=self)) mean_x = rv.mean() mean_y = rv.pdf(mean_x) y_max = 1.0 / (plt.ylim()[1] - plt.ylim()[0]) * (mean_y - plt.ylim()[0]) plt.axvline(x=mean_x, ymax=y_max, linestyle="--", color=axes[0].get_color(), label="Mean: %g" % mean_x) plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.2).draggable(True) return figure else: return "{self!r}(mu={}, sigma={self.sigma:g})".format(self=self)
[docs]class UniformParameter(AddedParameterDecorator): """ Defines a parameter as being uniform distributed. A uniform distributed parameter will be sampled equally distributed between a given minimum and maximum value. The value of this parameter will be sampled from a function like: .. code-block:: python uniform(min, max) This parameter is bound to [min, max]. .. code-block:: python >>> @UniformParameter("test", min_value=1, max_value=10) ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] class Uniform(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, a, b): self.a = a self.b = b self.__diff = b - a
[docs] def pdf(self, x): if self.a > x or x > self.b: return 0.0 return 1.0 / self.__diff
[docs] def cdf(self, x): if x <= self.a: return 0.0 elif x >= self.b: return 1.0 else: return (x - self.a) / self.__diff
[docs] def mean(self): return .5 * (self.a + self.b)
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name, min_value, max_value): """ Create a new uniform distributed parameter with `parameter_name` as name. The `min_value` and `max_value` define the borders for this distribution in between which the value will be sampled. :param min_value: The minimum value of the parameter :type min_value: float :param max_value: The maximum value of the parameter :type max_value: float """ super(UniformParameter, self).__init__(parameter_name=parameter_name) self.__min = min_value self.__max = max_value
@property def min(self): return self.__min @property def max(self): return self.__max
[docs] def plot(self): if plt is not None: rv = self.Uniform(self.min, self.max) # Min 1.000 samples, max 10.000 num = min(max(self.max - self.min, 1000), 10000) figure = plt.figure() plt.ylabel("PDF(x)") plt.xlabel("X") plt.suptitle("Uniform distribution of parameter {param!s}".format(param=self.parameter_name)) x = numpy.linspace(start=self.min - 1, stop=self.max + 1, num=num) y = numpy.vectorize(lambda value: rv.pdf(value))(x) axes = plt.plot(x, y, label="min={self.min:g}, max={self.max:g}".format(self=self)) mean_x = rv.mean() mean_y = rv.pdf(mean_x) y_max = 1.0 / (plt.ylim()[1] - plt.ylim()[0]) * (mean_y - plt.ylim()[0]) plt.axvline(x=mean_x, ymax=y_max, linestyle="--", color=axes[0].get_color(), label="Mean: %g" % mean_x) plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.2).draggable(True) return figure else: return "{self!r}(min={self.min:g}, max={self.max:g})".format(self=self)
[docs]class QNormalParameter(NormalParameter, QMixin): """ Defines a parameter as being normal distributed but to only take discrete values. A q-normal distributed parameter will be sampled from the distribution defined by a mean and a standard deviation but it will be bound to discrete values regularized by a regulation parameter. Therefore the value will be sampled from a function like this: round(normal(mu, sigma) / q) * q This parameter is unbound. .. code-block:: python >>> @QNormalParameter("test", mu=0, sigma=1, q=0.5) ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name, mu, sigma, q): """ Creates a new q-normal distributed parameter with `parameter_name` as name. The mean `mu` and standard deviation `sigma` are defining the distribution this parameter will be sampled from. But it will be bound to discrete values by the regulation parameter `q`. :param parameter_name: The name of the parameter to create. :type parameter_name: str :param mu: The mean value of the distribution for the parameter :type mu: float :param sigma: The standard deviation of the distribution for the parameter :type sigma: float :param q: The regulation parameter to bind the values with. :type q: float """ super(QNormalParameter, self).__init__(parameter_name=parameter_name, mu=mu, sigma=sigma) QMixin.__init__(self, q=q)
[docs] def plot(self): # mu +/- 3sigma => 99,7% confidence interval if plt is not None: rv = self.Normal(, self.sigma) # mu +/- 3sigma => 99,7% confidence interval start = self.round_to_q( - 3 * self.sigma) stop = self.round_to_q( + 3 * self.sigma) figure = plt.figure() plt.ylabel("P(X=x)") plt.xlabel("X") figure.suptitle("Q-Normal distribution for Parameter {param!s}".format(param=self.parameter_name)) x = numpy.arange(start=start, stop=stop + self.q, step=self.q) y = numpy.vectorize(lambda x_: self.calc_probability(x_, rv.pdf))(x) axes = plt.scatter(x, y, label="mu={}, sigma={self.sigma:g}, q={self.q:g}".format(self=self)) mean_x = self.round_to_q(rv.mean()) mean_y = self.calc_probability(mean_x, rv.pdf) y_max = 1.0 / (plt.ylim()[1] - plt.ylim()[0]) * (mean_y - plt.ylim()[0]) plt.axvline(x=mean_x, ymax=y_max, linestyle="--", color=axes.get_facecolor()[0], label="Mean: %g" % mean_x) plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.2).draggable(True) return figure else: return "{self!r}(mu={}, sigma={self.sigma:g}, q={self.q:g})".format(self=self)
[docs]class QUniformParameter(UniformParameter, QMixin): """ Defines a parameter as being uniform distributed but to take only discrete values. A uniform distributed parameter will be sampled equally distributed between a given minimum and maximum value and will be bound by a regulation parameter. The value will be sampled from a function like this: round(uniform(min, max) / q) * q This parameter is bound to [floor(min), tail(max)]. .. code-block:: python >>> @QUniformParameter("test", min_value=0, max_value=10, q=0.5) ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name, min_value, max_value, q): """ Creates a new q-uniform distributed parameter with `parameter_name` as name. The `min_value` and `max_value` define the borders for this distribution in between which the value will be sampled. But this distribution will be bound to discrete values by the regulation parameter `q`. :param min_value: The minimum value of the parameter :type min_value: float :param max_value: The maximum value of the parameter :type max_value: float :param q: The regulation parameter to bind the values with. :type q: float """ super(QUniformParameter, self).__init__(parameter_name=parameter_name, min_value=min_value, max_value=max_value) QMixin.__init__(self, q=q)
[docs] def plot(self): if plt is not None: start = self.round_to_q(self.min) - 2 * self.q stop = self.round_to_q(self.max) + 2 * self.q rv = self.Uniform(self.min - self.q / 2, self.max + self.q / 2) figure = plt.figure() plt.ylabel("P(X=x)") plt.xlabel("X") plt.suptitle("Q-Uniform distribution of parameter {param!s}".format(param=self.parameter_name)) x = numpy.arange(start=start, stop=stop + self.q, step=self.q) y = numpy.vectorize(lambda value: self.calc_probability(value, rv.pdf))(x) axes = plt.scatter(x, y, label="min={self.min:g}, max={self.max:g}, q={self.q:g}".format(self=self)) mean_x = self.round_to_q(rv.mean()) mean_y = self.calc_probability(mean_x, rv.pdf) y_max = 1.0 / (plt.ylim()[1] - plt.ylim()[0]) * (mean_y - plt.ylim()[0]) plt.axvline(x=mean_x, ymax=y_max, linestyle="--", color=axes.get_facecolor()[0], label="Mean: %g" % mean_x) plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.2).draggable(True) return figure else: return "{self!r}(min={self.min:g}, max={self.max:g}, q={self.q:g})".format(self=self)
[docs]class LogNormalParameter(AddedParameterDecorator): """ Defines a parameter as being drawn from the exponential of a normal distribution. A log-normal distributed parameter will be sampled from exponential of the defined distribution by a mean and a standard deviation. The values for this parameter will be sampled from a function like: exp(normal(mu, sigma)) This distribution causes that the logarithm of the samples values are being normal distributed. This parameter is bound to positive numbers only. .. code-block:: python >>> @LogNormalParameter("test", shape=1, scale=1) ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name, shape, scale): super(LogNormalParameter, self).__init__(parameter_name) self.__shape = shape self.__scale = scale
@property def shape(self): return self.__shape @property def scale(self): return self.__scale
[docs] def plot(self): if plt is not None: rv = stats.lognorm(s=self.shape, scale=self.scale) start, stop = rv.interval(0.99) # Min 1.000 samples, max 10.000 num = min(max(stop - start * 100, 1000), 10000) figure = plt.figure() plt.ylabel("PDF(x)") plt.xlabel("X") figure.suptitle("Log-Normal distribution for Parameter {param!s}".format(param=self.parameter_name)) x = numpy.logspace(start=numpy.log(start), stop=numpy.log(stop), base=numpy.e, num=num) y = rv.pdf(x) axes = plt.plot(x, y, label="shape={self.shape:g}, scale={self.scale:g}".format(self=self)) mean_x = rv.mean() mean_y = rv.pdf(mean_x) y_max = 1.0 / (plt.ylim()[1] - plt.ylim()[0]) * (mean_y - plt.ylim()[0]) plt.axvline(x=mean_x, ymax=y_max, linestyle="--", color=axes[0].get_color(), label="Mean: %g" % mean_x) plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.2).draggable(True) plt.xscale("log") return figure else: return "{self!r}(shape={self.shape:g}, scale={self.scale:g})".format(self=self)
[docs]class LogUniformParameter(UniformParameter): """ Defines a parameter as being drawn from the exponential of a uniform distribution. A log-uniform distributed parameter will be sampled from the exponential of equally distributed values between a given minimum and maximum value. The values for this parameter will be sampled from a function like: exp(uniform(min, max)) This distribution causes that the logarithm of the samples values are being uniform distributed. This parameter is bound to [exp(min), exp(max)]. .. code-block:: python >>> @LogUniformParameter("test", min_value=0, max_value=1000) ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] class LogUniform(object): log = numpy.log
[docs] def __init__(self, a, b): self.__a = a self.__al = self.log(a) if a > 0 else self.log(1e-320) self.__b = b self.__bl = self.log(b) if b > 0 else self.log(1e-320)
[docs] def pdf(self, x): if x >= 0 and self.__al <= self.log(x) <= self.__bl: return 1 / (x * (self.__bl - self.__al)) else: return 0.0
[docs] def cdf(self, x): xl = self.log(x) if xl < self.__al: return 0.0 elif xl > self.__bl: return 1 else: return (xl - self.__al) / (self.__bl - self.__al)
[docs] def mean(self): return (self.__b - self.__a) / (self.__bl - self.__al)
[docs] def plot(self): if plt is not None: rv = self.LogUniform(self.min, self.max) # Min 1.000 samples, max 100.000 num = min(max(self.max - self.min, 1000), 100000) figure = plt.figure() plt.ylabel("PDF(x)") plt.xlabel("X") plt.suptitle("Log-Uniform distribution of parameter {param!s}".format(param=self.parameter_name)) x = numpy.logspace(start=numpy.log10(max(self.min - 1, 1e-10)), stop=numpy.log10(self.max + 1), base=10, num=num) y = numpy.vectorize(lambda value: rv.pdf(value))(x) mean_x = rv.mean() mean_y = rv.pdf(mean_x) line, = plt.plot(x, y, label="min={self.min:g}, max={self.max:g}".format(self=self)) y_max = 1.0 / (plt.ylim()[1] - plt.ylim()[0]) * (mean_y - plt.ylim()[0]) plt.axvline(x=mean_x, ymax=y_max, linestyle="--", color=line.get_color(), label="Mean: %g" % mean_x) plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.2).draggable(True) plt.xscale("log", basex=10) plt.yscale("log", basey=10) return figure else: return "{self!r}(min={self.min:g}, max={self.max:g})".format(self=self)
[docs]class QLogNormalParameter(LogNormalParameter, QMixin): """ Defines a parameter as being drawn from the exponential of a normal distribution. A log-normal distributed parameter will be sampled from exponential of the defined distribution by a mean and a standard deviation but it will be bound to discrete values regularized by a regulation parameter. The values for this parameter will be sampled from a function like: round(exp(normal(mu, sigma)) / q) * q This distribution causes that the logarithm of the samples values are being normal distributed. This parameter is bound to positive number only. .. code-block:: python >>> @QLogNormalParameter("test", shape=1, scale=1, q=0.5) ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name, shape, scale, q): LogNormalParameter.__init__(self, parameter_name, shape, scale) QMixin.__init__(self, q)
[docs] def plot(self): if plt is not None: rv = stats.lognorm(s=self.shape, scale=self.scale) start, stop = rv.interval(0.99) figure = plt.figure() plt.ylabel("P(X=x)") plt.xlabel("X") figure.suptitle("Q-Log-Normal distribution for Parameter {param!s}".format(param=self.parameter_name)) x = numpy.arange(start=self.round_to_q(start), stop=self.round_to_q(stop) + self.q, step=self.q) y = numpy.vectorize(lambda x_: self.calc_probability(x_, rv.pdf))(x) axes = plt.scatter(x, y, label="shape={self.shape:g}, scale={self.scale:g}, q={self.q:g}".format(self=self)) mean_x = self.round_to_q(rv.mean()) mean_y = self.calc_probability(mean_x, rv.pdf) y_max = 1.0 / (plt.ylim()[1] - plt.ylim()[0]) * (mean_y - plt.ylim()[0]) plt.axvline(x=mean_x, ymax=y_max, linestyle="--", color=axes.get_facecolor()[0], label="Mean: %g" % mean_x) plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.2).draggable(True) plt.xscale("log") return figure else: return "{self!r}(shape={self.shape:g}, scale={self.scale:g}, q={self.q:g})".format(self=self)
[docs]class QLogUniformParameter(LogUniformParameter, QMixin): """ Defines a parameter as being drawn from the exponential of a uniform distribution and being bound to discrete values only. A q-log-uniform distributed parameter will be sampled from the exponential of equally distributed values between a given minimum and maximum value and will be bound by a regulation parameter. The values for this parameter will be sampled from a function like: round(exp(uniform(min, max)) / q) * q This distribution causes that the logarithm of the samples values are being uniform distributed. This parameter is bound to [exp(min), exp(max)]. .. code-block:: python >>> @QLogUniformParameter("test", min_value=0, max_value=1000, q=0.5) ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] def __init__(self, parameter_name, min_value, max_value, q): LogUniformParameter.__init__(self, parameter_name, min_value, max_value) QMixin.__init__(self, q)
[docs] def plot(self): rv = self.LogUniform(self.min - self.q / 2, self.max + self.q / 2) if plt is not None: start = self.round_to_q(self.min) - 2 * self.q stop = self.round_to_q(self.max) + 2 * self.q figure = plt.figure() plt.ylabel("P(X=x)") plt.xlabel("X") plt.suptitle("Q-Log-Uniform distribution of parameter {param!s}".format(param=self.parameter_name)) x = numpy.arange(start=start, stop=stop + self.q, step=self.q) y = numpy.vectorize(lambda value: self.calc_probability(value, rv.pdf))(x) mean_x = self.round_to_q(rv.mean()) mean_y = self.calc_probability(mean_x, rv.pdf) axes = plt.scatter(x, y, label="min={self.min:g}, max={self.max:g}, q={self.q:g}".format(self=self)) y_max = 1.0 / (plt.ylim()[1] - plt.ylim()[0]) * (mean_y - plt.ylim()[0]) plt.axvline(x=mean_x, ymax=y_max, linestyle="--", color=axes.get_facecolor()[0], label="Mean: %g" % mean_x) plt.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.2).draggable(True) plt.xscale("log", basex=10) plt.yscale("log", basey=10) return figure else: return "{self!r}(min={self.min:g}, max={self.max:g}, q={self.q:g})".format(self=self)
[docs]class NoOptimizationParameter(AddedParameterDecorator): """ Defines a previously defined parameter as not being an optimization parameter at all. This decorator can be used in derived classes where optimization parameters of base classes are given concrete values or don't matter at all. .. code-block:: python >>> @NoOptimizationParameter("test") ... class A(object): ... pass """
[docs] def plot(self): return repr(self)
PARAMETER_TYPES = { "Choice": ChoiceParameter, "Boolean": BooleanParameter, "PChoice": PChoiceParameter, "Normal": NormalParameter, "Uniform": UniformParameter, "QNormal": QNormalParameter, "QUniform": QUniformParameter, "LogNormal": LogNormalParameter, "LogUniform": LogUniformParameter, "QLogNormal": QLogNormalParameter, "QLogUniform": QLogUniformParameter, "NoOptimization": NoOptimizationParameter }