Source code for pySPACE.missions.nodes.source.test_source_nodes

""" Source nodes to generate test data with specific properties

Using these nodes, the data with defined properties can be used
to have a 'ground truth'.
This can be used to test the properties and functionality of 
entire node chains.


import numpy
import random

from pySPACE.missions.nodes.source.time_series_source import TimeSeriesSourceNode
from pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series import TimeSeries

from import *

from import MemoizeGenerator

from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.time_series import TimeSeriesDataset

[docs]class SimpleTimeSeriesSourceNode(TimeSeriesSourceNode): """ A simple test class for unit tests Generates the same data for test and training. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SimpleTimeSeriesSourceNode, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) run_number = 0 # We have to create a dummy dataset class DummyObject(object): pass dataset = DummyObject() dataset.meta_data = {'runs' : 1} = {} self.set_permanent_attributes(dataset = dataset, run_number=run_number)
[docs] def request_data_for_testing(self): """ Returns the data that can be used for testing of subsequent nodes .. todo:: to document """ # If we haven't read the data for testing yet if self.data_for_testing is None: self.time_series = [(TimeSeries(input_array = numpy.ones((2,2))*i, channel_names = ["X", "Y"], sampling_frequency = 2), random.choice(["A", "B"])) for i in range(23)] # Create a generator that emits the windows test_data_generator = ((sample, label) \ for (sample, label) in self.time_series) self.data_for_testing = MemoizeGenerator(test_data_generator, caching = True) # Return a fresh copy of the generator return self.data_for_testing.fresh()
[docs]class DataGenerationTimeSeriesSourceNode(TimeSeriesSourceNode): """ Generate data of two classes for testing This node can generate data according to the specifications of two different DataGenerators. It generates objects of the type TimeSeries **Parameters** :ir_generator: A generator of type DataGenerator for data items of the information relevant class. If it is specified in a node chain, it should be given as a string. (*optional, default: 100*) :nir_generator: A generator of type DataGenerator for data items of the not information relevant class. If it is specified in a node chain, it should be given as a string. (*optional, default: 100*) :ir_items: Number of items that should be generated for the ir class. (*optional, default: 100*) :nir_items: Number of items that should be generated for the non ir class. (*optional, default: 100*) :channel_names: List of strings for the channel names. Determines also the number of generated channels. (*optional*) :num_channels: Number of channels. Unused, if channel_names is set. (*optional, default: 16*) :ir_label: The label for the ir_class. (*optional, default: 'Target'*) :nir_label: The label for the ir_class. (*optional, default: 'Standard'*) :shuffle: If the data items for the two classes are shuffled. (*optional, default: True*) :time_points: Number of points per channel in a generated TimeSeries object. (*optional, default: 100*) :sampling_frequency: Sampling rate of the generated data. Important for sines etc. A generated time series object has a temporal length of time_points/sampling_frequency (*optional, default: 1000*) :ir_drift_vector: Drift of the ir class data. Specify a vector (numpy array) of shape (time_points,num_channels) and the a linear drift in this direction will be added to the generated data: [0 * ir_drift_vector] added to first sample, [1/(ir_items+nir_items) * ir_drift_vector] to the second sample [...] and so on, until [1 * ir_drift_vector] added to last sample. The specification of the drift vector in the specification can, e.g., be done like this: ir_drift_vector : "eval(__import__('numpy').asarray([[1,1],[2,2]]))" (*optional, default: None*) :nir_drift_vector: Drift of the ir class data. See ir_drift_vector. (*optional, default: None*) **Exemplary Call** .. code-block:: yaml - node : Data_Generation_Source parameters : ir_generator : "Adder([SineGenerator(),GaussianNoiseGenerator()])" nir_generator : "GaussianNoiseGenerator()" :Author: Hendrik Woehrle :Created: 201/07/27 """
[docs] def __init__(self, ir_generator="Adder([Sine(),GaussianNoise()])", nir_generator="GaussianNoise()", ir_items=100, nir_items=100, ir_drift_vector=None, nir_drift_vector=None, channel_names=None, num_channels=16, ir_label='Target', nir_label='Standard', time_points=100, sampling_frequency=1000, shuffle=True, **kwargs): super(DataGenerationTimeSeriesSourceNode, self).__init__(**kwargs) if type(ir_generator) == str: ir_generator = eval(ir_generator) if type(nir_generator) == str: nir_generator = eval(nir_generator) ir_generator.sampling_frequency = sampling_frequency nir_generator.sampling_frequency = sampling_frequency run_number = 0 dataset = None if not channel_names is None: num_channels = len(channel_names) else: channel_names = [] for i in xrange(num_channels): channel_names.append(str(i)) # Translate drift "None" to zero-vector if ir_drift_vector is None: ir_drift_vector = numpy.zeros((time_points,num_channels)) if nir_drift_vector is None: nir_drift_vector = numpy.zeros((time_points,num_channels)) self.set_permanent_attributes(dataset=dataset, ir_generator=ir_generator, nir_generator=nir_generator, ir_items=ir_items, nir_items=nir_items, channel_names=channel_names, num_channels=num_channels, ir_label=ir_label, nir_label=nir_label, time_points=time_points, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, shuffle=shuffle, run_number=run_number, data_for_testing=None, data_for_training=None, ir_drift_vector=ir_drift_vector, nir_drift_vector=nir_drift_vector) self.generate_data_set()
[docs] def set_input_dataset(self, dataset): """ Instead of using a given dataset, a new one is generated """ self.generate_data_set()
[docs] def generate_data_set(self): """ Generate a dataset using the given generators """ self.dataset = TimeSeriesDataset() # generate a set of dummy labels to know which class is used later label_sequence = numpy.hstack((numpy.ones(self.ir_items),numpy.zeros(self.nir_items))) if self.shuffle: random.shuffle(label_sequence) ts_generator = TestTimeSeriesGenerator() current_item = 0 # count produced data objects for drift for label in label_sequence: if label == 1: #generate a data item using the ir_generator data_item = \ ts_generator.generate_test_data( channels=len(self.channel_names), time_points=self.time_points, function=self.ir_generator, sampling_frequency=self.sampling_frequency, channel_order=True, channel_names=self.channel_names, dtype=numpy.float) # Drift: data_item = data_item + current_item*self.ir_drift_vector self.dataset.add_sample(data_item,self.ir_label,False) else: #generate a data item using the nir_generator data_item = \ ts_generator.generate_test_data( channels=len(self.channel_names), time_points=self.time_points, function=self.nir_generator, sampling_frequency=self.sampling_frequency, channel_order=True, channel_names=self.channel_names, dtype=numpy.float) # Drift: data_item = data_item + current_item*self.nir_drift_vector self.dataset.add_sample(data_item,self.nir_label,False) current_item += 1./(self.ir_items+self.nir_items)
_NODE_MAPPING = {"Data_Generation_Source": DataGenerationTimeSeriesSourceNode, "Simple_Test_Source": SimpleTimeSeriesSourceNode}