Source code for pySPACE.missions.operations.weka_classification

""" Classification using the WEKA experimenter

A WEKA classification process consists of executing a certain 
WEKA experiment. The results of all these processes are stored in a temporary
directory and after the completion of all processes of the operation,
the consolidate method of the *WekaClassificationOperation* is executed and the
results are merged into a consistent representation of the operations result
import sys
import os
import glob
import yaml
if sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] < 6:
    import processing
    import multiprocessing as processing
import pySPACE
from pySPACE.missions.operations.base import Operation, Process
from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.base import BaseDataset
from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.performance_result import PerformanceResultSummary
from import create_directory

[docs]class WekaClassificationOperation(Operation): """ Operation for classification using Weka experimenter A Weka classification operation consists of a set of WEKA processes. Each of these processes consists of executing a certain WEKA experiment. The results of this operation are collected using the consolidate method that produces a consistent representation of the result collections. """
[docs] def __init__(self, processes, operation_spec, result_directory, number_processes, create_process=None): super(WekaClassificationOperation, self).__init__(processes, operation_spec, result_directory) self.create_process = create_process self.number_processes = number_processes
[docs] def create(cls, operation_spec, result_directory, debug=False, input_paths=[]): """ A factory method that creates an WEKA operation based on the information given in the operation specification operation_spec """ assert(operation_spec["type"] == "weka_classification") # Determine all parameter combinations that should be tested parameter_settings = cls._get_parameter_space(operation_spec) # Read the command template from a file template_file = open(os.path.join(pySPACE.configuration.spec_dir, "operations", "weka_templates", operation_spec["template"]), 'r') command_template = template_file.close() # number of processes if "runs" in operation_spec: number_processes = len(input_paths) * len(parameter_settings) * \ operation_spec["runs"] else: # approximate the number of processes runs = [] for dataset_dir in input_paths: collection = BaseDataset.load(dataset_dir) runs.append(collection.meta_data["runs"]) runs = max(runs) number_processes = len(input_paths) * len(parameter_settings) * \ runs if debug == True: # To better debug creation of processes we don't limit the queue # and create all processes before executing them processes = processing.Queue() cls._createProcesses(processes, result_directory, operation_spec, parameter_settings, input_paths, command_template) # create and return the weka operation object return cls(processes, operation_spec, result_directory, number_processes) else: # Create all processes by calling a recursive helper method in # another thread so that already created processes can be executed in # parallel. Therefore a queue is used which size is maximized to # guarantee that not to much objects are created (because this costs # memory). However, the actual number of 100 is arbitrary and might # be reviewed. processes = processing.Queue(100) create_process = processing.Process(target=cls._createProcesses, args=( processes, result_directory, operation_spec, parameter_settings, input_paths, command_template)) create_process.start() # create and return the weka operation object return cls(processes, operation_spec, result_directory, number_processes, create_process)
[docs] def _createProcesses(cls, processes, result_directory, operation_spec, parameter_settings, input_collections, command_template): # For each combination of classifier, input-collection and # run number, create one WEKA_process for dataset_dir in input_collections: collection = BaseDataset.load(dataset_dir) # Determine the number of iterations and splits to be used iterations = collection.meta_data["runs"] splits = collection.meta_data["splits"] if "runs" in operation_spec: assert(iterations in [1, operation_spec["runs"]]) iterations = operation_spec["runs"] if "cv_folds" in operation_spec: assert(splits in [1, operation_spec["cv_folds"]]) splits = operation_spec["cv_folds"] for parametrization in parameter_settings: for run_number in range(iterations): process = WEKAClassificationProcess(dataset_dir, command_template, parametrization, splits, run_number, result_directory) processes.put(process) # give executing process the sign that creation is now finished processes.put(False)
[docs] def consolidate(self): """ Consolidates the results obtained by the single WEKA processes into a consistent structure of collections that are stored on the file system. """ self._log("Consolidating results ...") # We load and store the results once into a PerformanceResultSummary. # From_multiple csv does the necessary consolidation # and mixes and parses the table. self._log("Reading intermediate results...") result_collection = PerformanceResultSummary(dataset_dir=self.result_directory) self._log("done") self._log("Storing result collection") self._log("done") # Write the specification of this operation # to the result directory in order to make later # analysis of results more easy source_operation_file = open(os.path.join(self.result_directory, "source_operation.yaml"), 'w') yaml.dump(self.operation_spec, source_operation_file) source_operation_file.close()
[docs]class WEKAClassificationProcess(Process): """ Process for classification using Weka A WEKA classification process consists of executing a certain WEKA experiment. This experiment is defined by a template in which certain aspects can be configured, for instance: * which classifier is used * which data set is processed * how many cross validation folds are used etc. The results of the WEKA experiment are written to the file system and later on collected and consolidated during the consolidation of the *WekaClassificationOperation*. """ unique_id = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset_dir, command_template, parametrization, cv_folds, run_number, operation_result_dir): super(WEKAClassificationProcess, self).__init__() # Load the abbreviations abbreviations_file = open(os.path.join(pySPACE.configuration.spec_dir, 'operations/weka_templates', 'abbreviations.yaml'), 'r') self.abbreviations = yaml.load(abbreviations_file) abbreviations_file.close() # Determine the directory in which the process' results # are stored self.result_directory = operation_result_dir # Create collection collection = BaseDataset.load(dataset_dir) # The parametrization that is independent of the collection type # and the specific weka command template that is executed self.params = {"collection_name": dataset_dir.strip(os.sep).split(os.sep)[-1], "run_number": run_number, "cv_folds": cv_folds, "weka_class_path": pySPACE.configuration.weka_class_path, "temp_results": self.result_directory, "unique_id": WEKAClassificationProcess.unique_id} # Collection dependent parameters if not collection.meta_data["train_test"] \ and collection.meta_data["splits"] == 1: raise NotImplementedError() else: # The pattern of the train and test files generated by crossvalidation data_pattern = os.path.join(dataset_dir, collection.meta_data["data_pattern"]) # One example arff file in which WEKa can look up relation name etc. sample_dataset = data_pattern.replace("_run", "_run0")\ .replace("_sp_","_sp0_")\ .replace("_tt","_train") self.params.update({"sample_dataset": sample_dataset, "data_pattern": data_pattern}) # Add custom parameters for the weka command template for parameter_name, parameter_value in parametrization.iteritems(): self.params[parameter_name + "_abbr"] = parameter_value # Auto-expand abbreviations if parameter_value in self.abbreviations: parameter_value = self.abbreviations[parameter_value] elif parameter_name == 'classifier': import warnings warnings.warn("Did not find classifier abbreviation %s. " " Expecting full name." % parameter_value) self.params[parameter_name] = parameter_value # Build the WEKA command by repeatedly replacing all placeholders in # the template while True: instantiated_template = command_template % self.params if instantiated_template == command_template: # All placeholders replace self.weka_command = instantiated_template break else: # We have to continue since we are not converged command_template = instantiated_template self.handler_class = None WEKAClassificationProcess.unique_id += 1
[docs] def __call__(self): """ Executes this process on the respective modality """ # Restore configuration pySPACE.configuration = self.configuration ############## Prepare benchmarking ############## super(WEKAClassificationProcess, self).pre_benchmarking() # Execute the java command in this OS process os.system(self.weka_command) ############## Clean up after benchmarking ############## super(WEKAClassificationProcess, self).post_benchmarking()