
Module: missions.operations.weka_classification

Classification using the WEKA experimenter

A WEKA classification process consists of executing a certain WEKA experiment. The results of all these processes are stored in a temporary directory and after the completion of all processes of the operation, the consolidate method of the WekaClassificationOperation is executed and the results are merged into a consistent representation of the operations result collection.


Inheritance diagram for pySPACE.missions.operations.weka_classification:

Inheritance diagram of pySPACE.missions.operations.weka_classification

Class Summary

WekaClassificationOperation(processes, ...) Operation for classification using Weka experimenter
WEKAClassificationProcess(dataset_dir, ...) Process for classification using Weka



class pySPACE.missions.operations.weka_classification.WekaClassificationOperation(processes, operation_spec, result_directory, number_processes, create_process=None)[source]

Bases: pySPACE.missions.operations.base.Operation

Operation for classification using Weka experimenter

A Weka classification operation consists of a set of WEKA processes. Each of these processes consists of executing a certain WEKA experiment.

The results of this operation are collected using the consolidate method that produces a consistent representation of the result collections.

Class Components Summary

_createProcesses(processes, ...)
consolidate() Consolidates the results obtained by the single WEKA processes into a consistent structure of collections that are stored on the file system.
create(operation_spec, result_directory[, ...]) A factory method that creates an WEKA operation based on the
__init__(processes, operation_spec, result_directory, number_processes, create_process=None)[source]
classmethod create(operation_spec, result_directory, debug=False, input_paths=[])[source]

A factory method that creates an WEKA operation based on the information given in the operation specification operation_spec

classmethod _createProcesses(processes, result_directory, operation_spec, parameter_settings, input_collections, command_template)[source]

Consolidates the results obtained by the single WEKA processes into a consistent structure of collections that are stored on the file system.


class pySPACE.missions.operations.weka_classification.WEKAClassificationProcess(dataset_dir, command_template, parametrization, cv_folds, run_number, operation_result_dir)[source]

Bases: pySPACE.missions.operations.base.Process

Process for classification using Weka

A WEKA classification process consists of executing a certain WEKA experiment. This experiment is defined by a template in which certain aspects can be configured, for instance:

  • which classifier is used
  • which data set is processed
  • how many cross validation folds are used etc.

The results of the WEKA experiment are written to the file system and later on collected and consolidated during the consolidation of the WekaClassificationOperation.

Class Components Summary

__call__() Executes this process on the respective modality
unique_id = 0
__init__(dataset_dir, command_template, parametrization, cv_folds, run_number, operation_result_dir)[source]

Executes this process on the respective modality