Source code for pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.metric

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""" Methods to calculate and store classification results (metrics)

Several performance measures are supported.

To combine and visualize them, use the

For details concerning parameters in metric calculation, have a look at
from collections import defaultdict
import csv
import logging
from math import cos, pi, sqrt, exp
import os
import warnings
import numpy
from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.base import BaseDataset
from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.performance_result import PerformanceResultSummary

[docs]class metricdict(defaultdict): """ Interface to dictionaries of metrics """
[docs] def __missing__(self,new_key): """ Return first occurring fitting entry and give warning, if functional metric is called without parameters """ for key in self.keys(): try: if key.startswith(new_key+"("): import warnings warnings.warn("Using key: '%s' instead of: '%s'."%(key,new_key)) return self[key] except: pass return super(metricdict, self).__missing__(new_key)
[docs]class BinaryClassificationDataset(BaseDataset): """ Handle and store binary classification performance measures This class derived from BaseDataset overwrites the 'store' and 'add_split' method from the BaseDataset class so that it can handle and store classification performance measures to files. In the following there is a list of implemented metrics. After giving the normal name or abbreviation, the name in the final results file/dictionary is given. This is for example needed for parameter optimization algorithms. .. todo:: Move metrics to external rst file for better linking and summarize it with multinomial metrics. .. _metrics: **Metrics** :confusion matrix components: :TP - True_positives: correct classified examples or the *ir_class* (positive examples) :TN - True_negatives: correct classified examples or the *ir_class* (negative examples) :FN - False_negatives: wrong classified positive examples (classified as negative examples) :FP - False_positives: wrong classified negative examples (classified as positive examples) :confusion matrix metrics: :TPR - True_positive_rate: true positive rate, recall .. math:: \\frac{TP}{TP+FN} :PPV - IR_precision: positive predictive value, precision .. math:: \\frac{TP}{TP+FP} :TNR - True_negative_rate: true negative rate, specificity .. math:: \\frac{TN}{TN+FP} :NPV - Non_IR_precision: negative predictive value .. math:: \\frac{TN}{TN+FN} :FPR - False_positive_rate: false positive rate .. math:: 1-TNR = \\frac{FP}{TN+FP} :FNR - False_negative_rate: false negative rate .. math:: 1-TPR = \\frac{FN}{TP+FN} :accuracy - Percent_correct: rate of correct classified examples (sometimes percent correct) .. math:: \\frac{TP+TN}{TN+FP+FN+TP} :misclassification rate - Percent_incorrect: error rate, (sometimes percent incorrect) .. math:: \\frac{FP+FN}{TN+FP+FN+TP} :F-Measure - F_measure: harmonic mean of TNR and NPV .. math:: \\frac{2 \\cdot PPV \\cdot TPR}{PPV+TPR}=\\frac{2}{\\frac{1}{PPV}+\\frac{1}{TPR}} :F-neg-measure - Non_IR_F_measure: F-measure for negative class .. math:: \\frac{2 \\cdot NPV\\cdot TNR}{NPV+TNR} :Weighted F-measure - not implemented yet: .. math:: \\text{lambda } x: \\frac{(1+x^2)\\cdot PPV\\cdot TPR}{x^2 \\cdot PPV+TPR} :Weighted accuracy (t) - Weighted_accuracy(t): .. math:: t\\cdot TPR + (1-t)\\cdot TNR :ROC-measure: .. math:: \\sqrt{\\frac{TPR^2+TNR^2}{2}} :balanced accuracy - Balanced_accuracy: .. math:: \\frac{TNR + TPR}{2} :Gmean: .. math:: \\sqrt{(TPR \\cdot TNR)} :AUC: The area under the Receiver Operator Characteristic. Equal to the Wilcoxon test of ranks or to the probability, that a classifier will rank a randomly chosen positive instance higher than a randomly chosen negative one. :MCC- Matthews_correlation_coefficient: .. math:: \\frac{TP*TN-FP*FN}{\\sqrt{((TP+FN)*(TP+FP)*(TN+FN)*(TN+FP))}} :Cohen's kappa-Kappa: Measures the agreement between classifier and true class with a correction for guessing .. math:: \\frac{TP+TN-\\left( \\frac{P(TP+FP)}{P+N}+\\frac{N(TN+FN)}{P+N} \\right)}{P+N-\\left( \\frac{P(TP+FP)}{P+N}+\\frac{N(TN+FN)}{P+N} \\right)} **K-metrics** These metrics expect classification values between zero and one. Instead of calculating the number of correct classifications, the corresponding sums of classification values are built. The misclassification values we get, by using one minus c-value. This also defines a confusion matrix, which is used to calculate the upper metrics. the notation is *k_* + normal name of metric. **Loss metrics** Some classifiers like LDA, SVM and RMM have loss terms in there model description. These misclassification values can be also calculated on test data, to evaluate the algorithm. The longest name used is *loss_balanced_rest_L1_SVM* and the shortest is *loss_L2*. In the LDA case, you skip the *SVM* component. If you want to weight the losses equally and not consider class imbalance, skip the *balanced* component and if you do not want to restrict the maximum loss, delete the *rest* component. The parameters *calc_loss* and *loss_restriction* can be specified. .. todo:: soft and pol metrics have to be checked **Parameters** :dataset_md: The meta data of the current input (*optional, default: None*) :Author: Mario Krell ( :Created: 2010/04/01 """
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset_md = None, dataset_pattern=None): #: The data structure containing the actual data. #: #: The data is stored as a dictionary that maps #: (run, split, train/test) tuple to the actual #: data obtained in this split in this run for #: training/testing. = dict() self.dataset_pattern = dataset_pattern self.meta_data = {"train_test": False, "splits": 1, "runs": 1, "type": "binary_classification"} #: A dictionary containing some default meta data for the respective dataset
[docs] def store(self, result_dir, s_format = "csv"): """ Handle meta data and meta information and save result as csv table This table is later on merged with the other results to one big result table. .. todo:: Try to use *PerformanceResultSummary* or *csv_analysis* methods and furthermore sort the keys. """ name = "results" if not s_format == "csv": self._log("The format %s is not supported! Using default." % s_format, level=logging.CRITICAL) # Store meta data # required before final replacement of Key Dataset to read out # the parameter setting in case of working with hash names # of the folders due to a too large size of the original folder names if not os.path.exists(result_dir): os.mkdir(result_dir) BaseDataset.store_meta_data(result_dir, self.meta_data) for key, performance in # Construct result directory result_path = result_dir # final path later on needed to read out metadata and decode hash final_path = os.path.join(os.sep.join( result_path.split(os.sep)[:-1])) if not os.path.exists(result_path): os.mkdir(result_path) # run number, split number, if performance on training or test data key_str = "_r%s_sp%s_%s_" % key[0:] # set name used for identifier key_str += result_path.split(os.sep)[-1] result_file_path = os.path.join(final_path, name + key_str + ".csv") # Data saved in operation directory instead of current set directory result_file = open(result_file_path, "w") performance["Key_Dataset"] = result_path.split(os.sep)[-1] results_writer = csv.writer(result_file) # if dataset_pattern given, add keys/vals if self.dataset_pattern is not None: try: current_dataset = self.meta_data["parameter_setting"]["__INPUT_DATASET__"] new_keys = self.dataset_pattern.split('_') # make '__MyNiceKey__' from 'myNiceKey': new_keys=map(lambda x: '__'+x[0].upper()+x[1:]+'__', new_keys) new_vals = current_dataset.split('_') for new_key_index in range(len(new_keys)): performance[new_keys[new_key_index]] = new_vals[new_key_index] except IndexError: warnings.warn("Using wrong dataset pattern '%s' on '%s'!" %(self.dataset_pattern, current_dataset)) self.dataset_pattern = None # replace "Key_Dataset" by entries of relevant parameters temp_key_dict = defaultdict(list) temp_key_dict["Key_Dataset"] = [performance["Key_Dataset"]] temp_key_dict = \ PerformanceResultSummary.transfer_Key_Dataset_to_parameters( temp_key_dict, result_file_path) for metric in temp_key_dict: performance[metric] = temp_key_dict[metric][0] del performance["Key_Dataset"] # write result .csv file results_writer.writerow(performance.keys()) results_writer.writerow(performance.values()) result_file.close()
[docs] def add_split(self, performance, train, split=0, run=0): """ Add a split to this dataset The method expects the following parameters: **Parameters** :performance: dictionary of performance measures :train: If train is True, this sample has already been used for training. :split: The number of the split this sample belongs to. (*optional, default: 0*) :run: The run number this performance belongs to. (*optional, default: 0*) """ if train == True: self.meta_data["train_test"] = True if split + 1 > self.meta_data["splits"]: self.meta_data["splits"] = split + 1 if run + 1 > self.meta_data["runs"]: self.meta_data["runs"] = run + 1 key = (run, split, "train" if train else "test") performance["__Key_Run__"]=run performance["__Key_Fold__"]=split+1 performance["__Run__"]="Run_"+str(run) performance["__Split__"]="__Split_"+str(split+1)[key] = performance
[docs] def merge_splits(self): """ Replace performances of different splits by just one performance value Performances of confusion matrix metrics are calculated by summing up the confusion matrix entries. The other metrics are averaged. This method is the preparation of the merge_performance method. """ temp_data=dict() for key in new_key = (key[0],0,key[2]) if not temp_data.has_key(new_key): temp_data[new_key] = [[key]] else: temp_data[new_key].append([key]) del( for key in temp_data.keys():[key] = self.merge_performance(temp_data[key])
[docs] def merge_performance(self,p_list): """ Replace performances of different splits by just one performance value Performances of confusion matrix metrics are calculated by summing up the confusion matrix entries. The other metrics are averaged. """ new_p_dict = dict() new_p_dict["True_positives"] = 0 new_p_dict["True_negatives"] = 0 new_p_dict["False_positives"] = 0 new_p_dict["False_negatives"] = 0 new_p_dict["train_True_positives"] = 0 new_p_dict["train_True_negatives"] = 0 new_p_dict["train_False_positives"] = 0 new_p_dict["train_False_negatives"] = 0 for p in p_list: new_p_dict["True_positives"] += p["True_positives"] new_p_dict["True_negatives"] += p["True_negatives"] new_p_dict["False_positives"] += p["False_positives"] new_p_dict["False_negatives"] += p["False_negatives"] new_p_dict["train_True_positives"] += p["train_True_positives"] new_p_dict["train_True_negatives"] += p["train_True_negatives"] new_p_dict["train_False_positives"] += p["train_False_positives"] new_p_dict["train_False_negatives"] += p["train_False_negatives"] old_p_keys = p.keys() BinaryClassificationDataset.calculate_confusion_metrics(new_p_dict,"") BinaryClassificationDataset.calculate_confusion_metrics(new_p_dict,"train_") new_p_dict["__Key_Fold__"] = 1 new_p_dict["__Split__"] = "Split_1" new_p_dict["__Key_Run__"] = p_list[0]["__Key_Run__"] new_p_dict["__Run__"] = p_list[0]["__Run__"] new_p_keys = new_p_dict.keys() for key in old_p_keys: if not key in new_p_keys: value_list=[] for p in p_list: value_list.append(p[key]) if not (type(value_list[0])==str or key =="__Key_Fold__" or key == "~~Num_Retained_Features~~"): new_p_dict[key] = numpy.mean(value_list) elif key == "~~Num_Retained_Features~~": if 'unknown' in value_list: new_p_dict[key] = "unknown" else: new_p_dict[key] = numpy.mean(value_list) else: self._log("Unknown performance entry:%s!"%key,level=logging.WARNING) new_p_dict[key] = value_list[-1] return new_p_dict
[docs] def get_average_performance(self, metric): """ Returns the average performance for the given metric """ metric_values = [] for value in metric_values.append(value[metric]) return sum(metric_values) / len(metric_values)
[docs] def get_performance_std(self, metric): """ Returns the average performance for the given metric """ metric_values = [] for value in metric_values.append(value[metric]) return numpy.array(metric_values).std()
[docs] def get_unified_confusion_matrix_performance(self, metric): """ Confusion metrics from the splits altogether """ metric_values = [] for value in metric_values.append(value[metric]) return sum(metric_values) / len(metric_values)
[docs] def calculate_metrics(classification_results,calc_soft_metrics=True, invert_classification=False, ir_class="Target", sec_class=None, loss_restriction=2.0,time_periods=[], calc_AUC=True,calc_loss=True, weight=0.5, save_roc_points=False, decision_boundary=0.0, scaling=5): """ Calculate performance measures from the given classifications :Returns: metricdict and the ROC points if save_roc_point is True .. todo:: simplify loss metrics, mutual information and AUC """ # metric initializations metrics = metricdict(float) #{"TP":0,"FP":0,"TN":0,"FN":0} # loss values are collected for each class # there are numerous different losses loss_dict = metricdict(lambda: numpy.zeros(2)) for prediction_vector, label in classification_results: if sec_class is None and not label == ir_class: sec_class = label # special treatment for one vs REST evaluation if sec_class == "REST" and not label == ir_class: label = "REST" if not label == ir_class and not label == sec_class: warnings.warn("Binary metrics " \ "require exactly two classes. At least " \ "three are used:" + str(ir_class) + \ " (ir_class), " + str(sec_class) + \ " (non_ir_class), " + str(label) + \ " (occured true label), " + \ str(prediction_vector.label) + \ " (prediction vector label)! \n"+\ "Did you specify the ir_class in your sink node?\n"+\ "Replacing the ir_class by: " +str(label)+".") ir_class = label BinaryClassificationDataset.update_confusion_matrix(prediction_vector, label,calc_soft_metrics=calc_soft_metrics, ir_class=ir_class, sec_class=sec_class, confusion_matrix=metrics, decision_boundary=decision_boundary, scaling=scaling) if calc_loss: BinaryClassificationDataset.update_loss_values(classification_vector=prediction_vector, label=label, ir_class=ir_class, sec_class=sec_class, loss_dict=loss_dict, loss_restriction=loss_restriction) P = metrics["True_positives"]+metrics["False_negatives"] N = metrics["True_negatives"]+metrics["False_positives"] if calc_soft_metrics: prefixes = ["","soft_","pol_","k_"] metrics["k_True_negatives"] = (N- metrics["k_False_positives"]) metrics["k_False_negatives"] = (P-metrics["k_True_positives"]) else: prefixes = [""] ### Confusion matrix metrics for prefix in prefixes: BinaryClassificationDataset.calculate_confusion_metrics(metrics, pre=prefix, P=P, N=N, weight=weight) ### Mutual information ### # Mutual information is also a confusion matrix metric but makes no # sense for soft metrics try: # Add mutual information between classifier output Y and the target metrics["Mutual_information"] = \ BinaryClassificationDataset.mutual_information( metrics["True_negatives"], metrics["False_negatives"], metrics["True_positives"], metrics["False_positives"]) # Add normalized mutual information (a perfect classifier would achieve # metric 1) metrics["Normalized_mutual_information"] = \ BinaryClassificationDataset.normalized_mutual_information( metrics["True_negatives"], metrics["False_negatives"], metrics["True_positives"], metrics["False_positives"]) except: warnings.warn("Mutual Information could not be calculated!") metrics["Mutual_information"] = 0 metrics["Normalized_mutual_information"] = 0 ## Get AUC and ROC_points # test if classification_outcome has prediction (float, score) ROC_points = None if len(classification_results) != 0 and calc_AUC: AUC, ROC_points = BinaryClassificationDataset.calculate_AUC(classification_results, ir_class=ir_class, save_roc_points=save_roc_points, performance=metrics, inverse_ordering=invert_classification) # If classification missed the ordering of the two classes or # used information in the wrong way prediction should be switched. # This results in the *inverse* AUC. if AUC < 0.5: AUC = 1 - AUC if AUC>0.6: warnings.warn("AUC had to be inverted! Check this!") metrics["AUC"] = AUC ### Extract meta metrics from the predictor ### # set basic important predictor metrics for default #metrics["~~Num_Retained_Features~~"] = numpy.inf #metrics["~~Solver_Iterations~~"] = numpy.Inf #metrics["~~Classifier_Converged~~"] = True # Classifier information should be saved in the parameter # 'classifier_information'!!! try: classifier_information = classification_results[0][0].predictor.classifier_information for key, value in classifier_information.iteritems(): metrics[key] = value except: pass ### Time metrics ### if len(time_periods)>0: # the first measured time can be inaccurate due to # initialization procedures performed in the first executions time_periods.pop(0) metrics["Time (average)"] = 1./1000 * sum(time_periods) / \ len(time_periods) metrics["Time (maximal)"] = 1./1000 * max(time_periods) ### Loss metrics ### if calc_loss: # initialization # n = (P+N)*1.0 if n==0.0: n = 1.0 if P==0: P=1 if N==0: N=1 # unbalanced losses metrics["loss_L1_SVM"] = (loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss"][0] + \ loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss"][1])/n metrics["loss_L2_SVM"] = (loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss"][0] + \ loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss"][1])/n metrics["loss_L1"] = (loss_dict["L1_loss"][0] + \ loss_dict["L1_loss"][1])/n metrics["loss_L2"] = (loss_dict["L2_loss"][0] + \ loss_dict["L2_loss"][1])/n metrics["loss_L1_RMM"] = (loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss"][0] + \ loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss"][1])/n metrics["loss_L2_RMM"] = (loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss"][0] + \ loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss"][1])/n metrics["loss_restr_L1_SVM"] = (loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss_restr"][0] + \ loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss_restr"][1])/n metrics["loss_restr_L2_SVM"] = (loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss_restr"][0] + \ loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss_restr"][1])/n metrics["loss_restr_L1"] = (loss_dict["L1_loss_restr"][0] + \ loss_dict["L1_loss_restr"][1])/n metrics["loss_restr_L2"] = (loss_dict["L2_loss_restr"][0] + \ loss_dict["L2_loss_restr"][1])/n metrics["loss_restr_L1_RMM"] = (loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss_restr"][0] + \ loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss_restr"][1])/n metrics["loss_restr_L2_RMM"] = (loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss_restr"][0] + \ loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss_restr"][1])/n # balanced losses metrics["loss_balanced_L1_SVM"] = (loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_L2_SVM"] = (loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_L1"] = (loss_dict["L1_loss"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["L1_loss"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_L2"] = (loss_dict["L2_loss"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["L2_loss"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_L1_RMM"] = (loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_L2_RMM"] = (loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_restr_L1_SVM"] = (loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss_restr"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss_restr"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_restr_L2_SVM"] = (loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss_restr"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss_restr"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_restr_L1"] = (loss_dict["L1_loss_restr"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["L1_loss_restr"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_restr_L2"] = (loss_dict["L2_loss_restr"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["L2_loss_restr"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_restr_L1_RMM"] = (loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss_restr"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss_restr"][1]/P)/2 metrics["loss_balanced_restr_L2_RMM"] = (loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss_restr"][0]/N + \ loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss_restr"][1]/P)/2 if save_roc_points: return metrics, ROC_points else: return metrics
[docs] def update_confusion_matrix(classification_vector, label,calc_soft_metrics=False, ir_class='Target', sec_class='Standard', confusion_matrix=metricdict(float), decision_boundary=0.0, scaling=5): """ Calculate the change in the 4 basic metrics: TP, FP, TN, FN +--------------+----+-----+ | class|guess | ir | sec | +==============+====+=====+ | ir_class | TP | FN | +--------------+----+-----+ | sec_class | FP | TN | +--------------+----+-----+ The change is directly written into the confusion matrix dictionary. :Returns: confusion_matrix """ p_label = classification_vector.label.strip() label = label.strip() # prepare prediction in case of no mapping beforehand prediction = classification_vector.prediction if decision_boundary==0.0: # if mapping was before, this should be around 0.5 # ir_class>0; sec_class<0 if (p_label == ir_class and not prediction>=0) or \ (p_label == sec_class and not prediction<=0): prediction*=-1.0 if p_label == sec_class: prediction*=-1.0 if not p_label == label: # negative values in case of wrong classification prediction*=-1.0 # true positive if p_label == ir_class and p_label == label: confusion_matrix["True_positives"] += 1 if calc_soft_metrics: confusion_matrix["soft_True_positives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.scale(classification_vector.prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary) confusion_matrix["pol_True_positives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.pol(classification_vector.prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary) confusion_matrix["k_True_positives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.k_sig(prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary, scaling=scaling) # false positive elif p_label == ir_class and not(p_label == label): confusion_matrix["False_positives"] +=1 if calc_soft_metrics: confusion_matrix["soft_False_positives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.scale(classification_vector.prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary) confusion_matrix["pol_False_positives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.pol(classification_vector.prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary) confusion_matrix["k_False_positives"] += 1- \ BinaryClassificationDataset.k_sig(prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary, scaling=scaling) # false negative elif p_label == sec_class and not(p_label == label): confusion_matrix["False_negatives"] +=1 if calc_soft_metrics: confusion_matrix["soft_False_negatives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.scale(classification_vector.prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary) confusion_matrix["pol_False_negatives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.pol(classification_vector.prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary) #prediction negative/wrong--> low value added confusion_matrix["k_True_positives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.k_sig(prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary, scaling=scaling) # true negative elif p_label == sec_class and p_label == label: confusion_matrix["True_negatives"] +=1 if calc_soft_metrics: confusion_matrix["soft_True_negatives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.scale(classification_vector.prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary) confusion_matrix["pol_True_negatives"] += \ BinaryClassificationDataset.pol(classification_vector.prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary) # prediction is positive --> low value subtracted--> nearly 1 confusion_matrix["k_False_positives"] += 1- \ BinaryClassificationDataset.k_sig(prediction, decision_boundary=decision_boundary, scaling=scaling) else: raise Exception("Updating confusion matrix " \ "requires exactly two classes. At least " \ "three are used:" + str(ir_class) + \ " (ir_class), " + str(sec_class) + \ " (non_ir_class), " + str(label) + \ " (correct label), " + \ str(classification_vector.label) + \ " (classification)! \n"+\ "Did you specify the ir_class in your sink node?") return confusion_matrix
[docs] def scale(value, decision_boundary=0.0): """ Scales the prediction output to [0,1] by simple cutting to show there reliability contribution in the prediction. """ if decision_boundary==0.0: if value>0: output = value else: output = -value if output > 1: output = 1 return output else: #probabilistic output assumed if value>decision_boundary: output = value else: output = 1-value if output > 1: output = 1 return output
[docs] def sig(value, decision_boundary=0.0): """ Scales the prediction output to [0,1] SMOOTH with a sinusoid function to show there reliability contribution in the prediction. Therefore it uses the sinusoid sigmoid function .. math:: 0.5\\cdot (1-cos(value\\cdot \\pi)) """ if value>0: output = value else: output = -value if output > 1: output = 1 else: output = 0.5*(1-cos(output*pi)) return output
[docs] def pol(value, decision_boundary=0.0): """ Scales the prediction output to [0,1] SMOOTH with a polynomial function to show there reliability contribution in the prediction. Therefore it uses the polynomial sigmoid function .. math:: value^2 (3-2 \\cdot value) """ if value>0.5: output = value else: output = 1-value if output > 1: output = 1 else: output = output**2*(3-2*output) return output
[docs] def k_sig(value, decision_boundary=0.0, scaling=5): """ Scaling as in Keerthi 2006 for smooth target function "An efficient method for gradient-based adaptation of hyperparameters in SVM models" Keerthi, S. Sathiya; Sindhwani, Vikas; Chapelle, Olivier """ if not decision_boundary==0.0: # no mapping needed, due to prob-fit return value else: return 1.0/(1+exp(-1.0*scaling*value))
[docs] def update_loss_values(classification_vector, label, ir_class="Target", sec_class="Standard", loss_dict=metricdict(lambda: numpy.zeros(2)), loss_restriction=2.0): """ Calculate classifier loss terms on test data Different classifiers mapping the ir_class to 1 and the other class to -1 try to minimize a loss term in the classification. For some used loss terms of least squares classifiers and SVMs the corresponding value is calculated as a metric to be later on used for optimization. """ if label==ir_class: prediction = classification_vector.prediction else: prediction = - classification_vector.prediction if label ==ir_class: i=1 else: i=0 try: loss_dict["L1_loss"][i] += abs(prediction-1) loss_dict["L2_loss"][i] += (prediction-1)**2 loss_dict["L1_loss_restr"][i] += min(abs(prediction-1),loss_restriction) loss_dict["L2_loss_restr"][i] += min(abs(prediction-1),loss_restriction)**2 try: R = classification_vector.predictor.range except: R = numpy.inf if prediction > R: loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss"][i] += prediction-R loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss"][i] += (prediction-R)**2 loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss_restr"][i] += min(prediction-R,loss_restriction) loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss_restr"][i] += min(prediction-R,loss_restriction)**2 elif prediction > 1: pass #self.RMM_L1_loss += 0 #self.RMM_L2_loss += 0 else: loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss"][i] += 1-prediction loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss"][i] += (1-prediction)**2 loss_dict["SVM_L1_loss_restr"][i] += min(1-prediction,loss_restriction) loss_dict["SVM_L2_loss_restr"][i] += min(1-prediction,loss_restriction)**2 loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss"][i] += 1-prediction loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss"][i] += (1-prediction)**2 loss_dict["RMM_L1_loss_restr"][i] += min(1-prediction,loss_restriction) loss_dict["RMM_L2_loss_restr"][i] += min(1-prediction,loss_restriction)**2 except: pass
[docs] def calculate_confusion_metrics(performance, pre="", P=None, N=None, weight=0.5): """ Calculate each performance metric resulting from the 4 values in the confusion matrix and return it. This helps to use soft metrics, generating the confusion matrix in a different way. .. warning:: Still the number of positive and negative instances had to be used for the calculation of rates with soft metrics. :Returns: metricdict .. note:: If the input is a metricdict the new calculated entries are added to it. """ TN = performance[pre+"True_negatives"] * 1.0 TP = performance[pre+"True_positives"] * 1.0 FP = performance[pre+"False_positives"] * 1.0 FN = performance[pre+"False_negatives"] * 1.0 if not type(performance) == metricdict: old_p = performance performance = metricdict(float) performance.update(old_p) if P is None: P = TP + FN if N is None: N = TN + FP performance[pre+"Positives"] = P performance[pre+"Negatives"] = N if TP == 0: TPR = 0 PPV = 0 else: # sensitivity, recall TPR = 1.0 * TP / P #(TP+FN) = Num of positive examples # positive predictive value, precision PPV = 1.0 * TP / (TP + FP) if TN == 0: TNR = 0 NPV = 0 else: TNR = 1.0 * TN / N # specificity # Num of negative examples NPV = 1.0 * TN / (TN + FN) # negative predictive value FPR = 1 - TNR # 1.0*FP/(TN+FP) # 1-TNR FNR = 1 - TPR # 1.0*FN/(TP+FN) # 1-TPR if P+N == 0: accuracy = 0.0 missclassification_rate = 1.0 warnings.warn("No examples given for performance calculation!") else: accuracy = 1.0 * (TP+TN) / (N+P) # Num of all examples missclassification_rate = 1.0 * (FP+FN) / \ (N+P) # s.a. if (PPV+TPR) == 0: F_measure = 0 else: F_measure = 2.0 * PPV * TPR / (PPV + TPR) if (NPV+TNR) == 0: F_neg_measure = 0 else: F_neg_measure = 2.0 * NPV * TNR / (NPV + TNR) den = (TP + FN) * (TP + FP) * (TN + FN) * (TN + FP) if den <= 0: den = 1 MCC = (TP * TN - FP * FN) / numpy.sqrt(den) try: guessing = (P * (TP + FP) + N * (TN + FN)) / (P + N) kappa = (TP + TN - guessing)/(P + N - guessing) except: kappa = 0 # weighted_F_measure = lambda x: (1+x**2)*PPV*TPR/(x**2*PPV+TPR) performance[pre+"True_positive_rate"] = TPR performance[pre+"False_positive_rate"] = FPR performance[pre+"True_negative_rate"] = TNR performance[pre+"False_negative_rate"] = FNR performance[pre+"IR_precision"] = PPV performance[pre+"IR_recall"] = TPR performance[pre+"F_measure"] = F_measure performance[pre+"Non_IR_F_measure"] = F_neg_measure performance[pre+"Non_IR_precision"] = NPV performance[pre+"Percent_correct"] = accuracy*100 performance[pre+"Percent_incorrect"] = missclassification_rate * 100 performance[pre+"Weighted_accuracy("+str(weight)+")"] = \ weight * TPR + (1 - weight) * TNR performance[pre+"ROC-measure"] = sqrt(0.5 * (TPR**2 + TNR**2)) performance[pre+"Balanced_accuracy"] = 0.5 * (TNR + TPR) performance[pre+"Gmean"] = sqrt(abs(TPR * TNR)) performance[pre+"Matthews_correlation_coefficient"] = MCC performance[pre+"Correct_classified"] = TP + TN performance[pre+"Wrong_classified"] = FP + FN performance[pre+"Kappa"] = kappa return performance
[docs] def calculate_AUC(classification_outcome, ir_class, save_roc_points, performance,inverse_ordering=False): """ AUC and ROC points by an algorithm from Fawcett, "An introduction to ROC analysis", 2005 Also possible would be to calculate the Mann-Whitney-U-Statistik .. math:: \\sum_i^m{\\sum_j^n{S(X_i,Y_i)}} \\text{ with } S(X,Y) = 1 \\text{ if } Y < X\\text{, otherwise } 0 """ # need sorted list, decreasing by the prediction score from operator import itemgetter sorted_outcome = sorted(classification_outcome, key=itemgetter(0), reverse=not inverse_ordering) P = performance["Positives"] # number of True instances N = performance["Negatives"] # number of False instances if P == 0: warnings.warn( "Problem occurred in AUC/ROC calculation. No positive examples" "were found. TPR set to zero.") P = 1 elif N == 0: warnings.warn( "Problem occurred in AUC/ROC calculation. No negative examples" "were found. TNR set to zero.") N = 1 FP = 0 TP = 0 FP_prev = 0 TP_prev = 0 AUC = 0 # first, list of roc points, second, the weka-roc-point R = ([],[(0.0,0.0),(performance["False_positive_rate"], performance["True_positive_rate"]),(1.0,1.0)]) axis_change = True axis_y = False axis_x = False prediction_prev = -float("infinity") def _trapezoid_area(x1, x2, y1, y2): base = abs(x1-x2) height_avg = (y1+y2)/2.0 return base * height_avg for classification_outcome in sorted_outcome: if round(classification_outcome[0],3) != prediction_prev: AUC += _trapezoid_area(FP, FP_prev, TP, TP_prev) prediction_prev = round(classification_outcome[0], 3) if save_roc_points and axis_change: R[0].append((1.0 * FP_prev / N, 1.0 * TP_prev / P)) axis_change = False FP_prev = FP TP_prev = TP # if actual instance is a true / ir class example if classification_outcome[1].strip() == ir_class: TP += 1 axis_y = True if axis_x == True: axis_change = True axis_x = False else: # instance is a false / sec class example FP += 1 axis_x = True if axis_y == True: axis_change = True axis_y = False if save_roc_points and axis_change: R[0].append((1.0 * FP_prev / N, 1.0 * TP_prev / P)) AUC += _trapezoid_area(N, FP_prev, P, TP_prev) AUC = float(AUC) / (P * N) # scale from (P*N) to the unit square if save_roc_points: R[0].append((1.0 * FP / N, 1.0 * TP / P)) # This is (1,1) return AUC, R
[docs] def mutual_information(TN, FN, TP, FP): """ Computes the mutual information metric I(T;Y) = H(T) - H(T|Y) Measures the mutual information between the classifier output Y and the target (the true label T), i.e. how many bits the classifier's output conveys about the target. H denotes the entropy function. """ # Convert to float TN = float(TN) FN = float(FN) TP = float(TP) FP = float(FP) P = TP + FN # positive examples N = FP + TN # negative examples K = TP + FP + TN + FN # Total number of examples def term(y, t): if y: # prediction is positive p_y = (TP + FP) / K # ratio of positive predictions if p_y == 0.0: p_t_y = 1 # Doesn't matter anyway since multiplied with 0 elif t: # actually a positive p_t_y = TP / (TP + FP) # ratio of true positives else: # actually a negative p_t_y = FP / (TP + FP) # ratio of false positives else: # prediction is negative p_y = (TN + FN) / K # ratio of negative predictions if p_y == 0.0: p_t_y = 1 # Doesn't matter anyway since multiplied with 0 elif t: # actually a positive p_t_y = FN / (TN + FN) # ratio of false negatives else: # actually a negative p_t_y = TN / (TN + FN) # ratio of true negatives if t: # Actually a positive p_t = P / (P + N) # ratio of positive examples else: # Actually a negative p_t = N / (P + N) # ratio of positive examples if p_t == 0.0: # We don't have any examples for this class # (should not happen) # There is no uncertainty about class and thus no information # gain. We return 0 return 0.0 elif p_t_y == 0.0: # We set 0*-inf = 0 return 0.0 else: return p_y*p_t_y*numpy.log2(p_t_y/p_t) return sum(term(y, t) for y in [True, False] for t in [True, False])
[docs] def normalized_mutual_information(TN, FN, TP, FP): """ Normalized mutual information IN(T;Y) = (H(T) - H(T|Y))/H(T) This metric has the property that an optimal classifier will always get value 1 while any kind of random classifier (those on the diagonal in ROC space) get value 0. """ return BinaryClassificationDataset.mutual_information(TN, FN, TP, FP) / \ BinaryClassificationDataset.mutual_information(TN + FP, 0, TP + FN, 0)
[docs]class MultinomialClassificationDataset(BinaryClassificationDataset): """ Handle and store multiclass classification performance measures **Metrics** Balanced accuracy, accuracy and weighted accuracy are calculated as in the Binary case. :Accuracy: Number of correct classifications devided by total number of classified samples :Balanced_accuracy: Mean of True positive rates for all classes :Weighted_accuracy: Weighted sum of True positive rates for all classes, using the `weight` parameter :Matthews_correlation_coefficient: Pearson’s correlation coefficient between classification and true label matrix. - Paper: Comparing two K-category assignments by a K-category correlation coefficient - Author: J. Gorodkin - Page: 369 - Webpage: :micro/macro_average_F_measure: - Paper: A Study on Threshold Selection for Multi-label Classification - Author: Rong-En Fan and Chih-Jen Lin - Page: 4 .. todo:: Integrate Mututal information, other micro/macro averages and other metrics. :Author: Mario Michael Krell :Created: 2012/11/02 """ @staticmethod
[docs] def calculate_metrics(classification_results, time_periods=[], weight=None, classes=[]): """ Calculate performance measures from the given classifications """ # metric initializations metrics = metricdict(float) for prediction_vector,label in classification_results: if not label in classes: classes.append(label.strip()) if not (prediction_vector.label in classes): classes.append(prediction_vector.label.strip()) MultinomialClassificationDataset.update_confusion_matrix(prediction_vector, label,confusion_matrix=metrics) MultinomialClassificationDataset.calculate_confusion_metrics( performance=metrics, classes=classes, weight=weight) ### Extract meta metrics from the predictor ### (copy from BinaryClassificationSink) # set basic important predictor metrics for default #metrics["~~Num_Retained_Features~~"] = numpy.inf #metrics["~~Solver_Iterations~~"] = numpy.Inf #metrics["~~Classifier_Converged~~"] = True # Classifier information should be saved in the parameter # 'classifier_information'!!! try: classifier_information = classification_results[0][0].predictor.classifier_information for key, value in classifier_information.iteritems(): metrics[key] = value except: pass ### Time metrics ### if len(time_periods)>0: # the first measured time can be inaccurate due to # initialization procedures performed in the first executions time_periods.pop(0) metrics["Time (average)"] = 1./1000 * sum(time_periods) / \ len(time_periods) metrics["Time (maximal)"] = 1./1000 * max(time_periods) return metrics
[docs] def update_confusion_matrix(classification_vector, label, confusion_matrix=metricdict(float)): """ Calculate the change in the confusion matrix +--------------+-----------+-----------+ | class|guess | c1 | c2 | +==============+===========+===========+ | c1 | T:c1_P:c1 | T:c1_P:c2 | +--------------+-----------+-----------+ | c2 | T:c2_P:c1 | T:c2_P:c2 | +--------------+-----------+-----------+ The change is directly written into the confusion matrix dictionary. :Returns: confusion_matrix """ p_label = classification_vector.label.strip() label = label.strip() metric_str="T:"+label+"_P:"+p_label confusion_matrix[metric_str] += 1 return confusion_matrix
[docs] def calculate_confusion_metrics(performance, classes, weight=None): """ Calculate metrics of multinomial confusion matrix """ num_class_samples = defaultdict(float) num_class_predictions = defaultdict(float) num_samples = 0 n = len(classes) if weight is None or weight == 0.5: weight = defaultdict(float) for label in classes: weight[label]=1.0/n cm = numpy.zeros((n,n)) for i, truth in enumerate(classes): for j, prediction in enumerate(classes): metric_str = "T:" + truth + "_P:" + prediction num_samples += performance[metric_str] num_class_samples[truth] += performance[metric_str] num_class_predictions[prediction] += performance[metric_str] cm[i, j] = performance[metric_str] # setting number per default to one to void zero division errors for label in classes: if num_class_samples[label] == 0: num_class_samples[label] = 1 b_a = 0.0 w_a = 0.0 acc = 0.0 maF = 0.0 #macro F-Measure miF_nom = 0.0 #micro F-Measure nominator miF_den = 0.0 #micro F-Measure denominator for label in classes: metric_str = "T:" + label + "_P:" + label if not performance[metric_str] == 0: b_a += performance[metric_str]/(num_class_samples[label]*n) w_a += performance[metric_str]/(num_class_samples[label])\ * weight[label] acc += performance[metric_str]/num_samples maF += \ 2 * performance[metric_str]/(n * (num_class_predictions[label] + num_class_samples[label])) miF_nom += 2 * performance[metric_str] miF_den += num_class_predictions[label] + num_class_samples[label] performance["Balanced_accuracy"] = b_a performance["Accuracy"] = acc performance["Weighted_accuracy"] = w_a performance["macro_average_F_measure"] = maF performance["micro_average_F_measure"] = miF_nom/miF_den MC_nom = num_samples * numpy.trace(cm) f1 = num_samples**2 * 1.0 f2 = f1 for k in range(n): for l in range(n): MC_nom -=[k, :], cm[:, l]) f1 -=[k, :], (cm.T)[:, l]) f2 -=[k, :], cm[:, l]) if f1 <= 0 or f2 <= 0: MCC = 0 else: MCC = MC_nom/(numpy.sqrt(f1)*numpy.sqrt(f1)) performance["Matthews_correlation_coefficient"] = MCC
[docs]class RegressionDataset(BinaryClassificationDataset): """ Calculate 1-dimensional and n-dimensional regression metrics Metrics for 1-dim regression were taken from: - Book: Data mining: practical machine learning tools and techniques - Authors: I. H. Witten and E. Frank - Page: 178 - Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco - year: 2005 n-dimensional metrics were variants derived by Mario Michael Krell: **micro** For the correlation coefficient, the components were treated like single regression results. For the other metrics, differences and means are taken element or component wise and at the final averaging stage the mean is taken over all components. **component_i_metric** For each dimension, performance values are calculated separately. **macro** The component wise metrics were averaged. :Author: Mario Michael Krell :Created: 2012/11/02 """ @staticmethod
[docs] def calculate_metrics(regression_results, time_periods=[], weight=None): """ Calculate performance measures from the given classifications """ # metric initializations metrics = metricdict(float) if len(regression_results) == 0: return metrics # transform results to distinct lists predicted_val = [] actual_val = [] for prediction_vector, label in regression_results: predicted_val.append(prediction_vector.prediction) actual_val.append(label) # cast list of numpy.ndarray to list of list if type(actual_val[0]) == numpy.ndarray: for i in range(len(actual_val)): actual_val[i] = actual_val[i].tolist() if type(predicted_val[0]) == numpy.ndarray: for i in range(len(predicted_val)): predicted_val[i] = predicted_val[i].tolist() if type(actual_val[0]) == list and type(predicted_val[0]) == list: vector_regression = True elif type(predicted_val[0]) == list and len(predicted_val[0]) == 1: # not type(actual_val[0]) ==list # --> automatic parameter mapping to numbers for i in range(len(predicted_val)): predicted_val[i] = predicted_val[i][0] vector_regression = False elif type(actual_val[0]) == list or type(predicted_val[0]) == list: raise TypeError( "Prediction (%s) and " % type(predicted_val[0]) + "real value/label (%s) should" % type(actual_val[0]) + " have the same format (list or number/string)") else: vector_regression = False p = numpy.array(predicted_val).astype("float64") a = numpy.array(actual_val).astype("float64") if not vector_regression: metrics["Mean-squared_error"] = numpy.mean((p-a)**2) metrics["Root_mean-squared_error"] = \ numpy.sqrt(metrics["Mean-squared_error"]) metrics["Mean_absolute_error"] = numpy.mean(numpy.abs(p-a)) metrics["Relative_squared_error"] = \ metrics["Mean-squared_error"]/numpy.var(a) metrics["Root_relative_squared_error"] = \ numpy.sqrt(metrics["relative_squared_error"]) metrics["Relative absolute error"] = \ metrics["Mean_absolute_error"]/numpy.mean(numpy.abs(a-a.mean())) metrics["Correlation_coefficient"] = numpy.corrcoef(a,p)[0,1] else: # treat arrays like flatten arrays! metrics["micro_mean-squared_error"] = numpy.mean((p-a)**2) metrics["micro_root_mean-squared_error"] = \ numpy.sqrt(metrics["micro_mean-squared_error"]) metrics["micro_mean_absolute_error"] = numpy.mean(numpy.abs(p-a)) metrics["micro_relative_squared_error"] = \ metrics["micro_mean-squared_error"]/numpy.var(a) metrics["micro_root_relative_squared_error"] = \ numpy.sqrt(metrics["micro_relative_squared_error"]) metrics["micro_relative absolute error"] = \ metrics["micro_mean_absolute_error"] / \ numpy.mean(numpy.abs(a-a.mean())) metrics["micro_correlation_coefficient"] = \ numpy.corrcoef(numpy.reshape(a, a.shape[0]*a.shape[1]), numpy.reshape(p, p.shape[0]*p.shape[1]))[0,1] pre_str = [] metric_names=["Mean-squared_error","Root_mean-squared_error", "Mean_absolute_error", "relative_squared_error", "Root_relative_squared_error", "relative absolute error", "Correlation_coefficient"] # project onto one component and calculate separate performance for i in range(len(predicted_val[0])): s = "component_"+str(i)+"_" pre_str.append(s) pi = p[:,i] ai = a[:,i] metrics[s+"Mean-squared_error"] = numpy.mean((pi-ai)**2) metrics[s+"Root_mean-squared_error"] = \ numpy.sqrt(metrics[s+"Mean-squared_error"]) metrics[s+"Mean_absolute_error"] = numpy.mean(numpy.abs(pi-ai)) metrics[s+"relative_squared_error"] = \ metrics[s+"Mean-squared_error"]/numpy.var(ai) metrics[s+"Root_relative_squared_error"] = \ numpy.sqrt(metrics[s+"Relative_squared_error"]) metrics[s+"Relative absolute error"] = \ metrics[s+"Mean_absolute_error"] / \ numpy.mean(numpy.abs(ai-ai.mean())) metrics[s+"Correlation_coefficient"] = \ numpy.corrcoef(ai,pi)[0,1] for metric in metric_names: l = [] for pre in pre_str: l.append(metrics[pre+metric]) metrics["macro_"+metric] = numpy.mean(l) try: classifier_information = \ regression_results[0][0].predictor.classifier_information for key, value in classifier_information.iteritems(): metrics[key] = value except: pass ### Time metrics ### if len(time_periods)>0: # the first measured time can be inaccurate due to # initialization procedures performed in the first executions time_periods.pop(0) metrics["Time (average)"] = \ 1./1000 * sum(time_periods) / len(time_periods) metrics["Time (maximal)"] = 1./1000 * max(time_periods) return metrics