Source code for pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.time_series

""" Load and store data of the type :mod:`pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series` """
import itertools

import copy
import os
import cPickle
import sys
import scipy
import yaml
import csv
import numpy
import logging
import warnings
import glob
from import AbstractStreamReader
from import MarkerWindower
from import get_author
from pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.base import BaseDataset

[docs]class TimeSeriesDataset(BaseDataset): """ Loading and storing a time series dataset This class encapsulate most relevant code for dealing with time series datasets, most importantly for loading and storing them to the file system. These datasets consist of :mod:`~pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series` objects. They can be loaded with a :mod:`~pySPACE.missions.nodes.source.time_series_source` and saved with a :mod:`~pySPACE.missions.nodes.sink.time_series_sink` node in a :class:`~pySPACE.missions.operations.node_chain.NodeChainOperation`. The standard *storage_format* is 'pickle', but it is also possible to load Matlab format ('mat') or BrainComputerInterface-competition data. For that, ``storage_format`` has to be set in the format **bci_comp_[competition number]_[dataset number]** in the metadata.yaml file. For example, **bci_comp_2_4** means loading of time series from BCI Competition II (2003), dataset IV. Currently, the following datasets can be loaded: - BCI Competition II, dataset IV: self-paced key typing (left vs. right) - BCI Competition III, dataset II: P300 speller paradigm, training data See for further information. For saving the data, other formats are currently supported but not yet for loading the data. This issue can be handled by processing the data with a node chain operation which transforms the data into feature vectors and use the respective storing and loading functionality, e.g., with csv and arff files. There is also a node for transforming feature vectors back to TimeSeries objects. **Parameters** :dataset_md: A dictionary with all the meta data. (*optional, default: None*) :sort_string: A lambda function string that is evaluated before the data is stored. (*optional, default: None*) **Known issues** The BCI Competition III dataset II should be actually loaded as a streaming dataset to enable different possibilities for windowing. Segment ends (i.e., where a new letter starts) can be coded as marker. """
[docs] def __init__(self, dataset_md=None, sort_string=None, **kwargs): super(TimeSeriesDataset, self).__init__(dataset_md=dataset_md) self.stream_mode = False if dataset_md is not None: dataset_dir = self.meta_data["dataset_directory"] s_format = self.meta_data["storage_format"] if type(s_format) == list: f_format = s_format[0] else: f_format = s_format # Loading depends on whether data is split into # training and test data, whether different splits exist and whether # several runs have been conducted. if f_format in ["pickle", "mat"] and not self.meta_data["train_test"] \ and self.meta_data["splits"] == 1 \ and self.meta_data["runs"] == 1: # The dataset consists only of a single set of data, for # one run, one splitting, and only test data data = dataset_md["data_pattern"].replace("_run", "_run0") \ .replace("_sp", "_sp0") \ .replace("_tt", "_test") # File that contains the time series objects ts_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, data) # Current data will be loaded lazily[(0, 0, "test")] = ts_file elif f_format in ["pickle", "mat"]: for run_nr in range(self.meta_data["runs"]): for split_nr in range(self.meta_data["splits"]): for train_test in ["train", "test"]: # The collection consists only of a single set of # data, for one run, one splitting, # and only test data data = dataset_md["data_pattern"]\ .replace("_run", "_run%s" % run_nr) \ .replace("_sp", "_sp%s" % split_nr) \ .replace("_tt", "_%s" % train_test) # File that contains the time series objects ts_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir,data) # Actual data will be loaded lazily[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] = ts_file elif f_format.startswith("bci_comp"): # get bci competion and dataset number try: self.comp_number, self.comp_set = f_format.split('_')[2:] except Exception: raise Exception, "%s --- Could not extract BCI competition"\ " and dataset number!" % f_format if self.comp_number == "2": if self.comp_set == "4": def _update_sf(self, file_name): if '1000' in file_name: self.sf = 1000 else: self.sf = 100 self.meta_data["sampling_frequency"] = self.sf # structure: 2 mat file with data in different sampling # frequencies; txt file for test labels if "sampling_frequency" in self.meta_data.keys() and \ "file_name" in self.meta_data.keys(): # are they inconsistent? self.sf = self.meta_data["sampling_frequency"] if (self.sf == 100 and '1000' in \ self.meta_data["file_name"]) or \ (self.sf == 1000 and '1000' not in \ self.meta_data["file_name"]): warnings.warn("File name does not match " "sampling frequency or vice versa. %s " "is loaded." % self.meta_data["file_name"]) self._update_sf(self.meta_data["file_name"]) ts_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, self.meta_data["file_name"]) elif "file_name" in self.meta_data.keys(): self._update_sf(self.meta_data["file_name"]) ts_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, self.meta_data["file_name"]) elif "sampling_frequency" in self.meta_data.keys(): self.sf = self.meta_data["sampling_frequency"] if self.sf == 1000: ts_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "sp1s_aa_1000Hz.mat") else: ts_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, "sp1s_aa.mat") else: ts_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "*.mat"))[0] warnings.warn("Either file name nor sampling " "frequency is given. %s is loaded." % ts_file) self._update_sf(ts_file)[(0, 0, "test")] = ts_file[(0, 0, "train")] = ts_file else: raise NotImplementedError("Loading of BCI competition" \ " %s, dataset %s not supported " \ % (self.comp_number, self.comp_set)) elif self.comp_number == "3": if self.comp_set == "2": # structure: mat file for train and test data # TODO: loading test labels is not possible at the moment! # glob.glob(os.path.join(dataset_dir,"*Test.mat"))[0][(0, 0, "train")] = \[(0, 0, "test")] = \ glob.glob(os.path.join(dataset_dir,"*Train.mat"))[0] else: raise NotImplementedError("Loading of BCI competition" \ " %s, dataset %s not supported " \ % (self.comp_number, self.comp_set)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Loading of BCI competition %s," \ " dataset %s not supported " \ % (self.comp_number, self.comp_set)) else: # s_format == "csv": if "file_name" in self.meta_data.keys(): ts_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir, self.meta_data["file_name"]) elif "data_pattern" in self.meta_data.keys(): # The collection consists only of a single set of data, for # one run, one splitting, and only test data data = dataset_md["data_pattern"].replace("_run", "_run0") \ .replace("_sp","_sp0") \ .replace("_tt","_test") ts_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir,data) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dataset_dir,"data.csv")): ts_file = os.path.join(dataset_dir,"data.csv") else: pathlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(dataset_dir,"*.csv")) if len(pathlist)>1: warnings.warn( "To many given data sets:%s. Taking first entry." % str(pathlist)) ts_file = pathlist[0] elif len(pathlist) == 0: warnings.warn("No csv file found. Trying any file.") pathlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(dataset_dir, "*")) ts_file = pathlist[0] if "metadata.yaml" in ts_file: ts_file = pathlist[1][(0, 0, "test")] = ts_file self.sort_string = sort_string if sort_string is not None else None
[docs] def get_data(self, run_nr, split_nr, train_test): """ Return the train or test data for the given split in the given run. **Parameters** :run_nr: The number of the run whose data should be loaded. :split_nr: The number of the split whose data should be loaded. :train_test: "train" if the training data should be loaded. "test" if the test data should be loaded. """ # Do lazy loading of the time series objects. if isinstance([(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)], basestring): self._log("Lazy loading of %s time series windows from input " "collection for run %s, split %s." % (train_test, run_nr, split_nr)) s_format = self.meta_data["storage_format"] if type(s_format) == list: f_format = s_format[0] else: f_format = s_format if f_format == "pickle": # Load the time series from a pickled file f = open([(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)], 'r') try:[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] = cPickle.load(f) except ImportError: # code for backward compatibility # redirection of old path self._log("Loading deprecated data. Please transfer it " + "to new format.",level=logging.WARNING) from pySPACE.resources.data_types import time_series sys.modules['abri_dp.types.time_series'] = time_series[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] = cPickle.load(f) del sys.modules['abri_dp.types.time_series'] f.close() elif f_format in ["mat", "matlab", "MATLAB"]: from import loadmat from pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series import TimeSeries ts_fname =[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] dataset = loadmat(ts_fname) channel_names = [name.strip() for name in dataset['channel_names']] sf = dataset["sampling_frequency"][0][0][(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] = [] # assume third axis to be trial axis if "channelXtime" in s_format: for i in range(dataset["data"].shape[2]):[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)].append(\ (TimeSeries(dataset["data"][:,:,i].T, channel_names, sf), dataset["labels"][i].strip())) else: for i in range(dataset["data"].shape[2]):[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)].append(\ (TimeSeries(dataset["data"][:,:,i], channel_names, sf), dataset["labels"][i].strip())) elif f_format.startswith("bci_comp"): from import loadmat from pySPACE.resources.data_types.time_series import TimeSeries if self.comp_number == "2": if self.comp_set == "4": ts_fname =[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] d = loadmat(ts_fname) channel_names = [name[0].astype('|S3') for name in \ d["clab"][0]] if train_test == "train":[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] = [] input_d = d["x_train"] input_l = d["y_train"][0] for i in range(input_d.shape[2]):[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)].append(\ (TimeSeries(input_d[:,:,i], channel_names, float(self.sf)), "Left" if input_l[i] == 0 else "Right")) else: label_fname = glob.glob(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(ts_fname),"*.txt"))[0] input_d = d["x_test"] input_l = open(label_fname,'r')[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] = [] for i in range(input_d.shape[2]): label = int(input_l.readline())[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)].append(\ (TimeSeries(input_d[:,:,i], channel_names, float(self.sf)), "Left" if label == 0 else "Right")) elif self.comp_number == "3": if self.comp_set == "2": data = loadmat([(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)]) signal = data['Signal'] flashing = data['Flashing'] stimulus_code = data['StimulusCode'] stimulus_type = data['StimulusType'] window = 240 Fs = 240 channels = 64 epochs = signal.shape[0][(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] = [] self.start_offset_ms = 1000.0 self.end_offset_ms = 1000.0 whole_len = (self.start_offset_ms + self.end_offset_ms)*Fs/1000.0 + window responses = numpy.zeros((12, 15, whole_len, channels)) for epoch in range(epochs): rowcolcnt=numpy.ones(12) for n in range(1, signal.shape[1]): if (flashing[epoch,n]==0 and flashing[epoch,n-1]==1): rowcol=stimulus_code[epoch,n-1] if n-24-self.start_offset_ms*Fs/1000.0 < 0: temp = signal[epoch,0:n+window+self.end_offset_ms*Fs/1000.0-24,:] temp = numpy.vstack((numpy.zeros((whole_len - temp.shape[0], temp.shape[1])), temp)) elif n+window+self.end_offset_ms*Fs/1000.0-24> signal.shape[1]: temp = signal[epoch,n-24-self.start_offset_ms*Fs/1000.0:signal.shape[1],:] temp = numpy.vstack((temp, numpy.zeros((whole_len-temp.shape[0], temp.shape[1])))) else: temp = signal[epoch, n-24-self.start_offset_ms*Fs/1000.0:n+window+self.end_offset_ms*Fs/1000.0-24, :] responses[rowcol-1,rowcolcnt[rowcol-1]-1,:,:]=temp rowcolcnt[rowcol-1]=rowcolcnt[rowcol-1]+1 avgresp=numpy.mean(responses,1) targets = stimulus_code[epoch,:]*stimulus_type[epoch,:] target_rowcol = [] for value in targets: if value not in target_rowcol: target_rowcol.append(value) target_rowcol.sort() for i in range(avgresp.shape[0]): temp = avgresp[i,:,:] data = TimeSeries(input_array = temp, channel_names = range(64), sampling_frequency = window) if i == target_rowcol[1]-1 or i == target_rowcol[2]-1:[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)].append((data,"Target")) else:[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)].append((data,"Standard")) if self.stream_mode and not[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)] == []: # Create a connection to the TimeSeriesClient and return an iterator # that passes all received data through the windower. self.reader = TimeSeriesClient([(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)], blocksize=100) # Creates a windower that splits the training data into windows # based in the window definitions provided # and assigns correct labels to these windows self.reader.set_window_defs(self.window_definition) self.reader.connect() self.marker_windower = MarkerWindower( self.reader, self.window_definition, nullmarker_stride_ms=self.nullmarker_stride_ms, no_overlap=self.no_overlap, data_consistency_check=self.data_consistency_check) return self.marker_windower else: return[(run_nr, split_nr, train_test)]
[docs] def store(self, result_dir, s_format="pickle"): """ Stores this collection in the directory *result_dir*. In contrast to *dump* this method stores the collection not in a single file but as a whole directory structure with meta information etc. The data sets are stored separately for each run, split, train/test combination. **Parameters** :result_dir: The directory in which the collection will be stored. :name: The prefix of the file names in which the individual data sets are stored. The actual file names are determined by appending suffixes that encode run, split, train/test information. (*optional, default: "time_series"*) :s_format: The format in which the actual data sets should be stored. Possible formats are 'pickle', 'text', 'csv' and 'mat' (matlab) format. If s_format is a list, the second element further specifies additional options for storing. - pickle: Standard Python format - text: In the text format, all time series objects are concatenated to a single large table containing only integer values. - csv: For the csv format comma separated values are taken as default or a specified Python format string. - mat: Scipy's savemat function is used for storing. Thereby the data is stored as 3 dimensional array. Also meta data information, like sampling frequency and channel names are saved. As an additional parameter the orientation of the data arrays can be given as 'channelXtime' or 'timeXchannel' .. note:: For the text and MATLAB format, markers could be added by using a Marker_To_Mux node before (*optional, default: "pickle"*) .. todo:: Put marker to the right time point and also write marker channel. .. todo:: Shouldn't be 'text' and 'csv' format part of the stream data set?! """ name = "time_series" # for some storage procedures we need further specifications s_type = None if type(s_format) == list: # file format is first position f_format = s_format[0] if len(s_format) > 1: s_type = s_format[1] else: f_format = s_format if f_format == "text" and s_type is None: s_type = "%i" elif f_format == "csv" and s_type == "real": s_type = "%.18e" # Update the meta data author = get_author() self.update_meta_data({"type": "time_series", "storage_format": s_format, "author": author, "data_pattern": "data_run" + os.sep + name + "_sp_tt." + f_format}) # Iterate through splits and runs in this dataset for key, time_series in # load data, if necessary # (due to the lazy loading, the data might be not loaded already) if isinstance(time_series, basestring): time_series = self.get_data(key[0], key[1], key[2]) if self.sort_string is not None: time_series.sort(key=eval(self.sort_string)) # Construct result directory result_path = result_dir + os.sep + "data" + "_run%s" % key[0] if not os.path.exists(result_path): os.mkdir(result_path) key_str = "_sp%s_%s" % key[1:] # Store data depending on the desired format if f_format in ["pickle", "cpickle", "cPickle"]: result_file = open(os.path.join(result_path, name+key_str+".pickle"), "w") cPickle.dump(time_series, result_file, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) result_file.close() elif f_format in ["text","csv"]: self.update_meta_data({ "type": "stream", "marker_column": "marker"}) result_file = open(os.path.join(result_path, name + key_str + ".csv"), "w") csvwriter = csv.writer(result_file) channel_names = copy.deepcopy(time_series[0][0].channel_names) if f_format == "csv": channel_names.append("marker") csvwriter.writerow(channel_names) for (data, key) in time_series: if f_format == "text": numpy.savetxt(result_file, data, delimiter=",", fmt=s_type) if not key is None: result_file.write(str(key)) result_file.flush() elif data.marker_name is not None \ and len(data.marker_name) > 0: result_file.write(str(data.marker_name)) result_file.flush() else: first_line = True marker = "" if not key is None: marker = str(key) elif data.marker_name is not None \ and len(data.marker_name) > 0: marker = str(data.marker_name) for line in data: l = list(line) l.append(marker) csvwriter.writerow(list(l)) if first_line: first_line = False marker = "" result_file.flush() result_file.close() elif f_format in ["matlab", "mat", "MATLAB"]: # todo: handle all the other attributes of ts objects! import result_file_name = os.path.join(result_path, name + key_str + ".mat") # extract a first time series object to get meta data ts1 = time_series[0][0] # collect all important information in the collection_object dataset_dict = { "sampling_frequency": ts1.sampling_frequency, "channel_names": ts1.channel_names} # we have to extract the data and labels separatly if 'channelXtime' in s_format: dataset_dict["data"] = [data.T for data, _ in time_series] else: dataset_dict["data"] = [data for data, _ in time_series] dataset_dict["labels"] = [label for _, label in time_series] # construct numpy 3d array (e.g., channelXtimeXtrials) dataset_dict["data"] = numpy.rollaxis(numpy.array( dataset_dict["data"]), 0, 3), mdict=dataset_dict) elif f_format in ["bp_eeg"]: result_file = open(os.path.join(result_path, name + key_str + ".eeg"),"a+") result_file_mrk = open(os.path.join(result_path, name + key_str + ".vmrk"),"w") result_file_mrk.write("Brain Vision Data Exchange Marker File, " "Version 1.0\n") result_file_mrk.write("; Data stored by pySPACE\n") result_file_mrk.write("[Common Infos]\n") result_file_mrk.write("Codepage=UTF-8\n") result_file_mrk.write("DataFile=%s\n" % str(name + key_str + ".eeg")) result_file_mrk.write("\n[Marker Infos]\n") markerno = 1 datapoint = 1 sf = None channel_names = None for t in time_series: if sf is None: sf = t[0].sampling_frequency if channel_names is None: channel_names = t[0].get_channel_names() for mrk in t[0].marker_name.keys(): for tm in t[0].marker_name[mrk]: result_file_mrk.write(str("Mk%d=Stimulus,%s,%d,1,0\n" % (markerno, mrk, datapoint+(tm*sf/1000.0)))) markerno += 1 data_ = t[0].astype(numpy.int16) data_.tofile(result_file) datapoint += data_.shape[0] result_hdr = open(os.path.join(result_path, name + key_str + ".vhdr"),"w") result_hdr.write("Brain Vision Data Exchange Header " "File Version 1.0\n") result_hdr.write("; Data stored by pySPACE\n\n") result_hdr.write("[Common Infos]\n") result_hdr.write("Codepage=UTF-8\n") result_hdr.write("DataFile=%s\n" % str(name + key_str + ".eeg")) result_hdr.write("MarkerFile=%s\n" % str(name + key_str + ".vmrk")) result_hdr.write("DataFormat=BINARY\n") result_hdr.write("DataOrientation=MULTIPLEXED\n") result_hdr.write("NumberOfChannels=%d\n" % len(channel_names)) result_hdr.write("SamplingInterval=%d\n\n" % (1000000/sf)) result_hdr.write("[Binary Infos]\n") result_hdr.write("BinaryFormat=INT_16\n\n") result_hdr.write("[Channel Infos]\n") # TODO: Add Resolutions to time_series # 0 = 0.1 [micro]V, # 1 = 0.5 [micro]V, # 2 = 10 [micro]V, # 3 = 152.6 [micro]V (seems to be unused!) resolutions_str = [unicode("0.1,%sV" % unicode(u"\u03BC")), unicode("0.5,%sV" % unicode(u"\u03BC")), unicode("10,%sV" % unicode(u"\u03BC")), unicode("152.6,%sV" % unicode(u"\u03BC"))] for i in range(len(channel_names)): result_hdr.write(unicode("Ch%d=%s,,%s\n" % (i+1,channel_names[i], unicode(resolutions_str[0]))).encode('utf-8')) result_file.close() else: NotImplementedError("Using unavailable storage format:%s!" % f_format) self.update_meta_data({ "channel_names": copy.deepcopy(time_series[0][0].channel_names), "sampling_frequency": time_series[0][0].sampling_frequency }) #Store meta data BaseDataset.store_meta_data(result_dir, self.meta_data)
[docs] def set_window_defs(self, window_definition, nullmarker_stride_ms=1000, no_overlap=False, data_consistency_check=False): """Code copied from StreamDataset for rewindowing data""" self.window_definition = window_definition self.nullmarker_stride_ms = nullmarker_stride_ms self.no_overlap = no_overlap self.data_consistency_check = data_consistency_check self.stream_mode = True
[docs]class TimeSeriesClient(AbstractStreamReader): """TimeSeries stream client for TimeSeries"""
[docs] def __init__(self, ts_stream, **kwargs): self.callbacks = list() self._markerids= {"null":0} # default marker self._markerNames = {0:"null"} # dictionary with marker names self.nmarkertypes = len(self.markerids) # number of different markers self._stdblocksize = None self._dSamplingInterval = None self.ts_stream = ts_stream self.blockcounter = 0 # create two different iterators, # one for data reading, the other for # peeking etc (self.ts_stream_iter,self.backup_iter) = itertools.tee(iter(ts_stream))
@property def dSamplingInterval(self): return self._dSamplingInterval @property def stdblocksize(self): return self._stdblocksize @property def markerids(self): return self._markerids @property def channelNames(self): return self._channelNames @property def markerNames(self): return self._markerNames
[docs] def regcallback(self, func): """Register callback function""" self.callbacks.append(func)
[docs] def connect(self): """connect and initialize client""" try: self._initialize( except StopIteration as e: print("timeseriesclient got no data: %s" % e) # if a StopIteration is catched right here there # is no data contained for the current modality (train/test) # in this datastream. pass
[docs] def set_window_defs(self, window_definitions): """ Set all markers at which the windows are cut""" # extract start and endmarker marker_id_index = self.nmarkertypes self._markerNames[marker_id_index] = window_definitions[0].startmarker self._markerids[window_definitions[0].startmarker] = marker_id_index marker_id_index += 1 self._markerNames[marker_id_index] = window_definitions[0].endmarker self._markerids[window_definitions[0].endmarker] = marker_id_index marker_id_index += 1 # extract all other markers for wdef in window_definitions: if not self.markerids.has_key(wdef.markername): self._markerNames[marker_id_index] = wdef.markername self._markerids[wdef.markername] = marker_id_index marker_id_index += 1 # Exclude definitions marker for edef in wdef.excludedefs: if not self.markerids.has_key(edef.markername): self._markerNames[marker_id_index] = edef.markername self._markerids[edef.markername] = marker_id_index marker_id_index += 1 # Include definitions marker for idef in wdef.includedefs: if not self.markerids.has_key(idef.markername): self._markerNames[marker_id_index] = idef.markername self._markerids[idef.markername] = marker_id_index marker_id_index += 1 self.nmarkertypes = len(self.markerNames.keys())
[docs] def _initialize(self,item): # get data part from (data,label) combination block = item[0] self.nChannels = block.shape[1] self._stdblocksize = block.shape[0] self._dSamplingInterval = block.sampling_frequency self._channelNames = block.channel_names
[docs] def read(self, nblocks=1, verbose=False): """Invoke registered callbacks for each incoming data block returns number of read _data_ blocks""" ret = 0 nread = 0 while ret != -1 and \ ret is not None and \ (nblocks == -1 or nread < nblocks): ret = self._readmsg(verbose=False) if ret is not None: for f in self.callbacks: f(self.ndsamples, self.ndmarkers) nread += 1 return nread
[docs] def _readmsg(self, msg_type='all', verbose=False): """ Read time series object from given iterator """ # the iter items are a combination of data and # dummy label -> extract data block =[0] self.blockcounter += 1 if block is None: return None # no data message read until know # -> initialize property values if self.nChannels is None: self._initialize() self.ndmarkers = numpy.zeros([self.stdblocksize], int) self.ndmarkers.fill(-1) if block.shape[0] < self.stdblocksize: return 1 for (marker, positions) in block.marker_name.iteritems(): for position_as_ms in positions: # position_as_samples = numpy.floor(position_as_ms / 1000.0 * # self.dSamplingInterval) position_as_samples = / 1000.0 * self.dSamplingInterval) # found a new marker, add it to marker name buffer if marker == -1 or not self.markerids.has_key(marker): self.nmarkertypes += 1 self.markerNames[self.nmarkertypes] = marker self.markerids[marker] = self.nmarkertypes if not self.markerids.has_key(marker): continue markerid = self.markerids[marker] if self.ndmarkers[position_as_samples] == -1: self.ndmarkers[position_as_samples] = markerid elif position_as_samples < self.stdblocksize: self.ndmarkers[position_as_samples] = markerid else: self.lostmarker = True self.lostmarkertypedesc = markerid self.readSize = (self.nChannels * self.stdblocksize) self.ndsamples = numpy.array(block) self.ndsamples.shape = (self.stdblocksize, self.nChannels) self.ndsamples = scipy.transpose(self.ndsamples) return 1