
Module: run.gui.node_chain_GUI

Graphical user interface to create a complete processing flow

This version uses PyQt4 and YAML, and was developed with Python 2.6.5

When started the GUI is checking for all existing nodes. It lists them and the corresponding parameters. Comments can also be inserted. They will appear at the beginning of the output file, which has the YAML format.

Author:Sirko Straube (

Inheritance diagram for

Inheritance diagram of

Class Summary

ConfDialog(flow_directory) Central class of the gui
NodeChainConfigurationWidget([...]) class which sets up GUI




Bases: object

Central class of the gui

Here all nodes are listed, the GUI is established and all necessary functions (within or behind the GUI) are defined. Therefore an instance of this class is a complete, fully functioning GUI.

The object is created in the class ConfiguratorDialog (see below).

Class Components Summary

deactivate_nodes() Function that (i) uses yaml.dump to format dict according to YAML specifications and (ii) deactivates nodes by adding the comment symbol “#”.
defaultParam() the default value is not set here. instead, the parameter is deleted from the
delNode() delete node from current specifications.
eval_user_defined() Evaluate a user defined parameter, so that it can be managed properly.
find_inactive_nodes(rawdata) This function takes raw YAML data (i.e.
formatNodeBox() Format NodeBox according to type selection in TypeNodeBox
formatParamBox() Format ParamBox according to node selection in NodeBox.
getPriority() determine the priority of the selected node.
getState() determines if node is specified as active and sets check accordingly in GUI
get_node_type(node_str) Parse node string for the node type
get_param_value() Get the value of the current parameter (if given) in order to display it in the corresponding TextEdit (ParamValue).
import_comment(filename) this function loads the given filename and stores all lines starting with ‘#’
init_CommentUi() setting up layout and connections of the comment dialog
init_HelpUi() setting up layout and connections of the help dialog
insertImage(icon, filename) insert image into label
insertNode() inserts a node in specifications according to where the user specified it
loadYAMLFile() load YAML file specified by user:
makeConnections() All other connections that are necessary to make the GUI work.
note(notestring) add notestring to current notes
note_user_defined() display a special note only for user defined parameters
resetNoteConnections() Each time something happens in the GUI, the notes are deleted.
resetNotes() reset text in Notes
saveYAMLFile() saves specs to specified file:
selectFile() Opens the SelectFile Dialog and inserts filename in FileEdit field.
setParam() insert parameter into current specifications
setPriority(priority) the given priority is displayed in the corresponding line edit
setState() set state in specs (internally)
setupUi(Dialog) This function does all the graphical stuff
showSpecs() show the complete specification text in YAML format
show_CommentUi() shows and updates comment ui
show_HelpUi() shows and updates help ui
updateFileName() new filename is stored internally
update_comment() writes content of commentUI-window into comment variable
update_help() updates text in help ui according to current node
validateNodesandParams(specs) This function checks the current specification for possible unspecified nodes.

This function does all the graphical stuff

The output is mainly modified from raw code created with QTDesigner. Here just the layout of the GUI is defined. The whole arrangement is mainly controlled by horizontal and vertical layouts objects and a grid layout for the whole window.


setting up layout and connections of the comment dialog


shows and updates comment ui


writes content of commentUI-window into comment variable and modifies appropriately with # symbol (if necessary)


setting up layout and connections of the help dialog


shows and updates help ui


updates text in help ui according to current node


Parse node string for the node type

This function assigns the node string (2nd argument) to a type which is used for the type sorting in the GUI. The function takes the whole NODE_MAPPING string: The type is the string between “pySPACE.missions.nodes.” and the next ”.” and corresponds to the directory in pySPACE/missions/nodes/

Returns:node type string and a boolean reflecting the success of the assignment
insertImage(icon, filename)[source]

insert image into label


Format NodeBox according to type selection in TypeNodeBox


Format ParamBox according to node selection in NodeBox. The parameter-list is derived from the parameters of the __init__ function of the current node. The parameters “self” and “args” are omitted, “kwargs” is translated into “user defined”


This function checks the current specification for possible unspecified nodes. This is necessary when e.g. a file is loaded. The file is ignored, if a non-existing node is identified. When a parameter is not present a warning is printed in the notes section, since user defined parameters are allowed.


Evaluate a user defined parameter, so that it can be managed properly. This function is executed whenever a user defined parameter is set. It decomposes the entry into <paramname>:<paramval> and returns both. If the format is wrong, nothing happens and a message is printed in the notes section.


Get the value of the current parameter (if given) in order to display it in the corresponding TextEdit (ParamValue). If a user defined parameter is selected, the function looks for undefined parameters and displays <name>:<value> instead of <value>.


This function takes raw YAML data (i.e. text not loaded with YAML function) and looks for commented nodes. The index of all of these nodes is returned, so that these nodes later get the value False for node_is_active.


Function that (i) uses yaml.dump to format dict according to YAML specifications and (ii) deactivates nodes by adding the comment symbol “#”. Here, a deepcopy is used, because the specs dict is changed (i.e. the entry node_is_active is deleted). The function checks and dumps one node after the other: Due to a difference in formatting (by YAML) when dumping one in contrast to more than one node, additional spaces are also added here. Return value is the complete specification text in YAML format.


show the complete specification text in YAML format


add notestring to current notes


this function loads the given filename and stores all lines starting with ‘#’ in the comment variable. These lines have to be at the beginning of the file and must not start with a node specification (in YAML format).


Each time something happens in the GUI, the notes are deleted. The current function establishes these connections


All other connections that are necessary to make the GUI work.


Opens the SelectFile Dialog and inserts filename in FileEdit field. If no file is selected, the filename is set to untitled.yaml


load YAML file specified by user: a dialog opens asking the user to specify a file then the file is decomposed into comment header, active and inactive nodes the results are written into the comment and the specs variable


saves specs to specified file: if there is a comment, it is written in the header all inactive nodes are marked correspondingly


new filename is stored internally


the given priority is displayed in the corresponding line edit


determine the priority of the selected node. if the node is specified multiple times, the priority of the first node found is taken respective notes are displayed


determines if node is specified as active and sets check accordingly in GUI


set state in specs (internally)


inserts a node in specifications according to where the user specified it function is executed when user presses <insert> button when priority is not specified (or wrong), the node is appended at the end


delete node from current specifications. delete is ignored if priority is not specified correct


insert parameter into current specifications

this is only happening, if user specifies node and priority correctly if parameter is existing, the value is only changed, if not, a new entry is established in specs the user defined parameter case is also considered, given it is entered in the expected way: ‘param:value’


the default value is not set here. instead, the parameter is deleted from the specifications, so that the default values are used. .. note:: this shortcoming should be improved in future versions


display a special note only for user defined parameters


reset text in Notes


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


class'.', parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget

class which sets up GUI

Class Components Summary

close() Close all gui components and gui
__init__(flow_directory='.', parent=None)[source]

Close all gui components and gui