
Module: run.gui.performance_results_analysis

Simple Gui for loading and browsing pySPACE.resources.dataset_defs.performance_result

For more documentation have a look at Analyzing performance results!


Due to import problems, matplotlib import was shifted to main method.

Inheritance diagram for

Inheritance diagram of

Class Summary

ProjectionPopup(main_window, \*args, \*\*kwargs) A pop up window that allows to specify the projection of the data.
PerformanceResultsAnalysisWidget([...]) The main window of the performance results analysis GUI
PerformanceResultsAnalysisMainWindow([...]) The main window for analysis



class, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QMainWindow

A pop up window that allows to specify the projection of the data.

This pop up window allows to select a parameter and its desired value. The result collection currently loaded in main_window is then projected onto the subset where the chosen parameter has the chosen value.

For more intuitive usage, the process is named Filter.

Class Components Summary

_cancel() Cancels projection
_create_central_widget() Create central widget of the pop-up
_project() Called when user presses “filter” button
_value_selected([selected, deselected]) Handle the selection of a new value by the user
_variable_selected(selected, deselected) Handle the selection of a new parameter by the user
__init__(main_window, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Create central widget of the pop-up

_variable_selected(selected, deselected)[source]

Handle the selection of a new parameter by the user

_value_selected(selected=None, deselected=None)[source]

Handle the selection of a new value by the user


Called when user presses “filter” button

Performs the actual projection/filtering.


Cancels projection


class, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QWidget

The main window of the performance results analysis GUI



Switch between zero and one to change different between two different printing cases.

This is yet implemented in nominal vs. nominal plots to switch in the presentation which parameter defines the main differentiation and in numeric vs. nominal to activate some dependent display of functions with a hidden parameter, to show performance differences in time and Balanced_accuracy.

Class Components Summary

_create_elements() Create elements of this widget
_draw_histogram() Draw a histogram of the current collection for the specified metric
_draw_plot() Draw a plot for the selected variable/metric combination.
_get_selected_items(items) Determine selected items from a list of items
_load_results_collection_from_file([file_name]) Load results collection from file
_load_roc_curves() Load the collection of ROC curves.
_project_onto(selected_variable, selected_values) Project onto the data where selected_variable has the values selected_values.
_project_popup() Create ‘Filter’ pop up window
_reload() Reinitialize and load new result file
_reset() Reset working collection to originally loaded one
_save() Stores the current figure to a file
_update_variable_selection() Updates the selection box for variables
__init__(results_file=None, parent=None)[source]

Load results collection from file


Load the collection of ROC curves. Max not always be available.


Create elements of this widget

_project_onto(selected_variable, selected_values)[source]

Project onto the data where selected_variable has the values selected_values.


Updates the selection box for variables


Stores the current figure to a file


Reset working collection to originally loaded one


Reinitialize and load new result file


Draw a plot for the selected variable/metric combination.


Draw a histogram of the current collection for the specified metric


Create ‘Filter’ pop up window


Determine selected items from a list of items


class, parent=None)[source]

Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QMainWindow

The main window for analysis

__init__(results_file=None, parent=None)[source]