Module: missions.nodes.classification.svm_variants.brmm
Relative Margin Machines (original and some variants)
Inheritance diagram for pySPACE.missions.nodes.classification.svm_variants.brmm

Class Summary¶
RMM2Node ([random, omega, max_iterations, ...]) |
Classify with 2-norm SVM relaxation (b in target function) for BRMM |
RMM1ClassifierNode ([normalize_C, ...]) |
Classify with 1-Norm SVM and relative margin |
SVR2BRMMNode ([range, complexity]) |
Simple wrapper around epsilon-SVR with BRMM parameter mapping |
RMMClassifierMatlabNode ([range]) |
Classify with Relative Margin Machine using original matlab code |
RmmPerceptronNode ([version, kernel_type, ...]) |
Online Learning variants of the 2-norm RMM |
(random=False, omega=1.0, max_iterations=inf, version='samples', reduce_non_zeros=True, linear_weighting=False, calc_looCV=False, range_=inf, outer_complexity=None, offset_factor=1, squared_loss=False, co_adaptive=False, co_adaptive_index=inf, history_index=1, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Classify with 2-norm SVM relaxation (b in target function) for BRMM
The balanced relative margin machine (BRMM) is a modification of the original relative margin machine (RMM). The details to this algorithm can be found in the given reference.
This node extends a successive over relaxation algorithm for adaption on new data with some variants.
For further details, have a look at the given reference, the reduced_descent method which is an elemental processing step and the _inc_train method, which uses the status of the algorithm as a warm start.
main author Krell, M. M. and Feess, D. and Straube, S. title Balanced Relative Margin Machine - The Missing Piece Between FDA and SVM Classification journal Pattern Recognition Letters publisher Elsevier doi 10.1016/j.patrec.2013.09.018 year 2014 Parameters
Most parameters are already included into the
.random: Numerical recipes suggests to randomize the order of alpha. M&M suggest to sort the alpha by their magnitude.
(optional, default: False)
omega: Descent factor of optimization algorithm. Should be between 0 and 2! Numerical recipes uses 1.3 and M&M choose 1.0.
(optional, default: 1.0)
version: Using the matrix with the scalar products or using only the samples and track changes in w and b for fast calculations. Both versions give totally the same result but they are available for comparison. Samples is mostly a bit faster. For kernel usage only matrix is possible.
(optional, default: “samples”)
reduce_non_zeros: In the inner loops, indices are rejected, if they loose there support.
(optional, default: True)
linear_weighting: Add a linear weighting in the loss term. We use the index as weight and normalize it to have a total sum of 1.
(optional, default: False)
calc_looCV: Calculate the leave-one-out metrics on the training data
(optional, default: False)
range_: Upper bound for the prediction value before its ‘outer loss’ is punished with outer_complexity.
Using this parameter (with value >1) activates the RMM.
(optional, default: numpy.inf)
outer_complexity: Cost factor for to high values in classification. (see range_)
(optional, default: `complexity`)
offset_factor: Reciprocal weight, for offset treatment in the model
0: Use no offset 1: Normal affine approach from augmented feature vectors high: Only small punishment of offset, enabling larger offsets (danger of numerical instability) If 0 is used, the offset b is set to zero, otherwise it is used via augmented feature vectors with different augmentation factors. The augmentation value corresponds to 1/offset_factor, where 1/0 corresponds to infinity.
(optional, default: 1)
squared_loss: Use L2 loss (optional) instead of L1 loss (default).
(optional, default: False)
In the implementation we do not use alpha but dual_solution for the variables of the dual optimization problem, which is optimized with this algorithm.
In the RMM case dual solution weights are concatenated. The RMM algorithm was constructed in the same way as in the mentioned references.
As a stopping criterion we use the maximum change to be less than some tolerance.
Exemplary Call
- node : 2RMM parameters : complexity : 1.0 weight : [1,3] debug : True store : True class_labels : ['Standard', 'Target']
Input: FeatureVector
Output: PredictionVector
Author: Mario Michael Krell (
Created: 2012/06/27
- 2RMM
- RMM2Node
Class Components Summary
(x)Executes the classifier on the given data vector in the linear case _inc_train
(data, label)Warm Start Implementation by Mario Michael Krell _stop_training
([debug])Train the SVM with the SOR algorithm on the collected training data append_sample
(label)Mapping between labels and weights/class factors calculate_weigts_and_class_factors
()Calculate weights in the loss term and map label to -1 and 1 input_types
(M[, reduced_indices])The algorithm is calling the reduced_descent
method in loops over alphalooCV
()Calculate leave one out metrics project
(value, index)Projection method of soft_relax reduce_dual_weight
(index)Change weight at index to zero reduced_descent
(current_dual, M, ...)Basic iteration step over a set of indices, possibly subset of all reiterate
(parameters)Change the parameters in the model and reiterate total_descent
(current_dual, M[, reduced_indices])Different sorting of indices and iteration over all indices update_classification_function
(delta, index)update classification function parameter w and b update_data
()Recalculate w, samples and M -
(random=False, omega=1.0, max_iterations=inf, version='samples', reduce_non_zeros=True, linear_weighting=False, calc_looCV=False, range_=inf, outer_complexity=None, offset_factor=1, squared_loss=False, co_adaptive=False, co_adaptive_index=inf, history_index=1, **kwargs)[source]¶
(x)[source]¶ Executes the classifier on the given data vector in the linear case
prediction value = <w,data>+b
(debug=False)[source]¶ Train the SVM with the SOR algorithm on the collected training data
()[source]¶ Calculate weights in the loss term and map label to -1 and 1
(label)[source]¶ Mapping between labels and weights/class factors
The values are added to the corresponding list. This is done in a separate function, since it is also needed for adaption.
(M, reduced_indices=[])[source]¶ The algorithm is calling the
method in loops over alphaIn the first step it uses a complete loop over all components of alpha and in the second inner loop only the non zero alpha are observed till come convergence criterion is reached.
reduced_indices will be skipped in observation.
(current_dual, M, relevant_indices)[source]¶ Basic iteration step over a set of indices, possibly subset of all
The main principle is to make a descent step with just one index, while fixing the other dual_solutions.
The main formula comes from M&M:
Here we use c for the weights for each sample in the loss term, which is normally complexity times corresponding class weight. y is used for the labels, which have to be 1 or -1.
In the sample version only the diagonal of M is used. The sum with the alpha is tracked by using the classification vector w and the offset b.
(delta, index)[source]¶ update classification function parameter w and b
(current_dual, M, reduced_indices=[])[source]¶ Different sorting of indices and iteration over all indices
(data, label)[source]¶ Warm Start Implementation by Mario Michael Krell
The saved status of the algorithm, including the Matrix M, is used as a starting point for the iteration. Only the problem has to be lifted up one dimension.
= set([ChoiceParameter<kernel_type>, NoOptimizationParameter<linear_weighting>, BooleanParameter<squared_loss>, NoOptimizationParameter<dtype>, NoOptimizationParameter<use_list>, NoOptimizationParameter<kwargs_warning>, BooleanParameter<regression>, QLogUniformParameter<max_iterations>, NormalParameter<ratio>, NoOptimizationParameter<output_dim>, LogNormalParameter<tolerance>, UniformParameter<nu>, NoOptimizationParameter<store>, NoOptimizationParameter<input_dim>, LogNormalParameter<epsilon>, NoOptimizationParameter<retrain>, ChoiceParameter<offset_factor>, QNormalParameter<offset>, NoOptimizationParameter<omega>, LogUniformParameter<complexity>, QUniformParameter<max_time>, NoOptimizationParameter<debug>, LogUniformParameter<range_>, NoOptimizationParameter<keep_vectors>])¶
= ['FeatureVector']¶
(normalize_C=False, outer_complexity=None, range=2, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Classify with 1-Norm SVM and relative margin
Implementation via Simplex Algorithms for exact solutions.
It is important, that the data is reduced and has not more then 2000 features.
This algorithm is an extension of the original RMM as outlined in the reference.
main author Krell, M. M. and Feess, D. and Straube, S. title Balanced Relative Margin Machine - The Missing Piece Between FDA and SVM Classification journal Pattern Recognition Letters publisher Elsevier doi 10.1016/j.patrec.2013.09.018 year 2013 - Parameters
complexity: Complexity sets the weighting of punishment for misclassification in comparison to generalizing classification from the data. Value in the range form 0 to infinity.
(optional, default: 1)
outer_complexity: Outer complexity sets the weighting of punishment being outside the range in comparison to generalizing classification from the data and the misclassification above. Value in the range form 0 to infinity. By default it uses the outer complexity. For using infinity, use numpy.inf, a string containing inf or a negative value.
(recommended, default: complexity_value)
weight: Defines parameter for class weights. I is an array with two entries. Set the parameter C of class i to weight*C.
(optional, default: [1,1])
range: Defines constraint radius for the outer boarder of the classification. Going to infinity, this classifier will be identical to the 1 Norm SVM. This parameter should be always greater then one. Going to one, the classifier will be a variant of the Regularized Linear Discriminant analysis.
(optional, default: 2)
class_labels: Sets the labels of the classes. This can be done automatically, but setting it will be better, if you want to have similar predictions values for classifiers trained on different sets. Otherwise this variable is built up by occurrence of labels. Furthermore the important class (ir_class) should get the second position in the list, such that it gets higher prediction values by the classifier.
(recommended, default: [])
debug: If debug is True one gets additional output concerning the classification.
(optional, default: False)
store: Parameter of super-class. If store is True, the classification vector is stored as a feature vector.
(optional, default: False)
Exemplary Call
- node : 1RMM parameters : complexity : 1.0 weight : [1,2.5] debug : False store : True range : 2
Input: FeatureVector
Output: PredictionVector
Author: Mario Krell (
Revised: 2010/04/09
- RMM1ClassifierNode
- RMM1Classifier
Class Components Summary
([debug])Finish the training, i.e. calculate_classification_vector
(model)Copy from Norm1ClassifierNode due to avoid cross importing calculate_slack_variables
(model)Calculate slack variables from the given SVM model create_problem_matrix
(n, e)get_solution_with_timeout
(c, n, e, h)input_types
(debug=False)[source]¶ Finish the training, i.e. train the SVM.
This makes the same as the 1-Norm RMM, except that there are additional restrictions pushing the classification into two closed intervals instead of two open. At both ends there is the same kind of soft Margin.
(model)[source]¶ Copy from Norm1ClassifierNode due to avoid cross importing
= set([ChoiceParameter<kernel_type>, NormalParameter<ratio>, NoOptimizationParameter<kwargs_warning>, NoOptimizationParameter<dtype>, NoOptimizationParameter<output_dim>, NoOptimizationParameter<use_list>, LogUniformParameter<complexity>, LogNormalParameter<epsilon>, BooleanParameter<regression>, NoOptimizationParameter<retrain>, QNormalParameter<range>, NoOptimizationParameter<store>, NoOptimizationParameter<input_dim>, QNormalParameter<offset>, NoOptimizationParameter<debug>, QUniformParameter<max_time>, BooleanParameter<normalize_C>, LogNormalParameter<tolerance>, UniformParameter<nu>, NoOptimizationParameter<keep_vectors>])¶
= ['FeatureVector']¶
(range=3, complexity=1, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Simple wrapper around epsilon-SVR with BRMM parameter mapping
Class Components Summary
= ['FeatureVector']¶
(range=2, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Classify with Relative Margin Machine using original matlab code
This node integrates of the “original” Shivaswamy RMM code. This RMM is implemented in Matlab and uses the mosek optimization suite.
For this node to work, make sure that
- Matlab is installed.
- The pymatlab Python package is installed properly. pymatlab can be downloaded from For a MacOS setup guide please see
- mosek is installed and matlab can access it. See People with university affiliation can request free academic licenses within seconds from
main author Shivaswamy, P. K. and Jebara, T. title Maximum relative margin and data-dependent regularization journal Journal of Machine Learning Research pages 747-788 volume 11 year 2010 - Parameters
complexity: Complexity sets the weighting of punishment for misclassification in comparison to generalizing classification from the data. Value in the range form 0 to infinity.
(optional, default: 1)
range: Defines constraint radius for the outer boarder of the classification. Going to infinity, this classifier will be identical to the SVM. This parameter should be always greater then one. Going to one, the classifier will be a variant of the Regularized Linear Discriminant analysis.
(optional, default: 2)
This classification node doesn’t have nice debugging outputs as most errors will occur in mosek, i.e., from within the matlab session. In the rmm.m matlab code one might want to save the ‘res’ variable as it contains mosek error codes.
This implementation doesn’t use class weights, i.e., w=[1,1] is fixed.
Exemplary Call
- node : RMMmatlab parameters : complexity : 1.0 range : 2.0 class_labels : ['Standard', 'Target']
Input: FeatureVector
Output: PredictionVector
Author: David Feess (
Revised: 2011/03/10
POSSIBLE NODE NAMES: - RMMClassifierMatlabNode
- RMMClassifierMatlab
- RMMmatlab
Class Components Summary
([debug])Finish the training, i.e. input_types
(debug=False)[source]¶ Finish the training, i.e. train the RMM. Essentially, the data is passed to matlab, and the classification vector w and the offset b are returned.
= set([ChoiceParameter<kernel_type>, NormalParameter<ratio>, NoOptimizationParameter<input_dim>, NoOptimizationParameter<dtype>, NoOptimizationParameter<output_dim>, QNormalParameter<offset>, NoOptimizationParameter<use_list>, UniformParameter<nu>, NoOptimizationParameter<retrain>, LogUniformParameter<complexity>, NoOptimizationParameter<keep_vectors>, NoOptimizationParameter<kwargs_warning>, LogNormalParameter<epsilon>, NoOptimizationParameter<debug>, QUniformParameter<max_time>, QNormalParameter<range_>, LogNormalParameter<tolerance>, BooleanParameter<regression>, NoOptimizationParameter<store>])¶
= ['FeatureVector']¶
(version='samples', kernel_type='LINEAR', co_adaptive=False, co_adaptive_index=inf, history_index=1, **kwargs)[source]¶ Bases:
Online Learning variants of the 2-norm RMM
See also
co_adaptive: Integrate backtransformation into classifier to catch changing preprocessing
(optional, default: False)
co_adaptive_index: Number of nodes to go back
(optional, default: numpy.inf)
history_index: Number of history index of original data used for co-adaptation
(optional, default: 1)
Exemplary Call
- node : RmmPerceptronNode parameters : range : 3 complexity : 1.0 weight : [1,3] class_labels : ['Standard', 'Target']
Author: Mario Michael Krell
Created: 2014/01/02
- RmmPerceptronNode
Class Components Summary
(data, label)Incremental training and normal training are the same _stop_training
([debug])Do nothing than suppressing mother method _train
(data, class_label)Main method for incremental and normal training train
(data, label)Prevent RegularizedClassifierBase method from being called update_from_history
()Update w from historic data to catch changing preprocessing -
(version='samples', kernel_type='LINEAR', co_adaptive=False, co_adaptive_index=inf, history_index=1, **kwargs)[source]¶
(data, class_label)[source]¶ Main method for incremental and normal training
Code is a shortened version from the batch algorithm.
= set([NoOptimizationParameter<kernel_type>, NoOptimizationParameter<linear_weighting>, BooleanParameter<squared_loss>, NoOptimizationParameter<dtype>, NoOptimizationParameter<use_list>, NoOptimizationParameter<kwargs_warning>, BooleanParameter<regression>, QLogUniformParameter<max_iterations>, NormalParameter<ratio>, NoOptimizationParameter<output_dim>, NoOptimizationParameter<version>, LogNormalParameter<tolerance>, UniformParameter<nu>, NoOptimizationParameter<store>, NoOptimizationParameter<input_dim>, LogNormalParameter<epsilon>, NoOptimizationParameter<retrain>, ChoiceParameter<offset_factor>, QNormalParameter<offset>, NoOptimizationParameter<omega>, LogUniformParameter<complexity>, QUniformParameter<max_time>, NoOptimizationParameter<debug>, LogUniformParameter<range_>, NoOptimizationParameter<keep_vectors>])¶